Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Hi Dan, welcome. Nice ride starting at 7 miles. Good luck with many more. :hello:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Hey all, just joined today. Said hi on welcome page.

Just got my bike, bit of a bad time of year to start but did manage my first 7 miles at the weekend will try and get some more in next weekend. Got a half hour in on the bike at the gym.

Hurry back dry weather!

Hi Dan - welcome. Just started too - well a bit stop/start in fact. Rain, ice, snow and Sodium Chloride doing its damnedest to stop my old body regaining its former magnificence! :laugh:

Have fun, stay safe.


Über Member
Had to take the wife to sheffield today so no chance of a ride.

I had a bit of time to kill so drove out to stocksbridge to check out a hill.

Being quite poor at climbing I thought I would challenge myself in 2013 by doing a few classic hills.

Equipped with my copy of "100 greatest cycling climbs" I soon found Pea Royd lane.

The book says it climbs 145m in 1180m.

This hill was the venue of the 2009 british hill climbing championship and I can see why!

The book gives it a 8 out of 10 score, very steep, poor surface in places and not for the faint hearted.

The drive was enough for me and when you reach the top the view is amazing.

I think it would be too much for me at the moment but I will tackle it at some point in 2013.
Hey all, just joined today. Said hi on welcome page.

Just got my bike, bit of a bad time of year to start but did manage my first 7 miles at the weekend will try and get some more in next weekend. Got a half hour in on the bike at the gym.

Hurry back dry weather!
:welcome: Dan .
Well I got 30 miles done today, the back tyre gripped well enough to get up the couple of small inclines that had a little ice/frost on them, locked the back going down one early on, speed and cadence were down again.


Proud Daddy
Go steady in the freezing weather folks. Lots of ice about and stay away from man-hole covers and white lines (just like in the wet really) :smile:

It was a lovely day today, I wish I didn't have to work all day or I might have gone out for more than just my little commute!

It's going to warm up for a wet and windy weekend :sad: could be a blowy New forest club run
It's going to warm up for a wet and windy weekend :sad: could be a blowy New forest club run
Thats the thing I hate is wind, theres a lot of open fields around here, and usually its westerlies, so I either have to face going into the wind to start and that usually takes me into heavier traffic or facing the wind coming home, though there are still some roads to the south/sw I haven't recorded on yet, might give them ago.


Über Member
I forgot to put my ride on strava I got 2 p.b.'s
Still in the bottom 25%
I was bottom out of 7 till yesterday on ridewithgps on this

Come rain or shine (or frost:excl:) you give it a go, you have my respest:bravo:

No way I am going out with ice and salt on the roads

Was not great in a car on local roads this morning so a bike was out of the question.

Not to be deterred, I donned my trackie bottoms and trainers and went for a run instead.

This was now my 4th run and I have got to say I am glad I have stuck with it.

After the 1st run I felt close to death and didn't think it was for me.

For some reason I persevered, the 2nd was hard but not as bad as the first, the 3rd was ok and now the 4th was quite enjoyable.

I did a proper warm up before, took it very steady increased my distance from 2.6miles to 4 miles, I didn't collapse in a heap at the end as before, just did a quick cool down instead.

If like me you cycle for exercise and are getting frustrated with this cold weather, all I can say is give running a try.

It's not in the same league enjoyment wise as cycling, but it is better than nothing, and boy do you burn the calories according to strava I burnt over 700 in 42 minutes which is more than double what I do on my bike.
Come rain or shine (or frost:excl:) you give it a go, you have my respest:bravo:

No way I am going out with ice and salt on the roads

Was not great in a car on local roads this morning so a bike was out of the question.

Not to be deterred, I donned my trackie bottoms and trainers and went for a run instead.
Thanks, control was never an issue in a car either, I learnt to drive in snow, ice is always dangerous, snow is fun to drive in.
Never was a runner, though I did manage 13's for the 100m when I was 12 and 6 min mile the same day, and I held the junior shot put record for some 7 years or so, but hated running.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
No newbie progress again - slushy ice on the lanes plus the salt man has been out again.

As I have behaved myself this year I have awarded myself a month off work starting Friday so I should be able to catch up the lost miles vs my little year end target.

It'll probably snow for a month now!
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