Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Managed to get out for the first time in a few weeks today. 9.5miles. Ave 15mph.

Was clear when started but a few minutes in and the mist came down :sad:

Some rain started falling on me today, at the farthest point on my route. :smile: It wasn't too bad, stopped quickly. I rode a little different route than normal today, very flat. Not many hills can be good and bad, not much climbing but not much coasting either. :ohmy: I bet out of my 1 hour 18 minute ride that I pedaled 1 hour and 17 of them. I have been cutting down on the calories and it was a workout without the extra energy.


Hi All

Another newbie that has found this thread inspirational.

Today i started again with cycling. Last year I went out maybe a dozen times maximum and haven't been out for 4 months.

So today was my fresh start, 2 friends and I did 7.36 miles! Doesn't sound a lot really but to me it is. I am currently just over 22st. Last year I managed to lose 2 & 1/2 stone without exercising too much and now I am looking to kick on.

Details of the ride here...

I spent too much time walking up some hills but I will get better.

This is a great thread!



Well done mate. I ride the same area as you and its Not exactly flat.
At first I was disappointed with todays ride, then realised i have been out every day since the 27th (albeit some rides were shorter as i am doing different stuff), so the avg speed of 13.5 mph again deflated me a little ( a bit like my front tyre, got a puncture at about the 20 mile mark), then I compared it with yesterday and considering the difference in elevation I was quite pleased. Though I never seemed to really get going at any pace, but i suppose when I look back, it was an easy run compared with what I could do in Aug/Sept when my avg's were 14mph, I wouldn't have stopped bar the puncture, and taking some fluid about half way, wheres back then chances are I would have.
The new gearing not sure if it was an improvement.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Hi, I started riding end of August on my old carrera subway2. Started doing about 10 mile circuits mainly to shed some pounds. So far this year I've tried to ride every day doing about 25 miles. Done two 40's, averaging around 14-15mph on the same old bike. Lost just under 3 stone and still falling. Got the bug bad now, and looking to get a B'twin triban3 in the very near future. Am absolutely loving getting out on the bike.
Hi, I started riding end of August on my old carrera subway2. Started doing about 10 mile circuits mainly to shed some pounds. So far this year I've tried to ride every day doing about 25 miles. Done two 40's, averaging around 14-15mph on the same old bike. Lost just under 3 stone and still falling. Got the bug bad now, and looking to get a B'twin triban3 in the very near future. Am absolutely loving getting out on the bike.
:welcome: Billy. Remember you do need time to recover as well.
Yeah I'm just getting my head around that part. Funnily enough didn't ride yesterday and went out and did 40 today without to much pain. What sort of rest would you suggest, day ride, day rest?
Well I was reading about base H.R. ect, but it was getting to much for me really, if i hurt I rest, I have just done 11 days, ok some wern't far, but more intense, but I had nearly two wks off before that, and to be honest I feel I could do with two wks off again,I flew around the ride yesterday from the off (well for me), today just couldn't get going, so I guess a few days off will be good.
I have found sometimes a big leap usually in endurance when I have a break, my speed well it seems to have improved, but I was doing these speeds in Aug/Sept too, but they were flat rides.


Über Member
Well I was reading about base H.R. ect, but it was getting to much for me really, if i hurt I rest, I have just done 11 days, ok some wern't far, but more intense, but I had nearly two wks off before that, and to be honest I feel I could do with two wks off again,I flew around the ride yesterday from the off (well for me), today just couldn't get going, so I guess a few days off will be good.
I have found sometimes a big leap usually in endurance when I have a break, my speed well it seems to have improved, but I was doing these speeds in Aug/Sept too, but they were flat rides.
I think Winter riding in general is a bit slower.

I think if you were to do the same rides again this Aug/Sept you would find quite a big speed improvement.
I think Winter riding in general is a bit slower.

I think if you were to do the same rides again this Aug/Sept you would find quite a big speed improvement.
I got to agree, but I still dont get close to your speeds, ^_^, the one I did yesterday is pretty much a repeat of one I did in the summer, it did feel better, today I just couldn't get going, though as I say in the end I was quite pleased.

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Whatever you's do, don't have 10 weeks out of the saddle! I did and yesterday i managed 6.5 miles, but it was a very difficult 6.5 miles! its felt like my first ever bike ride, lungs were burning and everything!! :laugh:


Senior Member
Anyhow, when we were on the home stretch of our original route my mate felt up to the century. We ended doing 71.9miles. Avg speed took a hit for the last 10miles as my friend was struggling a bit (probably shouldn't have gone the hilly way home lol).
Another century. :ohmy: Nice one mate!

Now have a pulled a muscle (i think) so will be off the bike for a bit:cry:

Damn, and you were making such amazing progress too. I hope it heals up soon. :sad:


If anyone else has suffered anything similar or knows if there could be any other causes than purely lack of fitness I am all ears. It wasn't very pleasant. :sad:

Oh dear. :sad: Hopefully it's just because it was the first time you'd been out in a while. Perhaps you could try a gentle ride again and see how you go? Be careful though.

