Surrey police crack down on Box Hill cyclists

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Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
Yeah, but last post over there was 2 months ago and this is the latest report on the beeb.


Well-Known Member
Reading, UK
I think there is quite a lot of history here. I rode around the boxhill area a lot in the early to mid 70s, not really a lot of cycleactivity then clubs or otherwise. There was however a big problem with motorcyclists illegal hill climbing and drag racing along the mad mile. Perhaps Surrey Police have these problems at the back of their minds ?

The motorcycles around there were always a bit of a problem. I lived not far from box hill about 12 years ago and trying to drive through there on a warm Sunday afternoon was always a bit frought with bikes wheelieing and racing up and down the road, not to mention the massive crowds of onlookers that gathered often in the road!

If the complaints from the locals genuinely are regarding inconsiderate riding and aggressive behaviour on the part of cyclists (and let's not pretend that that does not happen!) then I can see the problem. If it is just that drivers feel the volume of bikes is holding them up then that is not a reasonable complaint.

As a thought, I was riding in a sportive last year with a large group of riders. The line of us must have been easily 100 yards long. Going up a couple of climbs cars would move out to overtake and need to move back in before reaching the front of the row of bikes. I saw a few drivers getting abuse hurled at them by some of the cyclists which seemed unreasonable to me, letting them back in so they could wait for the next opportunity to pass the rest of the line would seem like a much more reasonable thing to do IMHO.


Legendary Member
NE England
When Surrey Police issue warnings to motorists for clogging the towns and slowing everyone including cyclists, then I'd take notice. Until then... And! Thank goodness I don't live in Surrey!!!


When Surrey Police issue warnings to motorists for clogging the towns and slowing everyone including cyclists, then I'd take notice. Until then... And! Thank goodness I don't live in Surrey!!!

Could become englands Puy de Dome.


New Member
Taunton Somerset
Where will it end?

Where is this box hill and how long will it take me to get there from Cornwall?


Just down the rd from Colley Hill, not far from Dorking (from memory, been years since I went there. Used to be a great cafe we'd all meet up on out Motor sickles. So, from Corning wall? Long time cos tis uphill then a big hill when you get there. Nice to see the ol Bill are busy.


pre-talced and mighty
byegad makes a good point. Dorking is two miles away, and absolutely clogged solid with cars on a Saturday. Perhaps we should write to Surrey Police and complain (as in somebody else - I've got big bike rides planned for Surrey?
Early this year i road down the Ziz Zag road from the top of Box hill and on the sharp left hand bends by the Entrance to the nursing home, there was one huge pile of downed cyclist, seems they did not know the road and had arrived at the bend too fast some paniced and down they all went. Luckly only grazes and hurt pride.


Active Member
Where will it end?

Where is this box hill and how long will it take me to get there from Cornwall?

It's in Dorking Surrey.Trust me stay in cornwall it's much nicer


£1000 is a Level 1 fine, imposed in a magistrates court after a hearing and when a verdict is passed, more commonly a £30 fixed penalty notice is issued. The police have to issue the notice - they usually have more important things to do. The notice is just scaremongery.
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