England : London Sunday London ride

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Wow the scenery looks amazing! Shame to have missed it; now one question - how hilly is is it?

Not very, more rolling then out and out leg stretch. There are more downs then up.. loooooong sweeeping downs..
You would be able to manage easy.


Cycling Excusiast
May be tempted at some point - I remember trying to do my old cycling clubs beginner run and that was hard and quite hilly - the last bit right at the end before coming back into Crystal Palace up Anerley Hill left me toasted after going up and down all the lanes.

Short sharp hills and inclines I don't mind too much-more the longer drags that are tiring.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Not me this weekend.
Son # 1 is up from Torquay this weekend.
Though if anyone is about Monday during the day for a stretch?


Über Member
I don't think I'm doing anything yet on Monday that could interfere with a little "stretching".

I'll see how my legs feel Ian :smile:


Bexley, Kent
Not me I'm afraid. Heavy cold and throat infection has laid me up. Went out yesterday morning for a few miles to see how I felt and had to lie down for the rest of the day. And I am now ordered to lie on the sofa all day and will probably not get out again this weekend.
Not me I'm afraid. Heavy cold and throat infection has laid me up. Went out yesterday morning for a few miles to see how I felt and had to lie down for the rest of the day. And I am now ordered to lie on the sofa all day and will probably not get out again this weekend.

Is it time to sell your Enigma, Ross? :tongue:
Seriously, have a comfortable day and get better. I have had a sore throat for three days, but fortunately just that. A good radio programme is what you need! Best wishes.
I'm up for monday but I can only do the afternoon as I have to come back from Cambridge in the morning


vintage Mercian 2012
ok now that i'm awake the legs are saying go for it, so i'll be chasing lorries to brighton and getting the choo choo back (no beacon :biggrin: )

monday coffee at ally pally maybe?
looks like its just me on Sunday. Going to head out to Kent and take the same route as last Monday's ride. 08.30 at the DT if anyone is interested
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