England : London Sunday London ride

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
The forecast suggests cold, but bright. Anyone out this week?
Don't know. Last forecast I saw suggested drizzle all day but that was BBC. If it's cold and bright, may head out into Kent with @ianrauk as it's Armistice Day and central London will be gridlocked.

I'm still a bit off from my off so think will keep local rather then a big mileage jobbie, so yes up for being out and about..

edit: just seen it's Armistice Day.. so any other suggestions.
Don't know. Last forecast I saw suggested drizzle all day but that was BBC. If it's cold and bright, may head out into Kent with @ianrauk as it's Armistice Day and central London will be gridlocked. amassed with folk paying their respects to the fallen...
What's that about an off, Ian? Hope you're ok - send a link to the event if it's detailed somewhere. Best wishes and a big hug - the usual stuff. :smile:


I was working last night/this morning by St. Pauls and came home via Strand,Trafagar Sq & Buck Palace. Flags,seatstands and barriers everywhere. Would stay away if i were you.
I was working last night/this morning by St. Pauls and came home via Strand,Trafagar Sq & Buck Palace. Flags,seatstands and barriers everywhere. Would stay away if i were you.
London snuggled up to the crowds yesterday; the whole atmosphere seemed warm - from 'tourists' getting their photographs taken with a soldier or two, to the sharp shadows indicating a day flooded with sun. Low in the sky, it trickled through the leaves like syrup through suet crumbs - making for a sweet day...
"Hey...where am I? That's not reporting a ride, that's cod prose!" :smile:
Actually, I headed out of town first thing, started off for Cardiff if you like, past the pond at Harefield etc but it was cold. I was also learning to ride a bike again, as I haven't changed gear since a few months ago..I kept fearing an 'off' every time I stopped pedalling - silly really, but the power of 'muscle memory'...(at least there's some left :rolleyes:)
And it was a bit 'brisk' - how you say "ffffing ffreezing first fing"
So, I followed the sun a bit later and ended up at the usual meeting place. Sages were shouting themselves into a frenzy at Speaker's Corner, throngs of walkers dawdled through the Park. Banks of Boristas pedalled their way hither and thither - all the while, the sun working its magic, creating warmth and shape.
It felt good in London yesterday; the usual bustle overlaid with the day of Remembrance...there was a 'lone piper' busker in Trafalgar Square...oddly symbolic. He stopped from time to time, harvesting the silver from his battered case, then stood to attention and resumed a reel or so...The National gallery frontage is becoming, or has become a Covent Garden II, where body popping takes its place alongside the ubiquitous golden sprayed, perched people on plinths - the statuesque ones who just pose, and get money. (Are you listening, Davy? :smile:)
At the going down of the sun...I left.
(Forgot to take a camera too, damn it.)
1449.jpg 1455.jpg 1458.jpg 1464.jpg 1468.jpg 1472.jpg 1473.jpg
No 5 is the Royal Marines Memorial - in case @Chrisz pops in...:smile:


Über Member
Nice pics mate :smile:
Addendum to my Sunday:
For those of you that have braved the A5, from Marble Arch upwards etc will be pleased to know that the whole section, between said Arch and Elgin Avenue is cycle heaven! Resurfacing has happened. This means that the ordinary cyclist is now free to concentrate on looking and listening for traffic, knowing that the road ahead is in fair condition. Pothole Pandemonium at Sussex Gardens is no more! The section after Elgin avenue, toward Kilburn remains, literally, the pits. Some of you might remember Ian Dury and his band Kilburn and the High Roads. In today's parlance that would be Kilburn and the High and Low Roads - it's shoot, like most of the rest of the A5. Wake up Boris Blueline - get the roads resurfaced in the cyclist's 'channel' everywhere. You wake up too, A. Gilligan esq. London's Cycling Tar, or whatever...pay attention to detail, not just the big blue paint stuff.


Sounds like the makings of a SLR. 'A Ride on London's Resurfaced Roads Before They Return To Potholes'. Parts of CS7 are a joy to ride on currently.


Westferry Road on the Isle of Dogs.
No potholes.
No traffic. (Srsly - between the foot tunnel and the A13, I'm passed by 4 cars)


Dog on a bike
Westferry Road on the Isle of Dogs.
No potholes.
No traffic. (Srsly - between the foot tunnel and the A13, I'm passed by 4 cars)
For me, on a Sunday morning, it has to be Bob Dunn Way from Crayford up to the Dartford Crossing. No traffic, wide smooth road. Ok occasionally you'll get a nasty wind but the rest of it is good.
Wouldn't it be great if some smart person joined up all these nice bits of road with other nice, new bits and then properly looked after them? My, what a pleasure the whole affair would become! (And get the b'stard motorbikes out of privilege lanes too :thumbsup:)

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
Wouldn't it be great if some smart person joined up all these nice bits of road with other nice, new bits and then properly looked after them? My, what a pleasure the whole affair would become! (And get the b'stard motorbikes out of privilege lanes too :thumbsup:)

Sorry dude, you have more chance of my voice breaking.
Its just not going to happen.
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