I've scalped the odd cyclist before but none have fought back, so today had my first bit of SCR. Bloke on a MTB, me on the cross (with packed panniers). He speeds up when he clocks me waiting to turn right onto the road he is on. I get held up by cars and pull out when he is a couple of hundred meters up the road. Steadily close him down and catch him at traffic lights. He sprints from the lights and I stay with him, I'm lycra clad and clipped in, he's in hi-viz and hob nailed boots so I fancy my chances

We're doing 20mph and I wait until the pinch point is clear and gun it, happy in the knowledge that I have to keep it going or I will look a bit foolish. Happy to say that I nailed it, and got to work in record time.
It's odd for me to meet another cyclist going the same way as me, yet alone one that want's to have a bit of a race.