Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Another flipping broken spoke, mind it has been a while.
Last time I was out I did 31.1 miles and my H.R. never got above 158bpm with an avg of 139bpm, the two short rides I did today I maxed at 183bpm with an avg of 162bpm, now my climb rate was more overall, but there were some steepish climbs on my last ride all so, and I am back down to 13mph.


Über Member
Nice little ride through the snow, some on cleared roads some on average footpaths, and some through snow laden paths. 1 fall into a drift, mainly because I am a pillock and tried to go up a bank in a deep drift. Fun though and well wrapped up so didn't get cold.



Senior Member
Dreadful week for me, too busy to even use the turbo trainer apart from 10 miles on it today. It was 0C in the garage and after 3 miles I was still sweating like a pig! Might have to take a fan in there.

We have quite heavy snow here and it's forecast to stay until Wednesday so god knows when I will get out again. :sad: This year was going so well cycling wise until now too.

Well done kins on getting out in the snow. I don't think I fancy it, I'm too worried I'll slip and break something!


Über Member
Has been the cross trainer for me all week, not even gone for a run.

After a tip from Bainy16 have now joined a local cycling club.
Don't know when I will be able to go for a ride, doubt the Sunday ride will be on this week then I'm working the next 2 Sundays, but I am looking forward to my first ride whenever that may be.

The club is part of the Cycle Supreme shop in Doncaster, I have also booked myself in for a bike fitting on Monday so will let you know how it goes.

Got my cycling fix yesterday, was in Sheffield so spent a hour in 2 very good cycling shops, J E James and the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative.

Those carbon bikes did look fine, particularly liked the Giant Defy the Specialized Roubaix and the Trek Domane.


Can't wait to hear of your stories from your first club ride hope all goes well for you.

I'm also debating whether to get a bike fit to try and sort these aches and soreness in my knees. So will be good to hear how you get on mate.


North Carolina
The Sun was back today, it was still a little cool (to me :blink: ) but not bad, I just don't like having to pull out a paper towel to wipe my nose every couple of miles or so :dry: .

I got in about 16 miles on one of my regular tracks. It felt good to get back on my Trek road bike after riding my rain bike for the past several rides.
Well I put the new spoke on and, got the wheel pretty straight, you watch another will go in the week, at this rate i will have replaced all the rear drive side spokes with in the year. Can anyone recommend a reasonable priced replacement, currently Weinmann XR18


Über Member
Well I put the new spoke on and, got the wheel pretty straight, you watch another will go in the week, at this rate i will have replaced all the rear drive side spokes with in the year. Can anyone recommend a reasonable priced replacement, currently Weinmann XR18
Not had to replace any as yet, will have to get a couple just in case.

Have had to tighten a couple to get rid of slight buckles, was a bit reluctant to give it a try but was not too bad just had to mark the worst bit with some tape and take my time making very small adjustments.
Not had to replace any as yet, will have to get a couple just in case.

Have had to tighten a couple to get rid of slight buckles, was a bit reluctant to give it a try but was not too bad just had to mark the worst bit with some tape and take my time making very small adjustments.
I get a bit impatient, I can work on a picture for days sometimes and think nothing of it, but my bike in bits i dont like.


Senior Member
I just went on the turbo again but I could manage just 5 miles. I hate it so much, I really do.

It's not even the boredom. It just feels so unpleasant, being hot and sweaty when you're in a garage that's -2C just feels wrong and horrible. Maybe I should try it indoors with a fan on maximum, or maybe I should join a gym. I don't know whether my hatred of using the turbo is partly psychological, using the bike you have fun on out on the open road indoors, in such an unpleasant way makes it worse perhaps. Even though when it's dark and the roads are covered in snow, I know it's that or nothing!


I just went on the turbo again but I could manage just 5 miles. I hate it so much, I really do.

It's not even the boredom. It just feels so unpleasant, being hot and sweaty when you're in a garage that's -2C just feels wrong and horrible. Maybe I should try it indoors with a fan on maximum, or maybe I should join a gym. I don't know whether my hated of using the turbo is partly psychological, using the bike you have fun on out on the open road indoors, in such an unpleasant way makes it worse perhaps. Even though when it's dark and the roads are covered in snow, I know it's that or nothing!
I'd rather be out on the open roads too. I find the hardest bit actually getting the turbo out but ok once I'm on it. I just think of this 127mile sportive in June and use this towards the motivation.


Senior Member
I'd rather be out on the open roads too. I find the hardest bit actually getting the turbo out but ok once I'm on it. I just think of this 127mile sportive in June and use this towards the motivation.

I find it difficult to find the motivation to get on it in the first place too but even more difficult once I get past the 3 mile mark. Perhaps I should book some more sportives. So far I only have the Shakespeare 100 and I'm not too worried about that, 62 miles isn't too bad and I've been up the biggest hill, albeit pushing the bike for 100 yards on the way up it!


Legendary Member
Don't have a turbo but I have a really pretty decent quality exercise bike, was around £500 new. Like you, as much as I am frustrated with not getting out, I just can't motivate myself to exercise indoors on a machine. It's even got a bit to plug in my ipod but it just doesn't do it for me :sad:
Well I finally got out for a quick spin to check the bike (no wheels fell off at least), i think I will either need to get the rear wheel done or get a new set, as there is a slight chip in the front rim, this might be the better option. any suggestions on reasonable priced 700cx23 wheels.
At least I got one p.b. I also set a recorded to the hospital yesterday, and this one
Well at least I am going down hills faster, just need to do it the other way round.
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