Rider down

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
How did he write the bike off, ride into something head on?


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Saw him today as he turned up where the club meets up as he lives about 5-10 min walk away , he was using a stick and although he didnt break any bones he had done his right hand in , left hib and ribs as well as the concussion which send hom blind in one eye for a bit. He was planning to try and get on zwift for a light spin although i think it sounded like a bad idea atm as he looked in pain even standing there .
Whilst riding he was caught out by a road repair that had been patched and then sunk sending him straight over the bars at close to 30 mph , in a way luckily the car that was about to overtake stopped and gave aid.
The bike that i had heard was written off is a lot better than i was lead to believe as the only damage was the shifters which are totalled , dura ace di2 so a bit of a wedge but not as bad as a whole bike .
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