England : London Sunday London ride

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Cycling Excusiast
If your snot is that colour then you may need to seek medical attention

Don't worry I fall under their radar for many things already - a bit of radioactive snot won't go amiss on the long list...The men in white coats have allowed me out on Sunday. I will mock your bike further for that retort.
I might have to go to Banner St on Sunday (just next to Old St.), so an ideal flat route after laps and McP, would be LMNH via The Mall and Aldwych + St Pauls thrown in for good measure...(and then perhaps just cut across and join City Road to loop gently up to Islington, down to Kings Cross and chug through Camden to Regents Park for speed queen purposes. No hills will be alive with the sound of music, but Camden might be. A langourous and 'Springwatch' style bimble. :smile:


Cycling Excusiast
That sounds like a nice route- have to be in Chinatown to meet a friend a 1:30 so that's do-able for me. Haven't been to Camden in years!

I've cricked my back just now - think it's sitting twisted in my desk chair - it should be fine for Sunday as nothing is worse then to leave it to fester.

EDIT- five months off the bike and I sound/feel like an old women
You're being lied to. LMNHMcP is a low accuracy high risk trick the gloveless boys perform on particularly cold days.

Take no notice - this man's on drugs! :smile:


Cycling Excusiast
ah yes, that'll teach me to skim read again.....as completely misread that as some strange circus trick, no need for any demonstrations thankyouverymuch..McP wherever they happen and if they occur in shifts are not for public consideration!!



Cycling Excusiast
Don't tell young Clive that - it's his raison d'etre! :rofl: :~)

Oh so mean Teef!!

So will you be partaking of the Sunday ride? You can watch me puff and wheeze myself red in the face on the flat as amusement if you're not working!

That reminds me - speaking of Clive:- saw a bit of wicked architecture that would probably be right up your street to photograph- silver; lots of repetitive angles and geometric beauty in structured lines - was going to wait for the next ride I was on...but that's been months now since the last one when we had that conversation about photography - Sunday it is!
So far, yes.
But I'm not doing it for fun you know. Oh no - this will be on the rivet racing stuff, and I'm only going if people are wearing helmets - not those fancy effete caps - and it's bound to be at least 2C, so no dressing up with as many layers as a lasagne eh? Let's get healthy and go! :smile:
I would post more but I'm off for a fag and a beer now.
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