England : London Sunday London ride

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Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
No idea what the final plans are for folk Today. I will be heading upto HPC for 9:30 and see if anybody turns up. Will take it from there! Are people still riding to a beach somewhere at 10:30?


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
For himself?

"Excuse me ma'am, I'd like something for a right t*t"

"Sorry sir, we only make them for both."

Hello all :hello:

(Put that sun block on)

I couldn't find it this morning :rolleyes:
Just been to the local Chemist for factor 30 cream and some After Sun though... who mentioned the stable door :whistle:


Cycling Excusiast
Ian 'The Crim' rauk - watch out folks!!
Top ride today. Met Dave and Andy at 07.10 and we headed for the hills of kent spinning back round to get to HPC to meet up with the rest of the group.

After a long winded brush with the law we then headed off to Greenwich for a lovely cuppa in the sun. Made my 60 mile target today.


Cycling Excusiast
It was good to be out - despite the mockery of Ian for his brush with the law; thanks for collecting me again.

We passed a big stretch of Oval that had been cordoned off by police tape - a whole block was shut off so something major had happened at some point. Cycled up through Vauxhall and on to HPC.

At HPC there was a group waiting already, Mice, Arallsopp, Adrian (I forget your CC name-is is ajstephens?)Sittingduck and after a bit of waiting Mista Preston and TopCat rolled up. It was a bit like cheers 'Where everybody knows your name' so no new faces today. Did a lap of Hyde Park and returned to see if part two of the Sunday later riders were meeting- dellzeqq turned up for the ride but there seemed to be a no-show for the others- they made it out so some secret rendezvous must have happened
! The guards trotted past with some serious armour while we hung around for a few more minutes.

The plan was to catch the ferry up to Greenwich and have a cup of tea there in the glorious sunshine. So up we cycled and reached a section near the palace where they had blocked off the road with police tape. We got waved on by police to cycle onto the pathway and a few yards further a toy policeman/community support officer stopped Ian as he was up front and there was a charade where the guy ended up giving Ian a ticket despite him saying that his colleague had waved us on through the pavement. I'll let Ian tell this as I'm sure he has many funny things to recount whilst the rest of us stood around like reprobates, sniggering and photographing the stupidity of the Community support officer.

Eventually with ticket in hand we all cycled up and did the old school route through Tower Bridge to get to Greenwich as we were going to be too late to catch the ferry. Chuckles to be had watching Andy wheel up next to Ian on the recumbent - something quite humourous about being feet first and watching the rest of the bike and cyclist come into view.

Ant and I did an extra loop around the Greenwich one way as I went left instead of right, made our way into the park where Dave was waiting for us, forever the gentleman and I dragged myself up the hill and had to take a brief stop just before the top (Must sort this if I'm to make it to Brighton). Got to the observatory for the fantastic view with cloudless blue skies and we were herded together for a group shot before refreshments in the cafe.

Cue recounts of Ian's ticket incident - this may well be talked about for months, even possibly years!
With Pumpkin hour approaching we split off just after the cafe with TC, sd and Mice taking the right to go via the ferry and Adrian, Ian, Clive, Andy and myself heading towards the South circular. Adrian peeled off after the park entrance and I decided to cycle in towards the old sunday routes and training route I frequented when I lived in Camberwell rather than taking the direct route to the south circular via Forest Hill.

I was going to write something lovely, poetic and considered but having had a nap it's all dropped out of my head!
It was whimsical and strange cycling past my old stomping ground, around parts where I was when I was homeless and along the hill I used to ride up and down whilst I was training. Sort of spiritual, retrospective and sad. I left Camberwell having had to; it heralded a turbulent time in my life, one that I went through without really connecting to it. Cycling the old roads, passing the fire station where we meet Tdr1nka (missing you on these rides mate), passing the art college (remembering the rainy evening meet up for the jersey swap) and bimbling along Surrey Quays at a pedestrian pace rather than trying to beat my times. I didn't quite cycle past the old flat but had that feeling on those roads you get of I'm coming home but it no longer being home. Well, I can't say I'm reconnected, I can't say I am quite who I was or feeling that yet but I think the process started a while ago and is continuing.

Found roads in Camberwell with my name- Grace's Mews and Grace's Road and Jed got complemented for being a nice bike. Cycled along the back roads parallel to Herne Hill- eased myself up the gradual hills and eventually got home with the sun shining on my back. No idea how many miles, what elevation or mph...my poor bike computer feels as if he's being retired!

One thing- for a cyclist that isn't enamoured with hills - why oh why am I living somewhere surrounded by hills in all directions?!!!

See you all again soon-thanks for a good ride!
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