Tales from today's commute....

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Senior Member
Very very windy round blackpool today. Few gusts nearly had me off but wasn't too nasty really. Heading back home in an hour or 2 for more punishment.
Almost got knocked off my bike when about half way home last night. I'd just gone round a reasonably sharp uphill left hand bend when a motorist decided to overtake despite there being an oncoming vehicle. The motorist had to pull in quick and bumped my elbow; they didn't even bother to stop. Thankfully it all happened at low speeds and I wasn't injured.

For the rest of the journey I was angry at the fact the motorist hadn't stopped. The last little bit of my journey the anger went & I was on the verge of crying. All part of the joys of cycling.


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Almost got knocked off my bike when about half way home last night. I'd just gone round a reasonably sharp uphill left hand bend when a motorist decided to overtake despite there being an oncoming vehicle. The motorist had to pull in quick and bumped my elbow; they didn't even bother to stop. Thankfully it all happened at low speeds and I wasn't injured.

For the rest of the journey I was angry at the fact the motorist hadn't stopped. The last little bit of my journey the anger went & I was on the verge of crying. All part of the joys of cycling.
Bastards. Don't let 'em get you down. :hugs:


Über Member
It was windy but surprisingly warm this morning but looking at the weather forecast it going to be monsoon rains on the way home at 4pm. Plenty of wildlife this morning with a couple of badgers and a fox.


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Cycling in the sun
Mr Summerdays took pity on me and has given me a lift almost all the way to work! I did say I could cycle it! I imagine I will still have problems today as it's bin day and so lots of empty bins will be flying across the road!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Was howling a gale all last night so I was expecting to be blown all over the place on my commute. But luckily the wind abated a little so wasn't so bad. It was still hard work though. Not helped by all the bloody traffic. Seemed the whole of SE London was snarled up this morning.

Oh yes, had a right knob of a cyclist this morning. Cut right in front of me at a junction just as the lights went green and as I was setting off. Had to brake hard not to ride into the back of him. He got some very naughty words from me.
Going through Hornchurch a fox wandered out into the road I slowed as it did not look normal, it looked very young, friendly and faintly confused and wombled towards me.I waited till it sorted its life out and it ambled back onto the pavement. In Barking I spied ahead the fastish guy on a giant TCR and was deciding whether to chase him or not when the decision was made for me, rear went all squishy. First puncture of the season. Glass put quite a slash right through my Gatorskins . Luckily I tested my first inner tube out of my bag as it has been there for 6 months, the dam thing was perished around the valve seat air, rushed out. Second one was ok. As I was finishing up 2 cyclists went past one asking if I was ok. I got on the bike and caught them up at the lights. When the lights went green we formed an orderly chain gang which was sensible since we were fighting into a18mph headwind. When I took my turn I went a little too fast temporarily dropping both. The younger one got back to me, the middle aged guy did not bother, the youngster then took the lead. I then took my turn and dropped him accidently again (either that or he did not want to draft me) . I decided not to wait and pressed on. Trip to bike shop at dinner time for 2 new inner tubes I think.
A bit knackered after that ride in. A headwind all the way in as usual, and looks like the tail wind will be abating for the return leg (darn!). Forgot to eat my Wheatabix and ended up bonking after 8 miles with another 2 to go. Luckily there was some fruit waiting for me at my desk. :hungry:
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Senior Member
Rather windy ride in, but no rain. Still got soaked by the road spray though, so not sure if it counts as a dry commute or not :thumbsup:.

Most exciting moment came less than half a mile from my front door. Cycling down a quiet street when I suddenly encountered a marauding blue wheelie bin. It came straight down the road towards me at a fair old lick, forcing me to the kerb. First time I've had a close pass from a bin, it was an interesting experience for sure!
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