Tales from today's commute....

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Decided to trial a new route home last night without using my Garmin.

Only 30k so what could go wrong....well a completely burnt out car made me think better of going down the road I was meant to. Cue a series of slightly wrong turns led me down various dodgy roads, closed paths all with the background (actually very pungent) aroma of the Avonmouth waste facility making me want to gag. Once I got past that the route was quite pleasant in stages, going to try again tonight and see if without the wrong turns it's worth as an option for different routes home.


Active Member
"..for us to maintain a comfortable 32kph average.."
It's been a long time since I could ever get anywhere near 20MPH, so well done!


Über Member
South of hades
waiting for the train, at least the rains gone off.
Feckin late shifts




Senior Member
Thought I'd stick this in commute thread, as that's when it happened.

I was about to join a roundabout, then saw a car already on the RAB so i thought nah I'm not gonna risk it, so I put the brakes on hardish ( but not super hard) & the rear wheel started to fishtail. I managed to stay on the bike, but the point of the saddle pressed hard against that area just behind the bollocks (men will know what I'm on about) which was painful at the time but fine now.
Now I'm wondering why that happened, if my brakes are not equidistant from the wheel rim, etc. I'll take a closer look later.
Cold, dark and damp. It's July isn't it ?

Latest monstrosity in the bike parking at work. Illegal as usual.

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CT20S is an upgraded version of CT20, upgraded to 60V 1500W super power, the maximum peak output power reaches 2000W, equipped with a controller with a maximum load current of 35AH, and an output torque of 120N.m, it can easily conquer all road surfaces and 35 degree slopes.


Thought I'd stick this in commute thread, as that's when it happened.

I was about to join a roundabout, then saw a car already on the RAB so i thought nah I'm not gonna risk it, so I put the brakes on hardish ( but not super hard) & the rear wheel started to fishtail. I managed to stay on the bike, but the point of the saddle pressed hard against that area just behind the bollocks (men will know what I'm on about) which was painful at the time but fine now.
Now I'm wondering why that happened, if my brakes are not equidistant from the wheel rim, etc. I'll take a closer look later.

I've done this once, applying too much back brake and not enough front brake. The back end of the bike overtook the front and I wound up in a heap on the asphalt. Also possible you locked the back wheel up on some spilled diesel or something else slippery.
Yesterday's faux commute happened late afternoon.

On a gravel cycle route, I went under the railway and turned left, and then started to make a right turn. It's tight, with some bollards. Male e-bike (unregistered e-moped) rider tearing it up coming the opposite way, force me to make an emergency stop. Face covered. Dressy ladies hand bag strung around his neck. Large hub motor.

As the bag look nicked, I did call 101 as I figured knowing what direction this miscreant was heading it might be useful to someone, but the police didn't want to know.

This morning's faux commute was soggy and cold, but it was enjoyable enough. Crested a bridge riding in a narrow cycle lane. I had to negotiate my way into the traffic to pass a cyclist (in school uniform) riding toward me and against the flow of traffic. Ironically, I was avoiding the section of yesterday's route where I'd come into conflict with the e-bike (unregistered e-moped) rider.
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"..for us to maintain a comfortable 32kph average.."
It's been a long time since I could ever get anywhere near 20MPH, so well done!

The Bristol/Bath cycle path is for the most part pretty nice and a slight gradient and is for the most part wide enough and smooth enough to maintain a good speed.
"..for us to maintain a comfortable 32kph average.."
It's been a long time since I could ever get anywhere near 20MPH, so well done!

There has to be some advantage of having decent legs and being obese (working on this), if there's any sign of a downhill then my mass speeds me along.



I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Convicing rain in the car this morning that had abated somewhat by the time I was on the bike, but still needed the coat on. The wet had thankfully cleared up by maybe 10-15 mins into the ride and the path felt noticeably more open / less hostile after abusing the brambles on the way in / out yesterday.

