Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Great morning. Doubled the commute distance into a site office. Still arrived an hour early for the meeting. Bonus is the coffee has turned up early.


Glorious ride in this morning after my two punctures last week. Beat a personal best after 13miles which was surprising as i thought i had taken it easy. Only a few close shaves and no verbal abuse. Result!


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
BANG hisssssss:eek: . Bollocks last nights snake bite has split the tyre and dented the rim, resulting in a second blow out this morning, should have checked more carefully yesterday when I got in, hope the rim is salvagble. Off to the bike shop to aquire a new tyre at lunch.:angry:


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Legs felt dead today after 10 days of no rest days. but still rolled in pretty quickly.
1 rljer must have gone through 14 lights and everytime I caught him up, now what was strange is that this guy was reasonably fast, so it was hard work to re-pass him before the next red light.


Nr Cambridge
Okay who let the idiots out of the asylum?..
Person 1. Straight across to the wrong side of the road without looking over their shoulder & then cycling along the kerb on the wrong side causing a car to swerve out.
Person 2. A car pulls up on my right a little ahead of me. Then turns left almost taking my front wheel out & gets knocked by the cyclist besides me.
Person 3. Walking across the road behind a bus with its reversing lights & reversing beeper on & starts shouting when the bus starts to reverse!
Person 4. Turning round between two lorries just pokes their bonnet straight across the nearside carriageway without any visibility.
Person 5. Riding with no hands fail... up hill about 8m in front of a car. Good job the driver was aware & was doing about 5mph!

Total riding distance 6km... 3 of that was in open 25-30mph traffic...


I've scalped the odd cyclist before but none have fought back, so today had my first bit of SCR. Bloke on a MTB, me on the cross (with packed panniers). He speeds up when he clocks me waiting to turn right onto the road he is on. I get held up by cars and pull out when he is a couple of hundred meters up the road. Steadily close him down and catch him at traffic lights. He sprints from the lights and I stay with him, I'm lycra clad and clipped in, he's in hi-viz and hob nailed boots so I fancy my chances :smile: We're doing 20mph and I wait until the pinch point is clear and gun it, happy in the knowledge that I have to keep it going or I will look a bit foolish. Happy to say that I nailed it, and got to work in record time.

It's odd for me to meet another cyclist going the same way as me, yet alone one that want's to have a bit of a race.


For whom the bell dings
I was riding through waves and waves of insects this morning at 4am, it was horrible, like organic rain.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It's going to be a very warm commute home tonight. Less cloud and less wind. Will get home a right ol' sweaty bugger.


Über Member
A very warm commute home tonight decided to take the hilly route home, had to stop once on the last final biggish climb but other than a great ride even with the heat of the road and my fitness is coming a long nicely :smile:


Legendary Member
Was stupidly warm tonight. Had a young lad step out in front of me near the end of the ride, luckily a quick shout out to him and he jumped back.

To the bloke on the recumbent, definitely the right bike for you. He was that laid back in attitude if he had been on a normal bike he would have fallen off.


Active Member
South London
Oh dear.
This morning, heading into London and joining the start of the CS7 at Colliers Wood tube and saw two cyclist getting a lecture from community police officers for riding the pavement trying to beat the traffic at that stretch. I admit it's a tight two lane squeeze at those lights when there's traffic just as ths CS7 starts and its tempting to ride the pavement, but no sympathy for them.
strange one today...on the way home, on CS7, overtook a man "walking" his dog while cycling on the road.

the dog was on the pavement and he was on the road between clapham north and common.

poor dog was struggling a bit and it was hard to tell whether the leash was attached to the handlebar or whether he was holding it.

got it on video too.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Nice to be back on the bike after having 6 days away, too warm for my liking though. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, although from the mess on some of the roads it was clear a lot of horses had used part of my route !


Nearly hit by a runaway pick-up truck this morning, it was parked up on the opposite side of the road pointing my way when it started coming directly towards me. I slowed and waved and shouted, but all in vain as it was driverless. I avoided it and it carried on by me, the Mini behind had to reverse to avoid being hit. Found the owner who said 'not again'. It was a Nissan Navarra.
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