Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Coming back was much better. It had warmed up and the roads were better. The ice patch I had to walk passed earlier had melted. One road was still a little icy so I took it easy there. I now have a pair of studded tyres, just as it's due to warm up. I'll fit them over the weekend and run them in next week.


Cycling in the sun
Coming back was much better. It had warmed up and the roads were better. The ice patch I had to walk passed earlier had melted. One road was still a little icy so I took it easy there. I now have a pair of studded tyres, just as it's due to warm up. I'll fit them over the weekend and run them in next week.
The year I bought mine they arrived just as the snow departed but at least you now have them.


Über Member
It was a bad day at work and because of that I didn't leave work until about quarter to nine.

When I walked out of work it was dry but just as I was unlocking my bike the rain started. On the plus side I thought that this must mean that the temperature is at least above freezing so I'll just grit my teeth and get home after a bad week at work.

But then to add insult to injury I was then blasted by an icy headwind right in the face all of the way home apart from the occasional bits whereby I was getting buffeted from side to side by strong cross winds.

All in all it made for slow progress and a fairly miserable ride home but at least I made it in one piece.

Hope that everyone has a good weekend.


Perfect conditions this morning meant I took a full minute off my 5 mile personal best to work! Bit of a tailwind, cold but fresh. The only thing I am noticing is a bit of a tweak in my left wrist. I presume it's all part of the "bedding in" process.


Über Member
Another good week commuting to work, new bike running fine.

Weather was fine, only had a bit of rain on Tuesday morning, Thursday it was a bit icy on the road, but just took my time,
I did have to modify the front light again, the handlebars not really thick enough to hold the light tight, so I cut an old innertube into a small strip, wrapped that around the handlebar,and a bit of insulation tape fixed it.:smile:


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Pretty chuffed when I stepped out of the door, the forecast rain wasn't falling. Smugness wiped away at least 20 seconds later as I pulled away, that fine stuff too. Only lasted for the first 5 miles or so. Not far from work, one of the smaller lanes is absolutely covered in crap, deposited from tractor wheels. A proportion of that crap thought it best to grab a lift with me and has now undone my weekend work of cleaning and then some. I'm sure the hack is about a kilo heavier now!


Had one of those mornings...

Realised I only had one kit clean so on with the wash as soon as I get home tonight, and then forgot my water bottle - don't really need it for 13 miles but as I run hot, gives me a nice boost half-way there.

Numpty count: 2 - two idiots almost kill me, one on the Portsmouth Road who decided to try and overtake me at the pinch point near Surbiton Cycles and cut right back in on me while there was a BMW who pulled right out onto the main blind as there was a lorry blocking his view

Get to the office and my back light makes a break for freedom so have just had to fix that....

and it's only just 9 :cursing:


Cycling in the sun
Warm out this morning. Even though I put on fewer layers I was still undoing my jacket and taking off my gloves!

I had a pass by a pick up truck that was exemplary (waiting behind until a decent gap), who then stopped a bit further along the road, so I peeked around to see they had read the road ahead that a large lorry was coming and that was the best passing spot (opposite a junction), except the dozy driver in the side road assumed it was for them, pulled out into the way of the lorry and then got stuck trying to pull out of the way. Immediately after both the dozy driver and me turned off, and I was able to watch how over cautious they were at every junction including stopping to turn into a side road, I'm not sure they should be on the road myself!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Traffic, so much bloody traffic in SE London this morning.
Another day of waking up to rain on the velux, but the time I left for work it had stopped. And it was milder then recently.

@Beebo @deptfordmarmoset @Nocode . All change at the Lewisham RAB of death. No traffic from the right when turning left from Molesworth Street.
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