I'd resolved not to bother today, but being up unwelcomely early again and out the door corrispondingly keenly left me with time in hand so I had a go at some of the remaining outliers, both on the canal and later on the river. I'd envisaged this as a one-off job but through growth and natural movement there always seem to be a few extra bits, while it's not great effort to carry the secateurs so I think I'll keep them on the bike by default for now.

I'm still paranoid about getting abused for taking matters into my own hands and have only removed spikey stuff (brambles and the occasional rose) that's directly causing an obstruction; all other foliage has been left so that still keeps one on one's toes - although obviously the potential repercussions from hitting what's left are far less severe.

I stopped briefly at the park to execute the solitary, good-form chin up I'm currently capable of, plus a dead hang for a bit of decompression for as long as I could grip the wet bar.

Notable mention to the other two members of the Brompton mafia I pulled up alongside at the lights on Bridge Street today; although as usual nobody acknowledged the others.. as a rule we don't seem to be an overly friendly bunch; the exception being the couple on matching electric flame-lacquer efforts I chatted to briefly on St. Giles last week.

Got to the office ever-so-slightly late for my efforts, only to be interrogated earlier than usual by the office sausage inspector whose nose usually only leads her to empty bags; although today I'd not finished my breakfast, had one sausage left and was taxed accordingly..

This week has been a stark contrast to last, with few extra miles, much less pleasant weather and a general air of exhaustion after a fair amount exertion. Don't foresee a big ride home later unless the weather really improves; hoping it'll be dry at least for the usual session on the hoops.. then very much looking forward to going to bed.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Felt knackered upon leaving work and meandered back the long way, enduring an amount of rain although at least it was fairly light (if dense) and warmer than this morning.

Had yet another go at the perpetual brambles with a few thanks from passing cyclists, and think I saw as stoat flash across the cycle track out the back of Kennington, as well as a Kestrel on the overhead wires that seemed unphased by my presence.

Upon arrival at the park I punished myself on the hoops; really didn't feel like it but managed three full sets and pushed on a bit further (reps, time held) than last time. A few welcome stretches and I was back out on the tow path for more bramble abuse..


I'd resolved not to go to a pub tonight... However, buoyed by the departing rain, exercise high and sense of accomplishment from the rings and guerilla gardening I reconsidered and swung by the Plough in Wolvercote; which I was happy to find open on a school night now the summer's here.

On the journey in this morning I'd ineffectually rung my bell at a fat black labrador that was broadside across the tow path; nose buried in the bushes.. evidently to the amusement of its unfeasibly attractive human who was watching from her boat.

This evening upon carrying the Brompton up the steps from the tow path I again bumped into these two, heading into Wolvercote. I smiled a lot, she smiled a lot.. the dog remained indifferent. Having given way to them and various other people on the bridge I caught up with them shortly afterwards on descending from the bridge; cheerily ringing my bell as I passed. As I was folding the bike I looked up as they passed, to be greeted by another enormous smile :smile:

I'm not used to this sort of attention from people so attractive and tbh was completely blindsided and intimidated by it. Obviously it's enormously welcome given the last three years of single, post-breakup misery; while seemingly adding validation to my efforts to improve my fitness and appearance.

I'm slightly kicking myself for not pursuing this further.. although tbh I'd not know where to start and it's nice just to leave it as a nice experience in isolation.

Into the pub and £7.40 secured a double Gordons and Schweppes tonic in a proper big posh glass; clearly the best value option I've yet discovered and likely not the last time I'll pop in here on the way home :smile:


On a good day in the middle of "summer" it's easy to view the cycle-based commute through rose-tinted glasses... However, to think what it's brought me - a big chunk of regular cardio, the opportunity for regular body weight training, fresh air, nature, peace, pleasant interactions with others and the city as a whole - compared to sitting in my little tin box slowly turning incandescent with rage and struggling not to treat everyone around me with utter contempt, it seems like the appalling traffic around the city might have been one of the best things that's ever happened to me :smile:
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