Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I have had a little more time during the day lately and the weather has been nice, so I did some different narrower roads than I normally do. Not as much traffic in the late mornings until mid afternoon. Everything was fine until I went by an elementary school at 2:30 pm, the time the kids get out of school. Cars and school buses, just what I needed. :rolleyes:

All the drivers were great, nobody got anywhere near what I consider close. I was about a mile down the road and saw an older gentleman standing at the end of his driveway. I though he was waiting to cross but he never did. I get closer to him but he never moved. I looked behind me and there is a school bus coming up with the caution lights flashing and I then realized he was waiting there to walk a child from the bus. I am not riding fast and the bus had to stay back behind me for maybe 100 feet or so. I rode by the man he said hello and I said "I am about to get passed by a stopped school bus". This got a big laugh out of him. (passing a stopped school bus is about the most major traffic violation on the books here). He liked the play on words.

I did get in 20 miles with hills that were steeper than normal. I was able to ride in summer gear again. This weather has been amazing for this time of year.


Senior Member
You and me both then, bring on the hill !

Yep :biggrin: I think Reece is going to so we could have a little cyclechat group going around the course!

I have had a little more time during the day lately and the weather has been nice, so I did some different narrower roads than I normally do. Not as much traffic in the late mornings until mid afternoon. Everything was fine until I went by an elementary school at 2:30 pm, the time the kids get out of school. Cars and school buses, just what I needed. :rolleyes:

All the drivers were great, nobody got anywhere near what I consider close. I was about a mile down the road and saw an older gentleman standing at the end of his driveway. I though he was waiting to cross but he never did. I get closer to him but he never moved. I looked behind me and there is a school bus coming up with the caution lights flashing and I then realized he was waiting there to walk a child from the bus. I am not riding fast and the bus had to stay back behind me for maybe 100 feet or so. I rode by the man he said hello and I said "I am about to get passed by a stopped school bus". This got a big laugh out of him. (passing a stopped school bus is about the most major traffic violation on the books here). He liked the play on words.

I did get in 20 miles with hills that were steeper than normal. I was able to ride in summer gear again. This weather has been amazing for this time of year.

Nice one, you've done a huge amount of rides so far this year. The weather was great here too for once but that just means no rain and blue skies, I definitely still needed the winter gear today!


Senior Member
I did my training loop again today, slightly extended it by not taking a cut-through that shortens the bit of B-road I have to cycle on:

I can't believe how much my legs hurt! They hurt loads when I first started cycling but haven't hurt on a ride for months. I guess that was just because I was cycling so infrequently. I know I've only done 5 rides in 11 days but in the whole of December I only did 4, 1 per weekend so it's a big difference for me.

Before the only limiting factor was my heart rate, now it's overcoming the pain in my legs! I see why so many join a club now, before I couldn't physically push myself harder because of my heart rate but I could now as it's the pain stopping me. My average speed is staying roughly the same but my average heart rate is lower each ride, which shows I am getting fitter I suppose.

If you look at my data my heart rate actually dropped after I started my ride, down to 49 when I was almost a mile into it. That's because my legs were complaining so much! It's uphill all the way at the beginning too, shows how hard I was pedalling. :laugh:


Über Member
Rode down to the workshop about 4 miles to remove the cups from my Reynolds, weather wasn't to bad, just damp and overcast. Got the bike sorted and thought I would go for a few miles, but gave up in the end. Wind quickened, rain came down which wasn't to bad until I tried climbing a long but low elevation climb against the wind. Wasn't happening, wind was howling between the houses and I was going nowhere fast and it wasn't fun. Sod that for a game of soldiers! Turned round, went home and now having a nice cup of coffee while drying off and listening to the wind gust outside.

Good news though is cleats and shoes now working nicely for first proper day riding with them and not even a close call.


Legendary Member
Got the bike back from the LBS, no damage from my crash on Tuesday night. Fitted the ice tyres and got them rode in. Just over 25 miles at 15.6mph - though strava says 15.1?

Very hard work riding on ice tyres and boy do they make some noise, is like someone is popping bubble wrap all the time, mind you pedestrians know you are coming.


Legendary Member
Got the bike back from the LBS, no damage from my crash on Tuesday night. Fitted the ice tyres and got them rode in. Just over 25 miles at 15.6mph - though strava says 15.1?

Very hard work riding on ice tyres and boy do they make some noise, is like someone is popping bubble wrap all the time, mind you pedestrians know you are coming.

Good average with these on! Just in time I think judging by the forecast.


A cold, windy & painful 75.9 miles earlier.

Went out for the 9am club run to the cafe and then 4 of us carried on to get the miles in. The first 30miles to the cafe were great. Never felt so good about a ride and really into. Was averaging 16.5mph and I was leading the group most of the way. Quick toilet stop at the cafe and on we went. 2 miles later sharp pain in right knee and unable to pedal out of the seat and all the climbs my left leg was pretty much pedaling itself. Should of listened to my body and turned back then but I assured the others I could carry on. After 40 odd miles we were coming back towards Leicester, it suddenly got very windy and headwinds to boot (no wonder was so good riding out to there). With the knee pains and headwinds the avg speed suffered. Got home and think my cleat on my right foot had moved. Hope this is the cause of the pain and not something I'll get every ride. Going to double check the bike set up for myself.

Also had the first go on my turbo trainer last night. Boy it's hard but I enjoyed it. 40mins interval training while watching iplayer on the PC.


Legendary Member
A cold, windy & painful 75.9 miles earlier.

Went out for the 9am club run to the cafe and then 4 of us carried on to get the miles in. The first 30miles to the cafe were great. Never felt so good about a ride and really into. Was averaging 16.5mph and I was leading the group most of the way. Quick toilet stop at the cafe and on we went. 2 miles later sharp pain in right knee and unable to pedal out of the seat and all the climbs my left leg was pretty much pedaling itself. Should of listened to my body and turned back then but I assured the others I could carry on. After 40 odd miles we were coming back towards Leicester, it suddenly got very windy and headwinds to boot (no wonder was so good riding out to there). With the knee pains and headwinds the avg speed suffered. Got home and think my cleat on my right foot had moved. Hope this is the cause of the pain and not something I'll get every ride. Going to double check the bike set up for myself.

Also had the first go on my turbo trainer last night. Boy it's hard but I enjoyed it. 40mins interval training while watching iplayer on the PC.

What size frame do you have, just getting prepared in case you have to retire and sell the bike?

Only kidding, hopefully it is not serious and a few days rest fixes it.

Agree on the wind today, right pain in the wotsit.


What size frame do you have, just getting prepared in case you have to retire and sell the bike?

Only kidding, hopefully it is not serious and a few days rest fixes it.

Agree on the wind today, right pain in the wotsit.
Lol. Yeah a few days off I think. May do an easy spin on the turbo tomorrow as a basic recovery ride.
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