Hi All

Another newbie that has found this thread inspirational.

Today i started again with cycling. Last year I went out maybe a dozen times maximum and haven't been out for 4 months.

So today was my fresh start, 2 friends and I did 7.36 miles! Doesn't sound a lot really but to me it is. I am currently just over 22st. Last year I managed to lose 2 & 1/2 stone without exercising too much and now I am looking to kick on.

Details of the ride here...

I spent too much time walking up some hills but I will get better.

This is a great thread!



Welcome, I'm glad the thread has helped you as it has us. :smile: That's a great start, well done!

I completed my first 50 mile ride today. It took me 3:42 which isn't the quickest but I m 21st so I'm pleased with it. With 75 miles last week and 85 miles this week I'm back on track. The Christmas weight gain will be gone quickly

The last 5 miles were hard going but I got there :smile:

That's fantastic, well done! I still haven't done 50 miles and I am 8 stone less than you!


Senior Member
Well after a long think today and a talk with the better half, I've decided to cancel the gym membership and use the money towards a turbo trainer.

So just ordered one from wiggle and hopefully be here Tuesday. Think the better half likes this idea more as I won't be out the house riding for most of my free time after work etc.

Let me know if you find a way of making it interesting! I really need to use mine more when I can't get out on the road. Which one did you get?

Managed to get out for the first time in a few weeks today. 9.5miles. Ave 15mph.

Was clear when started but a few minutes in and the mist came down :sad:

Bloody weather, is it nearly June yet?
Some rain started falling on me today, at the farthest point on my route. :smile: It wasn't too bad, stopped quickly. I rode a little different route than normal today, very flat. Not many hills can be good and bad, not much climbing but not much coasting either. :ohmy: I bet out of my 1 hour 18 minute ride that I pedaled 1 hour and 17 of them. I have been cutting down on the calories and it was a workout without the extra energy.

Yeah I know what you mean about the calories, I keep trying to cycle when I'm already in negative calories for the day. It makes it much harder! It's so much easier when you've had a decent lunch.
Well I was reading about base H.R. ect, but it was getting to much for me really, if i hurt I rest, I have just done 11 days, ok some wern't far, but more intense, but I had nearly two wks off before that, and to be honest I feel I could do with two wks off again,I flew around the ride yesterday from the off (well for me), today just couldn't get going, so I guess a few days off will be good.
I have found sometimes a big leap usually in endurance when I have a break, my speed well it seems to have improved, but I was doing these speeds in Aug/Sept too, but they were flat rides.

Don't be discouraged by your speed. You're doing great to get out every day and I'm sure the speed increases will come in time. That's what I keep telling myself anyway!
Hi, I started riding end of August on my old carrera subway2. Started doing about 10 mile circuits mainly to shed some pounds. So far this year I've tried to ride every day doing about 25 miles. Done two 40's, averaging around 14-15mph on the same old bike. Lost just under 3 stone and still falling. Got the bug bad now, and looking to get a B'twin triban3 in the very near future. Am absolutely loving getting out on the bike.
Wow that's dedication! Sounds like me......before the clocks went back anyway. :laugh: I can definitely recommend the Triban, it's a great bike.
Whatever you's do, don't have 10 weeks out of the saddle! I did and yesterday i managed 6.5 miles, but it was a very difficult 6.5 miles! its felt like my first ever bike ride, lungs were burning and everything!! :laugh:
Blimey 10 weeks, I bet! 2 weeks was too much for me, I lost fitness just in that time. :sad:


Senior Member
Well that's me caught up on the thread. :laugh: I have spent all weekend with my nose in books as I had an accountancy exam this morning. Didn't even get a chance to get on the turbo trainer. It went quite well though so I did my training loop this afternoon. I was quite tired and it was quite windy so I was happy just to get over 15 mph to be honest:

I need to try and get out for a longer ride soon. I haven't been over 30 miles since the 18th of November. :ohmy: That was 47 miles which is still my best ever so far, which isn't great as I've done over 1000 miles now. I'll try and get in a 35-40 mile ride soon just to see if I can still do it and then I need to start thinking about a 50 miler.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Let me know if you find a way of making it interesting! I really need to use mine more when I can't get out on the road. Which one did you get?

Bloody weather, is it nearly June yet?

Yeah I know what you mean about the calories, I keep trying to cycle when I'm already in negative calories for the day. It makes it much harder! It's so much easier when you've had a decent lunch.

Don't be discouraged by your speed. You're doing great to get out every day and I'm sure the speed increases will come in time. That's what I keep telling myself anyway!

Wow that's dedication! Sounds like me......before the clocks went back anyway. :laugh: I can definitely recommend the Triban, it's a great bike.

Blimey 10 weeks, I bet! 2 weeks was too much for me, I lost fitness just in that time. :sad:
Like I said"the bugs done bit me hard"
Yeah have been reading a lot about the triban and haven't found anything bad. Even on second hand market they seem to hold their money too, which is always a good sign.
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