- Location
- South Wales
winds have always been gusty overland, so a wind with a mean of 45 (force 8) always had meaning, one would know at that strength some trees would come down. But in the over exaggerating over sensationalising modern media, we need bigger figures, so they now want to predict the maximum gust as it is more alarmist - its just click-bait
I disagree. The gust speed is almost as significant as the mean speed. I don't feel it is click-bait to give us that (and it is the met office doing so, not just media outlets hungry for views).
Same with temperatures, most people with an ounce would now if is 3° above and windy at the same time it will be extra cold, but then comes the extra alarmist wind-chill figure, its going to be -10°c. and now we don't know if the -10 is the real temp or the 'feels like' temperature
I have never seen it given without the "feels like" modifier, so you do know which it is.
Maybe on that some of the more sensationalist outlets may put it in a headline without "feels like", but I tend not to go to those outlets if I can avoid them.