Had my first visit from the puncture fairy on the Great Western Road on my way home last night

A car was slowing and pulling over to turn left, I moved to the right to overtake and went over a drain cover (which wasn't exactly flush with the road) and felt my rear tyre pop. I had planned to extend my route with an extra loop round Gartnavel hospital along Crow Road and up Anniesland Road then back home but that was scuppered about half way. I just started commuting last week and I don't have a spare inner tube or puncture repair kit in my bag so just wheeled it home... It would have taken just as long to get to the nearest train station and I have no idea what buses go near my flat even if I could squeeze my bike on one. The only upsides to the journey were knocking twelve seconds off the one strava segment I passed before the puncture (which put me 7th overall) and it wasn't raining as I trudged along and several other cyclists whizzed past me! It turned out I did have a repair kit at home but I was too p***ed off at myself for being so poorly prepared to fix it last night, so I've got that to look forward to when I get in tonight!