Surrey police crack down on Box Hill cyclists

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What a load of crap. A cyclist is guilty of a finable offence of £1,000 if he slows down cars.
Are the police are stopping cyclists purely to hand out these leaflets?

If so, shouldn't they be asked to fill in stop forms for each instance. That will give them some paperwork for thier trouble.


pre-talced and mighty
'We have also had increased reports ..... about groups of cyclists blocking roads by cycling in "pelotons"

Seargeant Cox will make detective yet.............


Or for ridin sexy. That was funny.

Ha! I remember that, and from the picture the girl that passed me yesterday with an even shorter skirt on was a brave lass, nice pins though :thumbsup:


Formerly known as DavidDecorator
They should ban bloody cars from Box Hill. I hate my walks in the country being ruined by tons of metal roaring past me. Not to mention my cycle rides.
Yes I have lived in the Country for six years so I consider myself qualified to make that comment.
I think I know where I'll be going for a ride next week. I hope they stop me. I'd love to counter their legal arguements in Court.
They're getting stick for victimising motorists so now they go after cyclists. Classic playground bullying and another waste of taxpayers money.
Exactly what huge emergency at Box Hill are all the car drivers trying to get to which so endangers their lives by having to show consideration to a cyclist which may force them to slow down when they're going too damn fast anyway.
Surrey Police should be spending a bit of time on the housing estates rather than indulging in this crass stupidity.
And I was in a good mood till I read this!
Are the police are stopping cyclists purely to hand out these leaflets?

If so, shouldn't they be asked to fill in stop forms for each instance. That will give them some paperwork for thier trouble.

Only if they search you. No longer any requirement to complete a form for a 'stop only' encounter.
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