
- check

Beautiful blue skys - check

Lovely country roads - check

Dropped a bloke on a road bike - check

Annoying headwind - check
Wow, what a lovely commute in!
To top it off, best ride of the year so far by the looks of it.
According to my GPS, I did 22.4mi in 1hr 23mins at an avg speed of 16.2
Woman on a Cannondale annoyed me slightly, went past me on a slight uphill, fair enough, but then didn't keep the pace up after she overtook

. If you are going to overtake someone at least keep you're pace up...
We weren't too far from a roundabout and I suppose she did act as a wind blocker, and the view was quite nice

, so I stayed where I was and enjoyed the slight break from the wind and the view
I also had to laugh at the silly, silly woman in her Chrysler people carrier (who must have took one look at the fat bloke on a bike and thought I was going to be slow

I was at some lights in primary just before a roundabout (, she had come behind me, and had stopped her car across both lanes, blocking the right hand lane (I was in the left hand lane and she also wanted to be there, but there is a bus lane there, and I was stopped just after the bus lane in primary, as there is the roundabout coming up).
As the traffic gets moving she decides she doesn't want to wait for me (even though I am keeping up with the car ahead) and goes up the right hand lane to try and get ahead, and she continues to try to do this on the roundabout ( even though I am still keeping up with the car ahead... I am keeping an eye on her (in primary as I always do on roundabouts) and can see she wants to turn off the same exit as me (, I give her front number plate a good look and stare, and she gets the hint and backs off...
It did make me laugh, I don't think she was expecting me to be able to keep up with car ahead

and I think she thought I was going to ride in the gutter over the drain covers, uhh, no, I won't be, I will be in primary (I know the road, the roundabout and the road you exit onto, you want to be in primary all the way around if you can keep up with the traffic, which I can, you have bus stops and schools , with children randomly walking all over the place and cars randomly pulling in and out at the school).