Surrey police crack down on Box Hill cyclists

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pre-talced and mighty
Did it set precedence though?

If so, are Surrey Police force now enforcing their own rule illegally?
it didn't - but I wouldn't have thought, listening to the barrister at the appeal, that a prosecution for 'holding up traffic' would get very far, and I would think that the CDF would get involved if they thought the cyclists had been behaving responsibly. If you're behaving badly, menacing pedestrians, or riding on the wrong side of the road, that's a different matter.

Whether Surrey Police are enforcing anything is open to debate. They're handing out leaflets. I'm taking a ride of, perhaps, 70 to 100 cyclists through Surrey in October, and I'm not going to lose sleep over it - but that's because I'm confident that people will ride sensibly.


Smutmaster General
and the grammar on the notice is all over the place... like a wayward cyclist, almost.


So if you drive too fast in your car you get a £60 fine, but if you go too slow on a bike you get £1000. Further , if you drive a car too slowly you only get £200 *

* The views expressed above may not actually stand up in court.


Well-Known Member
Horley, Surrey
I'm confused. Who are this 'Surrey Police'? I work in Dorking and have yet to encounter any...

Fair enough if people are cycling like c*cks but there must be better ways to enforce a bit of discipline. It'll be interesting to see what happen when someone appeals one of these and it has to go through the courts.

Anyway can't say I go up there very often it's usually bloomin crowded at the best of times (like the rest of the county!)


extimus uero philosophus
Instead of complaining on a forum DO something about it. You have several options:

1) write to the Police expressing "serious concern" that they may not have understood the issues cyclists face, and the way in which bike clubs have always operated (and very much legally)

2) Get your cycle club to write to the Police with the above

3) Write to the local paper (Bournemouth Echo? Is it?), even ask for a story on it. Support your fellow cyclists with good letters and emails. Raise the profile.

If there is ANY issue with cyclists sharing the road with motorists then why are the Police not highlighting this in a more effective way instead of listening to bleeding-hearts..? They could have made a serious call for decent segregation, for one, just as abroad where the roads are divided up equally. One for you my cyclist friends, one for you my driver friend... and so on.

The last option is 4) Join the local club down there and join them for a ride.


Well-Known Member
Instead of complaining on a forum DO something about it. You have several options:

1) write to the Police expressing "serious concern" that they may not have understood the issues cyclists face, and the way in which bike clubs have always operated (and very much legally)

2) Get your cycle club to write to the Police with the above

3) Write to the local paper (Bournemouth Echo? Is it?), even ask for a story on it. Support your fellow cyclists with good letters and emails. Raise the profile.

If there is ANY issue with cyclists sharing the road with motorists then why are the Police not highlighting this in a more effective way instead of listening to bleeding-hearts..? They could have made a serious call for decent segregation, for one, just as abroad where the roads are divided up equally. One for you my cyclist friends, one for you my driver friend... and so on.

The last option is 4) Join the local club down there and join them for a ride.

I don't know which post you've been reading, but you've got *completely* the wrong end of the stick - Box Hill's in Surrey, on the north Downs, and where the Olympic roadrace route makes several circuits over (trial event a few weekends ago).
If there is ANY issue with cyclists sharing the road with motorists then why are the Police not highlighting this in a more effective way instead of listening to bleeding-hearts..? They could have made a serious call for decent segregation, for one, just as abroad where the roads are divided up equally. One for you my cyclist friends, one for you my driver friend... and so on.

The countryside folk aren't going to like the suggestion of paving another path up there...


Legendary Member
I have no problem with the Police handing out notices, I would happily see all the muppets that get cyclist a bad name fined. Pretend racers in sportive events often block road with inconsiderate riding around here.
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