Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
I know it is no achievement as such but if there is anyone reading this who is a bit reticent about joining this forum because they can only do a bit, please join and enjoy the benefits of the great support you can get on here and build yourself up at your own pace. Every journey starts with a single press of the pedal.

Indeed it is as grand an achievement as any other because you gave 100% and got 100% back in enjoyment. I know of nothing greater. Keep at it.

Well I decided that today would be the day I tackled Saintbury hill, as for once the winds weren't blowing from the south which would meant it wouldn't be quite so hard. As soon as I set off I knew it was a bad idea though, my legs were aching straight away. It could be the wine I had last night, the lack of sleep or the freezing cold but I think it was mostly because I am just not used to cycling every other day anymore. So far this year I have done 4 rides in 9 days whereas in December I only did 4 rides in the entire month, spaced out at once per week. When I've had 4+ days off the bike my legs never hurt and I am only limited by my heart rate.

Anyway I decided to persevere and boy did I regret it! I remember Brian saying that he had got half way up and given up and now I know why. Half way up it becomes like a brick wall! To my eternal shame I had to get off and push as I just didn't think I would be able to get back on and start off at that gradient. I pushed it for about 100 yards then got back on and pedalled to the top. My time is truly appalling though, I am 241st out of 249 on Strava. :sad:

That wasn't even the worst part. I had planned to cycle a bit on the Cotswold Ridge and come down the other side on a gentler hill, so the descent wouldn't be too bad. But when I got to the top it was foggy so I had to just take the next road down which turned out to be the Willesey turning. Talk about a white knuckle ride!! I was squeezing the brakes as hard as possible and still going down at a fair old rate. A couple of times I thought I was going to come off because of the debris on the corners but somehow I managed to stay on.

As my ride had been cut short by the fog I decided to take the long way home to extend the ride to 32 miles. Which isn't that far but it's further than I've been for a while I suppose. I just hope that cycling more regularly like this will pay dividends in the coming weeks and months because I don't want to fail like that again. Here's the ride anyway:
That's a scary ride down into Willersey isn't it?

I still haven't been out this year as I am still not right, but I am looking forward to getting all the way up Saintbury this year.


Senior Member
That's a scary ride down into Willersey isn't it?

I still haven't been out this year as I am still not right, but I am looking forward to getting all the way up Saintbury this year.

Yep it was terrifying! I was going to go across to Fish Hill, then cross the A46, go through the archway and then past Broadway tower and turn left to end up back at the A46 cross roads further down, the road to Chipping Campden. That's not too steep and would only have been about half the descent, with the remaining coming gradually after I got to the bottom of Chipping Campden and turned right towards Mickleton. Instead I had to descent the whole thing in just a few white knuckle seconds!

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. Hopefully you can get on the bike again soon. We both need to be able to do Saintbury comfortably before the Shakespeare 100, can't have outsiders showing us up on our hill. ;)


Senior Member
Have you booked yourself in then?

Not yet, I should do it now I suppose just in case it gets booked up. Their website is a little bit confusing though, it mentions that Jerseys are limited and they sell out fast but it seems like you have to buy one to do the ride? Did you just order one from them when you booked it?
Hah, I scoff at your distances - 10 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles - I can beat them all! Well, my daughter can.


That's 2 meters, not 2 miles.

Her first bike for Christmas from santa for my nearly 4 year old. Took the pedals off and she's using it as a balance bike. She's been trying soooo hard and asks to be out on it everyday. Trying to fit that around working ours and early sunset is difficult but we're gettign there. After a few days of shuffling along, she's prgressed to running along (the bike is quite big so it'll be easier hen her feet are flatter on the ground). However the oterh day she found a slight dip in the pavement and balanced on her own for around 2m.

Very proud dad.


Über Member
Back to work tomorrow so went for a decent ride today

54.8 miles in 3.35.31, 15.2mph

Nice ride to start with the sun was out and felt warm enough.

After 20 miles or so as I got near the river trent it got very misty and the temperature plummeted to only just above zero.

I continued with my ride as I had planned to cross the trent on 2 different bridges to the south of me which I managed to do.

Plenty of wildlife on show, I saw a large deer from about 20ft, and cycled close alongside a flying barn owl for about 100m.

The last few miles were hard, not because I was tired but because of the cold, had lost the feeling in my feet and my legs were going numb which made turning the pedals hard work.

