Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
*ponders whether fossy realises yet that he is slowly turning into me* :whistle:

A few years ago it was rucksack and lightweight tyres, now it's rack and pannier with 'commuter' tyres, won't be long before it's the full on M+ and taking the car at the first sign of bad weather ^_^

Don't Like hmmmmff


Cycling in the sun
Commuting by bike is the way to go if you are in Bristol now as the city is in gridlock after a lorry overturned on the M32. Most cars are barely moving and people are walking faster than the cars!
On the way home a fairly swift guy caught me up and we talked at the lights, he was from Yorkshire working in Barking for a couple of days and out for a few miles to fill the time in. He turned out to be a keen cross racer, we traveled together for a few miles, pity I was on my short commute or I could have shown him a few more miles. Nice chap. He pointed out that London/Essex is far too flat, I thought that was the great thing about the area.


Pulling through
There were loads more cycle commuters here in London today because of the bus strike but the weather didn't play along.
My work involves paying home visits throughout the day which I love but slogging up brixton hill around 1pm into driving rain and a headwind strong enough to preclude freewheeling down to Streatham was a bit of a chore (not without grim pleasure). I resorted to over trousers which isn't my favourite look.
Bloody freezing
Tomorrow looks interesting weather wise only just recovered from the last fall on the ice.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
I'm fed up with being harassed on every bike ride, regardless of whether it's a commute or not. :sad:
The anti-cyclist prejudice in Australia is really bad, and shows no signs of ever stopping. If people showed similar attitudes to others here based on religion, race, sex, body shape, etc. the condemnation would be universal, but the majority of people here see no problem in vilifying and harassing cyclists. The media, police and the government all support this attitude.
I've had a gutful of this.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I blew up on the way home tonight. About 26 miles in at a fairly brisk pace I seemed to lose all my energy and spent the rest of the ride on auto pilot. Didn't feel good at all. Not sure why it isn't a long distance for me just one of those things. :sad: Gonna have a big dinner and a chill.


Legendary Member
Yuk. Had a heavy nosebleed on the way home. Staunched the blood with a pair of boxer shorts! Luckily, a very nice woman pulled in and gave me some tissues. I then carried on for the next 18 miles with tissues hanging out of my nostrils and a metallic taste in my mouth. When I got home, my partner thought I had been knocked off due to the blood splats on my clothes and face!

Oh, and an unrelenting and cold headwind. Was dreaming of balmy summer commutes to keep me going...


Legendary Member
London, UK
Got splashed from a large puddle byna passing car. I'm quite sure it was deliberate. If I saw someone like me one bike, I would probably do the same too.
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