Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Active Member
Impressed by some of the rides you guys do, I decided to map my famous 1.4 mile ride to work to show you the sheer hell I go through to get there and back.

I start off at an ear popping 42 feet above sea level. Within .14 of a mile, this gains a whole 12 inches to 43 feet before the feet off the pedals, whooping, decent to 39 feet at just over .2 of a mile. The route then takes a torturous steady uphill climb peaking at a huge 62 feet above sea level (my, the view from up here!) at around 1.14 miles. Thankfully the remainder of the ride takes me a steady downhill to 47 feet above sea level at the the end. Exciting???? Don't forget I have to do it all again to get home.

Next time you are out on a ride in the mountains, spare a thought for me as I puff my way to work and back 5 days a week! ;)


North Carolina
I still think the bug has bitten Paddygt, We will know for sure when the commute turns into 14 miles for the trip home.
No progress in Evesham.
Woke up Christmas Day really sick and only feeling a bit better today spent the entire time laying down. To be honest walking back upstairs to bed was a challenge, very unsteady and dizzy. On the plus side I can't have put on weight as I have eaten nothing!

Happy new year chaps.


Glad your feeling better Brian.

Hopefully the weather forecast is correct and tomorrow morning should be rain free for me to get out the club run.


Legendary Member
Glad your feeling better Brian.

Hopefully the weather forecast is correct and tomorrow morning should be rain free for me to get out the club run.

Reece, If I fancied doing the club run, can I just turn up? Also would an overweight middle aged bloke in lycra on a hybrid be out of place? I am confident of doing the miles at the pace shown for the Sunday rides. It wouldn't be tomorrow by the way, just asking for future reference, as at the minute I am not confident enough to try a group ride
With the great Partick Moore now sadly gone, I think there might be an opening for you Nigel;)

I keep a paper log of all workouts I do be it bike,run, crosstraining or whatever.

Was just looking back over it at my first cycle ride, which was on my lads hybrid.

7th september 12.5 miles in 1:03:40 which is 11.8 mph.

On that first ride I remeber a guy going past me as if I was stood stiil and my mixed feelings of annoyance, envy and admiration.

Less than 4 months later have done 25 miles at 17mph and have gone past others in the same way!

I am now that guy^_^
Not sure about that.

Me I would be the guy your overtaking, even after 5 months. So I decided I am changing my rides, shorter but more intense, with a couple of longer rides, as time allows.

anyway todays short 10 miles, short as might have been the climb rate was nearly 10ft per mile more than my previous best, but it was a lot of stop start stuff, so avg speed was back down to 12.5mph (told you I was slow).

I also found this road.
No progress in Evesham.
Woke up Christmas Day really sick and only feeling a bit better today spent the entire time laying down. To be honest walking back upstairs to bed was a challenge, very unsteady and dizzy. On the plus side I can't have put on weight as I have eaten nothing!

Happy new year chaps.
Glad to hear your on the mend Brian


Legendary Member
Not sure about that.

Me I would be the guy your overtaking, even after 5 months. So I decided I am changing my rides, shorter but more intense, with a couple of longer rides, as time allows.

anyway todays short 10 miles, short as might have been the climb rate was nearly 10ft per mile more than my previous best, but it was a lot of stop start stuff, so avg speed was back down to 12.5mph (told you I was slow).

I also found this road.
View attachment 16773

I would say it was slower because you were riding around residential areas. My averages plummet when I ride in built up areas, you are to much stop starting to get a decent pace going.


Reece, If I fancied doing the club run, can I just turn up? Also would an overweight middle aged bloke in lycra on a hybrid be out of place? I am confident of doing the miles at the pace shown for the Sunday rides. It wouldn't be tomorrow by the way, just asking for future reference, as at the minute I am not confident enough to try a group ride
More than welcome to just turn up. Just start with the 10am Sunday ride that's 23miles but we stick as a group and no one gets left behind. We also stop at a cafe for coffee and cake after 15miles. We meet desford crossroads for 10am (best to be 5mins early).

I started with the 10am social ride and we have a great turn out and very friendly group.


Über Member
No progress in Evesham.
Woke up Christmas Day really sick and only feeling a bit better today spent the entire time laying down. To be honest walking back upstairs to bed was a challenge, very unsteady and dizzy. On the plus side I can't have put on weight as I have eaten nothing!

Happy new year chaps.
And to you Brian, hope you are soon back out again.

I also found this road.
View attachment 16773
love the photo Nigel, only thing missing is you and a horned helmet!


Had a look at strava, your ride resembled a plate of spaghetti, you must be dizzy:wacko:

Have joined mycyclinglog and am a member of the cycling chat group just waiting for my bar to update.
I would say it was slower because you were riding around residential areas. My averages plummet when I ride in built up areas, you are to much stop starting to get a decent pace going.
It makes no difference I am still slow on avg, have a look at my other rides there arn't many above 13.5mph on avg.

And to you Brian, hope you are soon back out again.

love the photo Nigel, only thing missing is you and a horned helmet!


Had a look at strava, your ride resembled a plate of spaghetti, you must be dizzy:wacko:

Have joined mycyclinglog and am a member of the cycling chat group just waiting for my bar to update.
It was a bit, just around the local estate, but a few short climbs on which to put a little more effort in, I think thats what's been lacking.
I was always better with a camera than a bike, shame it was only the one on the phone, it's a bit naff really even at 5 mega pixels, lens is scratched to f***, I sort of acquired the phone to start recording the gps tracks in Aug. After the Tiagra upgrade in the New Year a 2nd hand DSLR will be required.


North Carolina
No progress in Evesham.
Woke up Christmas Day really sick and only feeling a bit better today spent the entire time laying down. To be honest walking back upstairs to bed was a challenge, very unsteady and dizzy. On the plus side I can't have put on weight as I have eaten nothing!

Happy new year chaps.

Brian, I hope you are feeling better. I had the same thing happen to me 10 or so years ago. I felt a little sick the afternoon of Christmas day. I got home and a girlfriend had come to visit me for a few days. I told her I felt bad and needed to go to bed. I didn't get out of bed for three days except to get a drink of water or to use the bathroom. It was the sickest I think I have ever been.

My former girlfriend took it well, had the house to herself and had control of the TV remote. :smile: She was even a little amused. She would walk to the bedroom to see if I needed anything, then giggle, shake her head and say "I have never seen you sick before". It is one of my most memorable Christmases.

I hope you are feeling much better for the new year.


Legendary Member
11.4 miles this morning at just over 16mph. Had an old boy come flying by me going up a gentle climb, caught the bugger the other side though, being heavy does have its advantages sometimes.
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