England : London Sunday London ride

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I'm engrossed in culinary stuff at the mo, and need to head south today, so you're unlikely to see me at TBW.
Enjoy the pastrami on rye.
Bah! I really thought I was back to OK for today. Yesterday, I managed 50km. Antibiotics finished Thursday. Steroids finished this morning. I really wanted a ride with friends today. Failing that, I'd got my OS maps out to head South a bit. I really didn't want to be awake for hours in the middle of the night.


I hope you have a fun trundle, folks :smile:


Did a slow 25 miles this morning, the flu of 3 weeks ago has really knocked my fitness. Averaged 15.4mph and had to stop twice for a breather :-(
Hoping this will be the start of more riding and increasing my fitness levels.
Well, rolling up at Hyde Park Corner on the off-chance that someone might show was worth it!

Just as I pulled off the road I caught sight of an interesting pair of wheels and was wondering if there would be an awkward 'are you someone off the internet?' moment when Mice called out. She had accompanied Evey to HPC for both her first Sunday London ride and her first time out on her new road bike. A little chat as to where to go and what to do, plus a ride past from the Queen's Guard and we were off. Evey made a strange 'squeeeee' noise as she sped down Constitution Hill.
We made our way to the Embankment and were pushed east by a chilly wind. Everyone on the roads seemed very relaxed and happy to give us space and even a little bit of assistance crossing the end of Blackfriars bridge. A little cut through that I attempted in order to gain a foothold on Commercial Road failed as it had been turned into a building site, so we followed CS3's twists and turns past Canary Wharf, a few hundred yards of dual carriageway, a beefy roundabout and we were soon at Trinity Buoy Wharf. There was a brief sight-seeing tour but the wind off the Thames persuaded us to get inside the diner sharpish.
Lovely time in the comparative warmth with coffees, teas, some food for me (spot on User10571!) and chatting away.

Soon time to head back though and I opted for the Commercial Road option in order to generate a bit of warmth as we made our way into the wind. Alternating calls from Mice to moderate speed and 'Squeeeee' kept us at a reasonable pace into the city. Quick gawp at the Monument, a sheltered run, protected from the wind by the architecture, protected from the traffic by Mice, through to Admiralty Arch. As we passed through Evey had a ping moment on the side of a pothole, there was a quick check to make sure everything was ok before she shot off along a traffic free Mall. Mice and I caught up at Buckingham Palace. Evey declared that she had nothing left in her legs, spotted a deserted Constitution Hill and shot off again. Once we were all back together we made our way swiftly through the traffic to Victoria to take our separate ways home.

A brilliant morning!
My take on today - not dissimilar to benborps....!! However:

This wasn't just a Sunday London Ride - this was Evey Allsopps Inaugural Sunday London Ride and on a Road Bike! :bravo:

I had decided against doing this ride because I'm resting my ruddy knee so when the phone rang at 7am I was still in bed not really awake! Two hours later I was up, dressed and haring to Victoria Station to meet Evey - woohooooo! We rode up to HPC and cycled round the arch to keep warm as two degrees is not exactly balmy. A few minutes later Benborp arrived - fab! Now we were three! We waited for the Household Cavalry to go by, Evey was well impressed! A few minutes later we were heading down Constitution Hill when this thing flew by like a rocket. Blimey Evey if you are going to be that speedy I need to eat porridge for breakfast! Seriously impressive.

We weaved our way along the Embankment, Benporb at the helm, looking at various London Icons and just enjoying ourselves. To the City then on to Fat Boys for tea - a pastrami sandwich was admired and eaten. Chatting and cups of tea continued for quite some time and then it was time to head back to Victoria. It seemed even colder than earlier so the pace was ramped up along Commercial Road. I was on my work bike and expecting to pootle but the next thing I knew we were doing 20mph into an awful headwind. Blimey O'reilly I'm going to have to get my act together for these rides! At several points we kept hearing this noise, something like "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". Then we saw the grin on Eveys face and realised it was her!! Ruddy excellent! I hope this is the beginning of many, many miles and hours spent cycling together.

We arrived at Victoria Station, said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. 20 miles cycled - maximum speed 21.5mph. :eek: Evey, we need to talk!! Thank you for your fab company both of you and of course, Benporp, a big thank you for leading us about the place. It was a lot of fun!!

I took some pics! https://picasaweb.google.com/108733...&authkey=Gv1sRgCMeyp-zLnYrrBA&feat=directlink

Mice :hello:


  • 1 Evey at HPC.jpg
    1 Evey at HPC.jpg
    65.3 KB · Views: 59
  • 2 Evey Ben and The Household Cavalry.jpg
    2 Evey Ben and The Household Cavalry.jpg
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  • 3 At Victoria Station the end of a great Sunday London Ride.jpg
    3 At Victoria Station the end of a great Sunday London Ride.jpg
    77.8 KB · Views: 47


Silencing his legs regularly
Nice one Evey!


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Am a tad miffed at missing out, but my alternative was just as wonderful. Another time.

Me too. Mind you, my alternative was the remaining Allsopps, and sufficient fettling to get the bike in my avatar back on the road. :smile:

As it turns out, Darcey is an excellent mechanic, and can not only tell the difference between allen, torx, polydrive and triple square bolts (of which, Franken Furai seems to have an unhealthy combination) but can also sort them all into their relative sizes (M5, M8, M10 and 12).

Now... if I'd asked her to do it, or either of us could remember where each one came from that would have been even better.

On the plus side, there's nothing quite as cute as tiny hands that smell of anti-seize and threadlock :smile:

Thanks both for looking after her. Evey's come back utterly thrilled by her adventures.
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