Tales from today's commute....

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Rather windy ride in, but no rain. Still got soaked by the road spray though, so not sure if it counts as a dry commute or not :thumbsup:.

Most exciting moment came less than half a mile from my front door. Cycling down a quiet street when I suddenly encountered a marauding blue wheelie bin. It came straight down the road towards me at a fair old lick, forcing me to the kerb. First time I've had a close pass from a bin, it was an interesting experience for sure!
Bloody wheelie bins! they don't even pay road tax!


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
With the forecast of rain and strong wind I almost went the short way in this morning but thought I'll just decide as I ride on, there's 4 junctions I can use to trim the trip if needed. Got to the first, yeah still sound. The second, ah ha, ok. Third, yep still no sign of this monsoon, fourth and last, ah why not just keep going. Was smashing out all of 11mph on the flat in places as the wind was giving me a right old battering, but still was an enjoyable ride in. Looks like fun later :rain:


Senior Member
Ive been purposefully setting my alarm late so only option I have is to cycle to work. All buses / trams mean setting off about hour earlier. The headwind today a killer. Up to 40mph down the sea front. Has been for days and days. Took the back streets for a bit of cover today! All sorts of bins Etc strewn about.


Legendary Member
Strong tailwind this morning so could soft pedal for most of the commute. I'm hoping the wind dies down as forecast, otherwise it's going to be a grind on the way home...
Brake fixed!
WD 40 to the rescue!

Weather for this week looks worse than last week..,


Cycling in the sun
I am very soggy now I'm home and could wring my gloves out! And it's time to buy new overshoes! I doubt my boots will be dry by tomorrow, luckily I have several pairs and have stuffed today's ones with newspaper.
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