@Marchrider , but these storms are about as much "fun" as a colonoscopy.
OK - I take your point.
I'm in the red zone too, and a big tree is within striking distance of my house, I will also be out and about in it and I'm as likely to be injured or killed as anyone else - feel free to laugh if I get my comeuppance.
may be in these politically correct times I should not of mentioned my fascination let alone my love of wild weather. 10 years ago I would have went up into the hills just to feel the full force of it - done it many times before and I find it to be something very special, will probably go out on the bike tomorrow if I can get away - as there will be no traffic on the road I will probably be safer than a warm summers afternoon.
I hope you and everyone else stays safe
I did once get myself into a difficult situation once, a Munro by the name of am_faochagach up towards Ullapool, It was a seriously wild day, force 10. nobody with any sense would have been up in the hills. I was having to semi crawl on the top to get to the summit, and then I realised chunks of water ice the size of dinner plates were flying through the air at god knows what speed, I was sheltering behind the summit cairn, if one of these chunks hit my head I would be dead, and I couldn't hang about for the massive wind chill - fond memories
you can see in the image the water ice on the ground, the wind must have been picking these up like some sort of mad frisby