Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Seriously impressed with these miles you are doing Reece. Top Man.

Hope it was just your cleat that was loose.
Cheers Brian.

Yeah really hope was just the cleat or maybe a slight adjustment on the bike. Shorter rides after some recovery so I know it's sorted before more high milers.


North Carolina
Still haven't been out yet, still feels like flu. Penicillin cleared up the chest infection though.
Desperate to get out there but don't wont to make anything worse.

Glad the penicillin worked, don't push it, get well first and hopefully soon. :thumbsup:

It looks like most everyone else is having some nice rides. I think you will all do well in that event you are planning to enter. Going to be interesting watching you all prepare. Good luck to you all with the training.

I am mostly just putting in miles. Today I got in about 16 on the old 1974 Raleigh LTD 3...the rain unit, and it wasn't even raining at all, far from it. Sunshine and temp was 22c, way above normal and I am loving it. I enjoy riding the old bike, rides very smooth but makes all kinds of funny creaking sounds. It reminds me of an old sailboat. It could use some more gears, has the 3 speed internal hub gears which I really like, could just use more of them. :smile: It is a nice workout machine, especially since I changed the handlebars and grips.


North Carolina
Any chance you might make it over for the Shakespeare 100 in April ? :scratch:

A picture of your old Raleigh ?

I won't be able to make that run. I am thinking about The Tour de France in the UK in 2014 an observer, don't think I can get in shape that soon to compete in it. :tongue:

I will get a picture of my Raleigh soon, I want to take a before and after picture, it is not in bad shape but I want to do a little restoring on it.


Über Member
First of all, what a glorious day! Sunshine! Did by far my furthest ride today at just under 20 miles in one continuous ride. I did stop to adjust my cleats after getting a build up of foot pain, but one slight adjust to toe out a bit and it went away. Can't wait to swap to my road bike when I finally get it finished. Nearly made me decide to forget getting it powder coated and build it straight away as the rest of it is just sitting in boxes waiting to get fitted!

Got cold after the sun went behind the mountains. Arse hurts even with first foray into padded shorts. Not totally convinced my saddle position is right. Clipping in and out wasn't a problem either which I did worry about with slowing down for dogs etc.

Very busy cycle route with loads of friendly people about walking their dogs, and besides a mad spaniel who tried head butting my front wheel they were all very polite. Very few cyclists though, probably saw 6.

One thing that does bug me about the route and round here generally is the cycle barriers. They seem to be all different sizes and half of them you can't get through without going crabwise side ways. There are probably 10 or so. Who ever fitted them certainly didn't own a tape measure! One of the gate ones with the little turning circle is so bad its easier just to carry your bike over the top.


Well-Known Member
Second time out on the bike today - - not a massive distance or speed but at the moment its just about getting out on the bike and enjoying it. Lordy my toes were cold though - I'll be looking at over shoes this evening..


Finally got out for a ride 'longer than tesco's carpark'... first decent ride of the new year! Just wish I was not such a numptee with navigation :sad:
the ride following it (I visited family inbetween the rides)was a bit slow, but it was mostly on unlit, icy roads and it started to snow...which was cool ;)

Great to see plenty of posts in January!


Fleet, Hants
Yep it was terrifying! I was going to go across to Fish Hill, then cross the A46, go through the archway and then past Broadway tower and turn left to end up back at the A46 cross roads further down, the road to Chipping Campden.

You're lucky to have such great hills on your doorstep. I did a couple of rides around the area over Christmas as my wife has family in Mickleton. It is such a great area for riding but it is hard work so you are doing well with your mileage. If you haven't done it yet then the descent from Snowshill down in to Broadway is a cracker and pretty straight so it is safe to really let go but some of the bumps will send you airborne ;-)

Also that climb out of Blockley up towards Bourton on the Hill is a toughie, it has made me realise that Hants where I live is pretty flat!


Über Member
4 miles in the slush and sleet makes me appreciate all you mad buggers who commute long distances in the winter! Serves me right for not checking my electric and having to ride 3 times as far to get key charged because its so late. :cold:


A great ride Andy and so close to my home and circuits.
I haven't ridden this year yet due to being ill, can't wait to do these sort of miles.

I'm hoping to make regular miles around that area for the next few months... Trying to get a bit more familiar with roads between my home and Oxford... As I'd like to make of habit of riding there to visit family. I've done 100km and 75 miles isn't much more, so I could probobly make it already...but my ability to get lost is astonishing. I thought my garmin800 would end all that but alas no!

I was intending to try climb Saintbury Hill but missed the turning, then the sat nav re-rerouted to my return journey. It was a nice afternoon all the same. I plan to return next Sunday Morning to correct that error, provided the roads are no worse than today's.
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