Tales from today's commute....

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In between here and there
In 3 odd years I have eaten a few flies, yet in the last two days I have had those little feckers jammed in my eye WTF all those rides without ever having it. The first was the worse arrived 10 minutes in and it hurt me most of the ride home. It was stuck in the corner by the time I got home all dead and moist and still took a bit of effort to get it out, the second one I kept on blinking (must have looked a right loon) and it dislodged.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Cracking ride in this morning. Got a good chat with a guy on a Canyon CF in bright green. seen him many times but I've not been on the same route. Cracking bike, limited edition colour, but the paint had cracked at the BB, like is common on some CF frames. Not structural, and I could not see it, but he was obviously a bike nut like me.

We rode in to the city together, then I had to turn off for the site visit.

Well, got changed a bit quick, then could feel the heat going up inside, so sat down to cool off (in shirt etc). Cooled off, then wandered off to the meeting. Well got into meeting room, and it was a bit warm. Argh.. Body still on ride mode, dashed for water sweating, ergh, folded up A4 saved me just.. Phew..

Not good. Allow more time. Not had weather like this for a couple of years. Yippee


Moortown, Leeds
Pleasant ride in this morning, I saw two cyclists this morning, one on a BSO and the other head to toe in Sky kit.

quick question, you know when you get to a point in life were wearing a football shirt looks daft, why do Mamils think it is acceptable to wear team kit? I have not problem with lycra but team kit who are you kidding.


Label Required
Pleasant ride in this morning, I saw two cyclists this morning, one on a BSO and the other head to toe in Sky kit.

quick question, you know when you get to a point in life were wearing a football shirt looks daft, why do Mamils think it is acceptable to wear team kit? I have not problem with lycra but team kit who are you kidding.
Who are you to question people's choice of clothing? Gok Wan?


A Human Being
quick question, you know when you get to a point in life were wearing a football shirt looks daft, why do Mamils think it is acceptable to wear team kit? I have not problem with lycra but team kit who are you kidding.

Why do people where Ferrari clothing when they will never be able to afford a Ferrari?

Seen quite a few team kit riders recently and it's their money:becool:
Although wearing KOM jersey and not being able to manage a minor drag without looking like you are going to die of a heart attack doesn't seem right:wacko: .


Moortown, Leeds
Wow, you changed that post quickly! Some people don't actually mind what they look like - if they are happy wearing something then good for them. All this carp about self image is one of the reasons young kids are so self conscious.

Fair play with that one, you never know I might give team kit a go in the future. Each to their own.


I know where my towel is
Got up this morning at 6am, only to find out the sun had gone and it was 12 degrees C outside :cold:

Almost went back to bed for another 1hr 30mins, but couldn't sleep, so decided to MTFU and go out anyway.

Glad I did, because despite the overcast sky and the chilly wind it was quite a nice ride in, 22miles at an avg speed of 15mph on the hybrid, not bad for me, and shows I am improving.

Weather has improved a little since I have gotten to the office.

Also saw a chap on a road bike, team kit for a local bike club round here, kept up with me easily but hanging a bit too close on the left side of my rear wheel for my comfort. When I got past the cars (I always check when moving from primary back to secondary) he did make me wonder whether he was going to undertake, I think I was just put off a little by how close he was, thankfully he overtook after I had moved back to secondary (but I did have to look twice before moving there).

I got a good look at his bike, it was a very nice looking Pinarello in black, white and red, so he was somewhat forgiven.


Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
Fair play with that one, you never know I might give team kit a go in the future. Each to their own.

Cycling kit can be a bit like football strips - go for last year's (or year before's) model and an unfashionable team and only pay little more than dhb standard lycra if you can find bin end in the right size
I picked up last year's full bib leggings and matching long sleeve jersey for Accent.jobs in Belgium for 30Euros! :thumbsup:
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