Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
Sure will do !

I will try and get to Swavesey at 7.20, but don't wait for me just in case !
Off next Mon and Tue but will try for tomorrow!!

Sorry - we came down the road way Friday (only just caught up with messages on here.................)
Maybe try to catch you later this week - enjoy the weather
Felt a bit braindead after the weeken but physically fit so I decided to go a longer route which involves little conflict with traffic/ rbts. I was going to follow a shared use route in town but it was full of potential conflicts and I'd woken up by then so I opted for the rbt route in town.


Great ride it, only a few cars overtook, one that just had to get in front and immediately hit the brakes to avoid the car in front. Plenty of room to go passed and chuckle. Quickest ride in although it didn't feel fast, just a pleasant rhythm. No other cyclists to be seen this morning.


Evo Lucas
Tried to stop a numpty filtering up the inside of a HGV this morning. " but I do it all the time "

One time it will be his last.


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Another beautiful morning ride in, really looking forward to the return journey.

Maybe you could all join me in congratulating @martinclive for commuting on his bike 5 days last week for the first time! Well done mate. :thumbsup:


Charming but somewhat feckless
I have a bruised calf and skinned ankle after getting out of the way of a stupid bint reversing at me while I was stopped behind her.

A narrow backstreet in Shawlands where a bin lorry was blocking the road and she decides to reverse rather than wait. She didn't look behind while doing so and I tried steering right while at the same time giving three rapid slaps to her rear window, which shows just how close she came to squashing me. I just got out from behind her in time then my rear wheel spun out and I got a right sore pedal slap on the back of my left leg and I hit the deck.

No apology for not looking where she was going although she did ask if I was ok. I was too annoyed to suggest she checks behind before reversing in future.



Über Member
I remembered my big ring today - I used to only use it for significant downhills, but today realised that if I'm doing 25 in 8/2, switching up to the big ring and spinning just a little bit faster can bring that to 30. Will use it more frequently now, I think.

I was always paranoid that I'd shift up and lose all the momentum in my legs by having to drop my cadence to 30rpm.

Plenty of other cyclists, too, it felt like London... in winter. Some other roadie came up behind me and challenged me to a race, I tore off at about 30mph ;o left him for dead. A decent tailwind helped a bit!


Über Member
Well woke up this morning, and after having 8 days off I did not want to go back in to work.
So I thought for a change I would take the road bike (instead of the mtb), so much faster, just took my time going over the tram track (23mm road tyres)
only 4.2 miles into work, I went the long way round and did 9 miles :smile:

And so much better cycling in the sunshine :sun:


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Sun :sun: - check ^_^
Beautiful blue skys - check ^_^
Lovely country roads - check ^_^
Dropped a bloke on a road bike - check ^_^
Annoying headwind - check ^_^

If you were near N.Bristol this afternoon, it could have been me you dropped !
Think the heat sapped all my energy & I was dropped by a MTB'er :cursing:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
OK I can put up with this blistering heat. I can put of with the extra nodder cyclists on the road, I can put up with traffic jams. But who the hell turned the bloody headwind on? Huh? Own up!
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