Tales from today's commute....

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Approaching a roundabout it looked clear to proceed but ahead car entered at speed and cut across my path turning right without indicating. It was a brown pants moment as it has just started raining and slammed on the brakes. They weren't as firm as usual due to the wet.

Shouted at the driver, where was the indication of a right turn and she stopped and started shouting about her right of way. Yes you had right of way to enter the roundabout you pleb but you failed to indicate your intentions! Close call.


Legendary Member
-1C, but no ice and only a light breeze. Lungs slowly recovering after a heavy cold.

Rear mudguard seems to be rubbing, so will have a fettle at lunchtime!


Über Member


Über Member
I was so lucky on the way home last night, torrential rain started just as I got to the end of my driveway so scampered across the gravel to the shelter of the porch and was only slightly damp from wet roads and light drizzle. If I had left work just a minute later I would have got completely and utterly drenched


Agreed - I switched from my GP4000s to 4 seasons in late October, having suffered numerous p*nctures. Nothing since...


Rain God
Just as I was about to leave this morning there was a downpour so I decided to sit out the worst of it, hanging around the house in my bike gear. Whereupon my 2-year-old turned to me and said "Just go!". Thanks, MicroEthel! As the downpour passed shortly afterwards I followed MicroEthel's advice.

The wind was blowing the rain the same direction as I was going, and by around halfway it felt like I was catching up with it. So I did a loop of the park to give it another head start; that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Allegedly there's a bus strike in London today. Not many buses along my route anyway, but I noticed no difference to traffic levels.


Legendary Member
Soaked by the time I'd reached the end of the driveway. It stopped thrashing down after 45mins, by which time I was wet through. Next the cold wind froze me solid the rest of the way. The pain from my thawing hands was rather intense.
Currently attempting to dry stuff for the run home. :sad:


Senior Member
Orpington, Kent
Agreed - I switched from my GP4000s to 4 seasons in late October, having suffered numerous p*nctures. Nothing since...

They are good tyres, but like anything not infallible. I punctured on my GP 4 Seasons last night - but that probably has a lot to do with (1) having got out of the habit of checking my tyres pre/post ride for debris and (2) riding a different line in the road on the way home last night. Was very dark and wet, so probably rode through a lot of crap which I normally could have seen and avoided.

My point however is there's lots a rider can do to avoid punctures other than just sticking tyres with a puncture resistant layer on them.
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