Meme bar
- Location
- ...I don't have much idea - really.
Glad you had a fulfilling holiday Andy! 

Lovely ride, great to meet some new faces and reunited with some old, sorry for my long absence. Btw, I beat iLB. On fixed. He's still fat. And slow.
Cafe was awesome, been meaning to go for weeks and now will be going back at the first opportunity.
Unfortunately things took a turn for the worse about half a mile from home. Heading up a clear (blue superhighway stylee) cycle lane with a stationary line of traffic, someone had evidently left a gap for an approaching motorist to turn into a side road. It turns out he hadn't looked properly, so pulled out literally right in front of me as I hit the edge of said side road. I managed to employ my skillz to avoid hitting the car, but I had turned so sharply left that it threw me off the bike, introducing my head to the pavement in an unfortunate fashion. I think I did a couple of ninja rolls but was going too fast to avoid the momentum then carrying my bonce onto the stone, head first could have been much worse. After that it all gets a bit dream like, don't know if I was out cold for long, or at all, but can't really remember much of what was said, apart from me saying I was fine and getting back on the bike. Absolutely no memory of riding home or getting inside until I had a glass of lemonade. When I realised I was still forgetting things that had just happened as the adrenaline wore off it shook me a bit, but then it was off to A and E and I was given the all clear with just some bumps and scrapes. Could have been a lot worse but not all that fun. Even managed to make a (miniscule, I might add) hole in my indestructible messenger bag; must have hit hard.
Ah well, still a great fun day before that eh! Thanks to all.
hi guys id really like to join in this sunday as a newbie and getting my new bike tomorrow so it'll be a good run for it. where and what is the hpc?
Thanks stuart
ok more than likely count me in. i'll be cycling up from erith so probably leave about 0830. let me know if any body comes up from this way and maybe i can join them.
ok more than likely count me in. i'll be cycling up from erith so probably leave about 0830. let me know if any body comes up from this way and maybe i can join them.
Another potential Bromley Massive man - what is it about the South eh?Martin 235 might be your friend on this...sometimes he turns up when he can be bothered to lay off the bike cleaning on a Saturday night.
Hey Topcat tells me that bike cleaning is an important part of my life, apparently