So, half nine this morning, I was coming around the Crooked Billet RAB, Staines to enter Staines along the London Road. No deviation needed as the lane I was in is continuous.
The lane kinks left and is a pinch point from the second lane, which is straight on, but drivers always speed past lane 1, the correct lane, to get in front.,284.97,,0,16.74 Traffic is heavy and whilst am in a strong secondary, this old gentleman in a green Renault Scenic creeps closer and closer going around the corner, all whilst am looking directly at him fully aware what he is doing, all till he's under an arms length away and the passenger spots my and an urgent deviation is needed and taken. Luckily, I was grinding to a halt knowing I would get squashed. Anyhow, 10 yards on, traffic comes to a stand still and I see the passenger window winding down and the driver leaning across. To say he was of the utmost apologetic was an understatement, was genuinely sorry and, like his passenger, wanted to be sure that I was okay and explained that, (and as I had saw too, so was in agreement), that the car in front and car merging from the outside and pushing in where driving erratically, so want to make sure he was okay but completely forgot about me. So, I took a different tact, thinking Ill leave a thought in their heads. I said no worries and thank you and its the junction that causes conflicts as it offers me ( a cyclist ) no protection and plenty of driver distraction. This, left the look on their faces of like a lightbulb turning on, and I bid them farewell.
Only two weeks ago I saw a squashed bike lent next to the railings and half a year ago a car on its roof from taking the junction too fast. It dawned on me earlier that there are no safe routes into and out of Staines.. Tory run Council.. They like car parks and traffic jams...