Tales from today's commute....

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Almost the perfect commute again. Traffic was a nightmare but I walked into the town for tea and by the time I walked back it was all gone. I say almost, as going along this road; traffic was a standstill as usual, and rather than undertaking a left turner I drifted out of the cycle lane in 5mph traffic and didn't cut immediately back but stayed the 2foot behind the near stationary car in front (the traffic cushion also makes it awkward). After that I had the temerity not to veer back into the lane as I was turning right into a cycle path; plenty of room at that point to undertake which the car behind did with ease keeping the jam moving. I had to giveway for a moment and in that moment he decided I should 'stay in the cycle lane' :rolleyes:
Well the wife had been away for 10 days so my diet was lacking, as I could not be bothered to cook, so just ended up having 2 chicken breast sandwiches for dinner, and just ate some Alpen at work. As the days wore on my cycling ability just got steadily worse, last week, hit the wall one eve, and Monday morning legs like lead. Did not really put it down to diet. Anyway she is back so cooked us a proper meal of roast chicken, and my first vegetables in 10 days, boy was it lovely.

Today, to and from work, felt like a new man!

Coming home I thought I was doing well, back up to 18-20 mph and racing people again.

However, was caught again by @MisterStan and St Ives!

I think he has 3 shredded wheat.............


Senior Member
Got properly cut up by someone who turned right at the lights in front of me when I was doing about 24mph. Just missed him and heard them all cheering and laughing. They started to wave an apology when they saw I had turned round and was catching them up and apparently it wasnt so funny by the time I caught them up.
I kid ye not his excuse was 'cyclists jump reds all the time. It's dangerous.' He then said it was amber when I went through which changed to it was probably going to change to amber shortly.

Trying to let it wash over me but still annoyed. I would have loved to ripped off his wing mirror and hurled it through his open window. The catharsis would have been nice but probably not worth it in the long run. Takes me bloody hours to fully let it go every time. You'd think I'd be used to it by now!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Had a strange one this evening.
Was scooting at a good pace up the A21 when a chap on a Cube overtook me. He was quick, but his bike handling skills were very off. Swerving here there are every where. He also liked to spit a lot.
Anyway, staying a good 10 feet behind him as we both tacked up the A21 so as not to get spat on. We hit Bromley Hill at a fair old crack. I then saw that he was slowly running out of puff on the hill. He looked back, saw I was still with him. So he then decided to ride onto the pavement let me overtake and try tack on to my wheel. Strange. Not having that I thought, so lit some spare afterburners and left him behind.

Really nice quick ride home.....


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Commuting by bike can be really unpleasant around here. :whistle:



Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Yep, Shrigley Road between Higher Poynton and Pott Shrigley, looking towards Manchester. :biggrin:

Know it well. Too well. LOL


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Commute tonight involved negotiating the Eastville roundabout not very cycle friendly ! Links the M32 / Tesco / Ikea so obviously very busy with lots of lane changing .
After that things improved passing the Hippodrome, SS Great Britain & crossing the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
Also managed a KOM on Strava :smile:


Commute tonight involved negotiating the Eastville roundabout not very cycle friendly ! Links the M32 / Tesco / Ikea so obviously very busy with lots of lane changing .
After that things improved passing the Hippodrome, SS Great Britain & crossing the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
Also managed a KOM on Strava :smile:

Eastville RAB not very cycle friendly.... that's an extreme understatement, it's not very car friendly either. Hate that RAB whenever I go to IKEA.

Archeress x
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