Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Don't have a turbo but I have a really pretty decent quality exercise bike, was around £500 new. Like you, as much as I am frustrated with not getting out, I just can't motivate myself to exercise indoors on a machine. It's even got a bit to plug in my ipod but it just doesn't do it for me :sad:

:sad: Oh well, the nights are starting to draw out and in a couple of months the clocks will go forward again. Perhaps if we get fit over the summer in the warm days and long nights we'll have more incentive next winter to exercise indoors.

Well I finally got out for a quick spin to check the bike (no wheels fell off at least), i think I will either need to get the rear wheel done or get a new set, as there is a slight chip in the front rim, this might be the better option. any suggestions on reasonable priced 700cx23 wheels.
At least I got one p.b. I also set a recorded to the hospital yesterday, and this one
Well at least I am going down hills faster, just need to do it the other way round.

Well done for getting out and getting the P.B.!
:sad: Oh well, the nights are starting to draw out and in a couple of months the clocks will go forward again. Perhaps if we get fit over the summer in the warm days and long nights we'll have more incentive next winter to exercise indoors.

Well done for getting out and getting the P.B.!
The temp never bothers me, just do less distance work, and shorter more intense work.
The ice bothers me, because its just so dangerous, 23c tyres dont work to well on snow either, but then we didn't really get any, but I needed to get out.


Senior Member
The temp never bothers me, just do less distance work, and shorter more intense work.
The ice bothers me, because its just so dangerous, 23c tyres dont work to well on snow either, but then we didn't really get any, but I needed to get out.

Yeah I'm not bothered by the cold either but I don't want to slip on the snow/ice and break something. There's pretty heavy snow here and all the roads are covered in sludge in the middle and ice on the sides. Not good.
It wont last long, very rarely does in this country, I dont see that a few days off will make much difference, I take upto a wk to 10 tens sometimes, usually come back fitter for it, though my H.R, was higher Friday that the last time out, it maxed at 183bpm now i am 49 next month, I only have 7 readings for HR so I cant read to much into anything yet, my cadence dropped back a little yesterday, but not sure because I have been off or the fact a spoke went and didn't push it so much, or the fact the climb rate was up a little, second highest of the year but at only 14 miles over two short trips doesn't mean much really.


North Carolina
I got in another 15 miles today, kept it over 14 mph without really pushing it. Not bad weather, I was able to ride with just my thin gloves and only used one of them most of the ride. I am already seeing a nice increase in daylight from just a month ago. Everyone hang in there, better weather and more daylight is not far away....hopefully. :sun:

I saw everyone talking about the turbos. I have a stationary bike that now lives outside under a shelter, right beside that expensive elliptical I bought a few years ago. I have been meaning to put an ad on craigslist to get them out of my way. My cat does like the stationary bike, it has a nice large seat almost as big as my riding mower seat, he uses both of them to sleep on. I think he likes the mower seat a little better but the cowl on my truck is his favorite, when the engine is still warm.
Quite in here today, managed 25miles at 14mph 20/1/2013 and managed 7 p.b.'s though to be fair 4 were along the same stretch just different heights and distances. I set a few new times on new sections.

But the best is I managed 14mph over that distance, strava says 1001ft, everything else puts it about 1400ft plus, so it makes the most difficult ride this year, I must be nuts, but i enjoyed the ride today better than many I had in the summer/autumn, speed and fitness aside.


Legendary Member
Quite in here today, managed 25miles at 14mph 20/1/2013 and managed 7 p.b.'s though to be fair 4 were along the same stretch just different heights and distances. I set a few new times on new sections.

But the best is I managed 14mph over that distance, strava says 1001ft, everything else puts it about 1400ft plus, so it makes the most difficult ride this year, I must be nuts, but i enjoyed the ride today better than many I had in the summer/autumn, speed and fitness aside.

Strava always shows my height climbed and time taken different to my gps. Looks like you will be making some ground on me mileage wise, we have snow everywhere here, so just doing the direct rides to and from work for now (5 miles each way)


Über Member
Strava always shows my height climbed and time taken different to my gps. Looks like you will be making some ground on me mileage wise, we have snow everywhere here, so just doing the direct rides to and from work for now (5 miles each way)
I have just noticed your cyclelog bar I've got to say over 350 already this year with the weather we've had is very impressive :bravo:


Legendary Member
I have just noticed your cyclelog bar I've got to say over 350 already this year with the weather we've had is very impressive :bravo:

I've been lucky, up until Friday the roads have been clear. I do a lot of mileage to and from work, once on the bike I just tend to keep going and rarely go the direct route to work, though this week I think I will be.
Strava always shows my height climbed and time taken different to my gps. Looks like you will be making some ground on me mileage wise, we have snow everywhere here, so just doing the direct rides to and from work for now (5 miles each way)
Not sure about that, we had 3-4" during the night, and it's still falling lightly, though its wet underneath so might melt quickly if it stays warm. Not really suited to 23c slicks.
Speaking of which, though not expensive tyres, I got a Continental Ultra Sport Bike Tyre - 700c x 23c for £13.60 from Halfords which means I have a Bontrager R1 on the rear and the Ultra Sport on the front, I had been running on the Kenda that were supplied with the bike for nearly 3500 (front and rear) and nearly 4000 front, without to many punctures maybe 10 or so. I think the new tyres actually take less effort.
Well I got out for 21 miles, on the face of it a pretty easy ride if repetitive, 12 laps of a 1.8 mile course couldn't vary it much because of the snow, as it turns out it was slow being on the estate, traffic and snow ball dodging, yesterdays ride had a climb rate of 55.5ft per mile this had 52.8 ft per mile which when you consider the first week I cycled back in June I was 31.1 ft per mile, and whilst that wasn't difficult I did struggle, the biggest problem today was boardem really.
I didn't get any p.b.'s (no surprise there considering the weather) but I did get a 2nd fastest time all be it down hill.
Also well done to any other that got out, I have seen that a few have.


Legendary Member
Well I got out for 21 miles, on the face of it a pretty easy ride if repetitive, 12 laps of a 1.8 mile course couldn't vary it much because of the snow, as it turns out it was slow being on the estate, traffic and snow ball dodging, yesterdays ride had a climb rate of 55.5ft per mile this had 52.8 ft per mile which when you consider the first week I cycled back in June I was 31.1 ft per mile, and whilst that wasn't difficult I did struggle, the biggest problem today was boardem really.
I didn't get any p.b.'s (no surprise there considering the weather) but I did get a 2nd fastest time all be it down hill.
Also well done to any other that got out, I have seen that a few have.

Very pretty graph. I managed just over 18 miles today commuting to and from work, this morning was a bit dicey, but tonight was fine.


Roads were not to bad today, I thought about taking the hybrid but decided to stick with my ss on studded tires. Was pretty chuffed as I made the inbound journey to work at an avg spd of 14.5mph, which is around my normal time for the hybrid.... The Single Speed is making me work much harder uphill and down and I do miss gears but hoping this will reap results when I switch back to my regular bike!
I've made some miles this year but really found it hard to push myself on my own. Strava helps a little, but unless the segment is more than 20 miles away I just think, nah I'll go for it tomorrow. Switching to the single speed has forced me to put a bit more effort in...though I am still enjoying it.
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