So have had a protein drink and a nice warm shower and am off food shopping with the mrs, I can't wait!


Active Member
Back to work tomorrow so went for a decent ride today

Plenty of wildlife on show, I saw a large deer from about 20ft, and cycled close alongside a flying barn owl for about 100m.

You don't get to see things like that in a car do you? A few months ago I was riding home through a local park at dusk, the bike path ran alongside a dyke that cuts through the park. I saw on the other side of the dyke what I first thought was a dog but it was a fox. We kept pace for about 200 yards then it veered off into the bushes, quite a magical moment.


Über Member
14.5 miles today. Most of it was just doing stuff I had to do. First 8 miles had my Rucksack with my Reynolds frame attached dangling down my back before I dropped it off at the workshop. Then did part of cycle route 43 till I had to turn round and go to the surgery. Back to town to pick up some stuff to drop off at a volunteers houses which I did, popped round my old mans, to get a bottle of port /slurp and then back home. Up to the surgery it was nice weather, after that it was chucking it down. Waterproofs did the job and now nice and dry with a cuppa coffee. Two big hills (for me!) done, one twice with no stopping and the very low gear wobbles are getting less as I get used to climbing in the saddle. Arse hurts and my padded shorts still haven't arrived! :sad:

Route 43 by me runs right along the river and nice to see loads of old people, mothers with buggies etc walking along with their dogs, all cheerful with hellos and comments about the weather exchanged. Pleasant. :thumbsup:
Not yet, I should do it now I suppose just in case it gets booked up. Their website is a little bit confusing though, it mentions that Jerseys are limited and they sell out fast but it seems like you have to buy one to do the ride? Did you just order one from them when you booked it?
No you don't have to buy a jersey when booking the ride, but you can't buy a jersey unless you are booking the ride if that makes sense.


Senior Member
Back to work tomorrow so went for a decent ride today

55.8 miles in 3.35.31, 15.2mph

Nice ride to start with the sun was out and felt warm enough.

After 20 miles or so as I got near the river trent it got very misty and the temperature plummeted to only just above zero.

I continued with my ride as I had planned to cross the trent on 2 different bridges to the south of me which I managed to do.

Plenty of wildlife on show, I saw a large deer from about 20ft, and cycled close alongside a flying barn owl for about 100m.

The last few miles were hard, not because I was tired but because of the cold, had lost the feeling in my feet and my legs were going numb which made turning the pedals hard work.

So have had a protein drink and a nice warm shower and am off food shopping with the mrs, I can't wait!

Wow, very nice ride simmi. Great pace for that distance.

14.5 miles today. Most of it was just doing stuff I had to do. First 8 miles had my Rucksack with my Reynolds frame attached dangling down my back before I dropped it off at the workshop. Then did part of cycle route 43 till I had to turn round and go to the surgery. Back to town to pick up some stuff to drop off at a volunteers houses which I did, popped round my old mans, to get a bottle of port /slurp and then back home. Up to the surgery it was nice weather, after that it was chucking it down. Waterproofs did the job and now nice and dry with a cuppa coffee. Two big hills (for me!) done, one twice with no stopping and the very low gear wobbles are getting less as I get used to climbing in the saddle. Arse hurts and my padded shorts still haven't arrived! :sad:

Route 43 by me runs right along the river and nice to see loads of old people, mothers with buggies etc walking along with their dogs, all cheerful with hellos and comments about the weather exchanged. Pleasant. :thumbsup:
Sounds like a nice useful ride. I'm yet to use my bike for anything practical yet. :blush:

No you don't have to buy a jersey when booking the ride, but you can't buy a jersey unless you are booking the ride if that makes sense.

Ah I see, thanks. Well I know it's for charity but I really don't want yet another item of clothing that'll just sit in the wardrobe. I'd rather just make an extra donation myself so I think I'll just book the ride. Maybe I'm being thick but I can't see how to add it to my cart without buying the jersey though?


Über Member
You don't get to see things like that in a car do you? A few months ago I was riding home through a local park at dusk, the bike path ran alongside a dyke that cuts through the park. I saw on the other side of the dyke what I first thought was a dog but it was a fox. We kept pace for about 200 yards then it veered off into the bushes, quite a magical moment.
Yeah it is quite amazing at times.
I thinks your approach can be nearly silent so they don't know you're coming.
Secondly they are not quite sure what you are, are you danger or a fellow animal?
I am going to have to get myself a little instant camera to carry around.
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