Ah ha! A kir and bleu D'Auvergne cheese will help me write this...I feel great!
Miss London wore her alluring scent today. "Un Coup du Soleil" proved seductive and irresistible - it reminded me of a free bar.
She was dressed in bracelets and necklaces of Borisblue...draped everywhere, and fitting nicely with the chiffon of humanity that billowed about her super form! All that to say it was a fantastic day to be alive - feeling the light of the day and resting content with one's lot.
I was late arriving to the normal start point and hit Aldwych for fun, as I was on the way to Old Street anyway. 'Look Mum No Hands' turned into look Mum no money as I forgot my dosh, but Luke bought me an expresso which was very nice (of him, and in taste).
I did invite my son over as he lives opposite, but he was recovering from a night in ChinaWhite

- and no, he's not a footballer. My visit was short - I said hello to Abs - first time in a long time, Becs - who I thought was skiing but was obviously desperate for good company so came back to ride, and I got a hug worth 50 cups of the finest expresso from lovely Susie...(Not forgetting the bloke people of course!

Our topcat, Dave, was into the pheromones of eatery after getting a whiff of the cooking under way at LMNH. His stomach evoked a familiar phrase
]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvufFwdqMzg[/media]
Remember Dave. If you are a top cat, it doesn't matter what time the mice catches your eye - your reputation is at stake!

About an hour later I re-emerged into London, and had a look around, hightailed to Kings Cross and, instead of turning right to work again, carried on, and took
Gt Portland Gower St (sorry - stupid me not thinking properly!) to Cov. Gdn. then took in Trafalgar Square, before rejoicing in the flooding sun all the way to Hyde Park again, and again. There may have been other Lapps in the Park - I did three, with a dob of Speaker's Corner thrown in and a soupçon of people watching. I even turned right to visit Mikey at the Memorial, but he wasn't there. there was someone doing a Cat Stevens sound-a-like concert though, and the audience were happily simmering in the gentle rays. Prince Albert was there...although his name might not ring most people's bell...
After that, I emerged to negotiate the A5 and all it's variety. The gangster, the family, the pensioner, the hoodie, the Emirate, the Baptist...all moving their 'kandy colored, tangerine flake streamlined babies' from position to position, slowly and clumsily. (Only half sexy then

) and I became invisible again.
Lovely to say 'Hi' and Happy New Year to all present, and only sorry that I didn't get more of a chance to gossip as I had questions to ask.
I'll have a shower and pop some photos into the fray...