England : London Sunday London ride

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Cycling Excusiast
hope to be out on the ride tommorow but may need to cancel last minute. Will text if that is the case.
weather still looks clear for the day so fingers crossed !


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Now that was a really nice Sunday Morning Bromley massive ride. Myself, Mista Preston, Arallsopp Topcat and Tollers. Made even more better by the first appearance of Clives brand new gleaming Roubaix.. lovely it is too.. It made Clive go just that little bit faster. And a last SMBM ride for Tollers who will hopefully be setting up the Sunday Morning Bromley Massive San Francisco branch.. good luck with the move fella. 60 Miles for the day.

Just had the remnants of last nights Chicken Jalfrezi & now on to cleaning the bike.


vintage Mercian 2012
So that was good mornings ride, leaving home 10 mins late is a great way to work on your speed :laugh: passing Lewisham hospital 40 mins later i see a low riding figure in blue going the other way and shout "MIKEY" it's bentmikey on his way to work.

On reaching the dt Clive and Ian are comparing roubaix and Andy turns up and we're off.

We pick up Tollers at the green

and head up town.

We do a lap of the park and head over to Mikes' office

Say hello to Mike

and head over to see the Guard.
There's a sport relief event along the river so we detour over
westminster bridge, i'm hungry now so head off home.
As Ian and TC have said that was a nice ride today made better by being on a new bike.

After peering out of the window this morning at 7 I thought we were in for more rain but I was pleased to see the forcast was right and it turned out to be nice.

TC1 met Ian, Andy and I at the DT and we set off at a good pace meeting Tollers for his final Sunday ride before heading to the US ( good luck Mark ). We did the non McPiss piss and went round Hyde Park then popped into Bent Mickeys office but he was hard at work so off for the homeward leg. Having to avoid the Sport Relief mile meant some extra miles around London which was full of people, I cant wait to do this ride in the Summer. I was then giving the task of pulling Mr Ian and Mr Allsopp up Bromley Hill. I can report that it was definitely easier on carbon but alas I was still slow.

Ride data

I must say I was very worried about taking the new bike out as this was the first proper ride and the first time using a compact. The bike took a fair bit of getting used to which surprised me. Coming back from a 38 mile ride I normally feel pretty shattered but today I feel pretty good and the cancelation of road buzz on the front end is very noticeable and makes a huge difference. Whilst carbon costs allot more the weight and vibration dampening is for me well worth it.

Despite me “flagging” on the final accent on the A21 by the time I hit my final hill close to home I felt like I wanted to carry on. So the last ride for me for probably a week or two as my daughter is due to enter the world on Wednesday.

Enjoy the next Friday’s night ride and Tollers enjoy the US.

See you soon !


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Thought we should drop by your office and see you at work... least we could do..;)

BentMikey said:
Dudes, I'm so chuffed and flattered you guys stopped by! Thanks a lot, that made up for not being able to come along on the ride. ;)


Cycling Excusiast
Looks like I missed a good ride, and it stayed dry for you lot.

Tollers - good luck with the move- sorry to have missed you on your last ride.

See you on the next one

Nice pics TC!
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