Tales from today's commute....

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Here for rides.
On the ride home last night, I arrived at the give way lines of a T junction where I am turning left. Chummy, an Erick Pickles lookalike pulls up alongside me, straddling the center line. "Ho hum" think I "he must be turning right". So I look at his nearside indicator repeater. It is flashing. "Aha, he's going to try to kill me by overtaking whilst I am turning left". I just sat there shaking my head in disbelief as, sure is eggs is eggs he began to emerge and cut across my putative path. Some drivers just take no pride in their driving. The car behind us waited and when he passed me later on wound down his window and said "Sorry mate, that was terrible!"

This morning's ride in was a delight btw. And a new record, I saw six other cyclists and overtook two of them; the only two travelling in my direction.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Went to police with this on Friday and back again this evening for an appointment with a PC. He was dismissive of it before seeing the video and after watching refused to even take a statement. I never genuinely expected a prosecution but at the very least they should give the driver a proper talking to. He just didn't take me seriously at all, neither did his inspector. I have contact details for Professional Standards because for the hour I was in there I felt patronised and insulted for daring to give up my time to deal with a s**t driver.

"Birmingham's roads are hazardous, we know that", Plod told me. Want to cycle in Birmingham? Don't expect WMP to protect you.
let me guess, not traffic police?
Don't bother reporting anything to anyone but the traffic unit.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I filtered past a car which was waiting to pass some parked cars which had narrowed the road so it couldn't accomodate two cars. It however left plenty of space for the oncoming car and myself to pass comfortably. Why he shouted "learn the highway code" at me when he finally caught me half a mile up the road :wacko: I do not know . I didn't breach it (car inferiority complex in full effect). Turd just because I am faster through the traffic than you in your Chelsea tractor you feel the need to spout bollocks.:dry:


Über Member
Glad I had my coat on for the ride into work, was a chilly morning.

And a miracle happened on the way home, a taxi driver , yes a taxi driver, looked in his door mirror before opening his door, and he waited for me to pass, I was in shock at this act of kindness.:bravo:


Here for rides.
Now I've seen it all...

Riding at 20mph+ in secondary, nowt coming the other way. Nice wide SC road albeit divided by long hazard lines, in a 50mph zone. Micra behind begins to overtake, like it is allergic to me, right on the far side of the road, but without a gear change down so passes doing about 5mph more than me.

There is a revving engine closing fast behind me, the Micra is still on the far side of the road about two bike lengths ahead of me, a Golf appears alongside of me, slowing sharply, it goes down a gear the engine is gunned and Golf attempts to undertake Micra. But Micra has started pulling over to the left and just as I'm thinking "Kaboom!" Micra spots Golf and steers abruptly to the right again. Golf roars through gap and completes undertake. Micra slowly pulls over to the left by which time an Audi is overtaking both me and Micra.



Now I've seen it all...

Riding at i20mph+ in secondary, nowt coming the other way. Nice wide SC road albeit divided by long hazard lines, in a 50mph zone. Micra behind begins to overtake, like it is allergic to me, right on the far side of the road, but without a gear change down so passes doing about 5mph more than me.

There is a revving engine closing fast behind me, the Micra is still on the far side of the road about two bike lengths ahead of me, a Golf appears alongside of me, slowing sharply, it goes down a gear the engine is gunned and Golf attempts to undertake Micra. But Micra has started pulling over to the left and just as I'm thinking "Kaboom!" Micra spots Golf and steers abruptly to the right again. Golf roars through gap and completes undertake. Micra slowly pulls over to the left by which time an Audi is overtaking both me and Micra.


If that had happened to me I'd have needed to sit by the side of the road for best part of an hour just to recover my nerves.

Glad you're safe
Archeress x


Here for rides.
If that had happened to me I'd have needed to sit by the side of the road for best part of an hour just to recover my nerves.

Glad you're safe
Archeress x
Let's just say I rode the rest of the way home very slowly whilst scanning the sky for falling pianos.


Über Member
Preston, UK
Coming up to roadworks and traffic backing up. No probs for me as there is a cycle lane. Mini comes past but starts steering towards the kerb. No chance of stopping so get nearside pedal up and somehow squeeze through without clipping wing mirror. Not sure if deliberate or a moment of inattentiveness ;-)


Über Member
Barely 10deg on the trusty garden thermometer activated my level 2 cold weather procedure. Full finger gloves and coat. Long sleeve t shirt underneath. I had to remove the coat after 3 miles or so but I certainly needed it to start with


Label Required
Cool enough for a base layer under my ss jersey this morning, could have done with arm warmers to start off too, but still haven't ordered any! Very misty - had the red flasher on the back too.
Moved my seat up a bit this week and am feeling so much more comfortable on the bike.


Dog on a bike
If it wasn't for my remaining ailments (niggly achilles, numb palms) I'd be flying in to work. Feel as fit as a butcher's dog at the mo and should be setting personal bests but the ankle is holding me back on hills.

Still fun commuting in the school hols though.
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