Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
This is about my 6th bike ride

44 mile 2000ft climbing in 3 1/2 hr.
felt dead around 30 miles, legs refused to turn the cranks, probably the worst ive ever felt
feel good now tho

That is one hell of a sixth bike ride, very nice. I bet you are a little worn out. :thumbsup:


So was planning on doing a 50mile route with a friend from the club. He's not rode in 2 weeks as just coming back from being ill for the 2 weeks.

Weather forecast was good so thought I'd carry on when I left him to get in my first metric century of the year. I'm entering the century comp within our club where you have to do at least one century a month or you're disqualified.

Anyhow, when we were on the home stretch of our original route my mate felt up to the century. We ended doing 71.9miles. Avg speed took a hit for the last 10miles as my friend was struggling a bit (probably shouldn't have gone the hilly way home lol).

So first century of the year done and starting as I mean to go on ^_^


That is one hell of a sixth bike ride, very nice. I bet you are a little worn out. :thumbsup:

Well, its the 6th since i started riding properly. Ive rôde à mtb occasionally in the past. I was fine for 30 miles then all of à sudden i was dying. I only got to 43 because i had to get home!


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
11.3 miles / 1274m ascent/descent / 6hrs 54mins 23secs....

...not on bike but a crossing of Hevellyn massif today - crap weather up high v.murky and some very tricky navigation.

All helps in the personal fitness battle - probably heresy on here but I much prefer being in the mountains to being on a bike. :ohmy:
Well, its the 6th since i started riding properly. Ive rôde à mtb occasionally in the past. I was fine for 30 miles then all of à sudden i was dying. I only got to 43 because i had to get home!
Don't belive that bit, you could have took an easier route home. That last 10 miles was up the steepest bit of your ride, you could have gone through New Millerdam which would have still give you 40 odd miles and not such a big climb at the end, but either way well done.
And there was me feeling rather pleased with what I did today.


Don't belive that bit, you could have took an easier route home. That last 10 miles was up the steepest bit of your ride, you could have gone through New Millerdam which would have still give you 40 odd miles and not such a big climb at the end, but either way well done.
And there was me feeling rather pleased with what I did today.

yeah. actually i had planned to finish back that way and was determined to do it, i did contemplate dropping back down to newmillerdam. i actually stopped and had a look at map on my phone.

Your ride looks flatter but then you averaged 15mph, i only managed 12, infact i havent averaged more than that yet, might try a shorter run next week try to go a bit faster.

Noticed you started on baghill lane, my dad lived on there until recently, just after the bridge over train lines.


Legendary Member
Front ring a 5 min job if like for like, chain about 15, mind it might give me some chance to get some miles on you.

You'll be flying passed me anyway. I don't expect to get much further than my 4,000 target, I am just trying to bang some miles in early to get ahead of myself before we get hit with some crappy weather, as my daily commute will plummet down to 5 miles each way when it does hit. If I can maintain 40 miles a day, I only need to do another 96 days of commuting!
yeah. actually i had planned to finish back that way and was determined to do it, i did contemplate dropping back down to newmillerdam. i actually stopped and had a look at map on my phone.

Your ride looks flatter but then you averaged 15mph, i only managed 12, infact i havent averaged more than that yet, might try a shorter run next week try to go a bit faster.

Noticed you started on baghill lane, my dad lived on there until recently, just after the bridge over train lines.
Good on you, determination gets you a lot of places, I went through Woolley over through Bretton in Nov, so I know the hill, in fact my 5th ride was believe it or not over pretty much the same area I did 25 miles @ 9.8mph, with a climb rate of 55ft per mile. I didn't record it but I did make a record of the route.
I am not surprised you only managed 12 on that route thats nearly 46ft a mile, I did 14.5 according to strava, though for some reason I lose a lot of elevation when I put stuff on there. According to gpsies I did 814 ft which works out to be 26.8 ft per mile, still not much, I just wanted to see if I had really improved since I used to do lot over the area I did back in Aug-Sept when I was doing 14-15 mph runs, seems not really.
Though 2 out of the last 7 segments I got p.b's the ignoring the last two, I had to make the ride over 50Km stupidly i still missed by 500m. 2 I got 2nd best timings and the last one before home I tried, but just couldn't kick at the end. This one shows as a p.b. though I have a ride showing 17.9mph which must be wrong as I could never have done that in Sept I cant do it now, so the timings were wrong. I am still a long way done on the leader board though.
It's a nice result for me as it's 1.3% climb for 1/2 a mile.
The other not as steep but longer at .8% for 2.2 miles covers the same segment almost home.
I have been under 10mph for the segment once in Dec (must have been hell of a wind blowing, usually is a breeze as it's going west) and once in Aug, that doesn't surprise me, so to do it today at just under 14mph, i was pleased.
I hate coming up that section, because of the bridge/lights steep 11% hill, not so much because of the hill, but because if you stop it's a hell of a job getting your feet back in the clips.


Über Member
Had my first crash on my Specialized Roubaix a couple of weeks before Christmas. Since then my gears have been playing up. After a few attempts to adjust them I finally went to my LBS to sort it out.

It turns out my SORA shifter had cracked so it was a great excuse to upgrade to 105s and spend £250. Got out on the bike today and it was great. Not only do the gears now work but the 105 levers were much more responsive. I got 25 miles in and plan a longer ride in the morning. I wasn't planning to upgrade having only owned the bike 10 weeks but needs must :biggrin: The bike has earned an upgrade as its kept me riding through the dark, cold days making me do nearly 700 miles that I wouldn't have done on my MTB.
You'll be flying passed me anyway. I don't expect to get much further than my 4,000 target, I am just trying to bang some miles in early to get ahead of myself before we get hit with some crappy weather, as my daily commute will plummet down to 5 miles each way when it does hit. If I can maintain 40 miles a day, I only need to do another 96 days of commuting!
Not sure if i will hit mine either.
96 days well thats not even half of what you might do in a year, even at a 190x20 that's 3800,
Wind wise it's been the calmest since the 27th


Über Member
First ride of the year on what I've planned to be my regular 20 mile training route but it was cut short due to a road closure, still managed to get just under 16 miles in at an average speed of 13.1mph which is one of my quickest but the most pleasing thing is I used to plan my routes to avoid any hills but I actively seek them out, still only 529 ft of climbing over 16 miles but my previous rides over a similar distance have been around 130 ft of climbing so a pretty big increase and my ave speed hasn't suffered so pretty happy.


Über Member
No ride for me today:angry: had had the O/S map out and had planned a nice hilly route.

Went for a run last night and after about 2 miles my left leg just below my calf started to tighten up.

Like the idiot I am instead of heeding the warning signs I pushed on instead.

Now have a pulled a muscle (i think) so will be off the bike for a bit:cry:

If brains were dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my own nose sometimes.
No ride for me today:angry: had had the O/S map out and had planned a nice hilly route.

Went for a run last night and after about 2 miles my left leg just below my calf started to tighten up.

Like the idiot I am instead of heeding the warning signs I pushed on instead.

Now have a pulled a muscle (i think) so will be off the bike for a bit:cry:

If brains were dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my own nose sometimes.
This bit, not the previous bit, hope your well soon.
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