Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Cheers Dave. Really feeling it in my legs now lol.
Great job on the 3k Nigel.

Wayne turned up with his 15yo daughter. 30miles in and we'd reached the cafe.
Nice one.
Only other problem is my friend Strava upload states he has done 3100ft of elevation whereas mine is only 2100ft?? The Garmin devices read the same just not the uploads?

Here's the link
Great ride Reece, well done. I get that, with the elevation, I dont take any notice of what strava says about it, gpsies is different so is ridewithgps and garmin, they all different readings, I just use the one I get from ridewithgps for my spread sheet, its possibly higher than it should be but it is close to gpsies which is what I started using in June for elevations. Sporttracks is different again, so I just use the readings from the unit, which are usually with 10% of ridewithgps, by using just one system it doesn't really matter if its different to another but the change between each ride will be constant within each system, so you will konow if its more or less.


Über Member
Not the best ride today, got 5 miles from home and feeling really good, even tackled some hills I normally try to avoid and I got a flat!

Pulled over to and took the wheel off, found the culprit and got one of my spare inners out, only them did I find out that decathlon had given me the wrong size tubes when I picked my bike up!

Had no choice but to call my support vehicle (otherwise known as the other half) to come and rescue me, she decided that housework was more important than picking up the phone and after walking 2 miles she finally decided to answer!

Oh well, it's a good excuse to order some gatorskins or similar and try again!


Über Member
Make sure you get the right size!

When I was picking up my bike the guy asked me if I wanted any spares so I said I'd take 4 thinking they'd last me a while, he went and picked them up, I trusted that they would be ok but didn't check until I was sitting at the side of the road in the freezing cold at 9 o'clock this morning!!

I can see the funny side though and at least I've learned from my mistakes!


North Carolina
Tough break on the punct.. I don't even like to say the word since the week I got 5 of them. I have only had one pinch flat since then, not even sure what I ran over to pinch it but it hit hard.

You guys are lucky to have a support vehicle. I have no support and don't even carry a cell phone. :ohmy:

Reece, that was a great ride, sounded like it got a little tough down the home stretch, very well done.
Tough break on the punct.. I don't even like to say the word since the week I got 5 of them. I have only had one pinch flat since then, not even sure what I ran over to pinch it but it hit hard.

You guys are lucky to have a support vehicle. I have no support and don't even carry a cell phone. :ohmy:

Reece, that was a great ride, sounded like it got a little tough down the home stretch, very well done.
I have one but it has no credit, it will still still do 999 (911 for you Rocky) if every it's that serious, otherwise, normally I can usually get myself home, unless I forget the dam tyre levers, only time I did I got a slow leak.


North Carolina
That is a good idea Nigel, I do have a couple of Evo 4g's that I use around the house with wifi. I may start carrying one on the bike in case of an urgent emergency.


Tough break on the punct.. I don't even like to say the word since the week I got 5 of them. I have only had one pinch flat since then, not even sure what I ran over to pinch it but it hit hard.

You guys are lucky to have a support vehicle. I have no support and don't even carry a cell phone. :ohmy:

Reece, that was a great ride, sounded like it got a little tough down the home stretch, very well done.
Cheers RWright.

Yeah the chain break was a bit of nightmare, was just getting dark as it went and I was dreading a 6mile walk home as my other half doesn't drive and other family members probably to busy to get me. Always carry a cell phone and bank card in case the worse does happen, plus I usually always ride with others. Note rode a good distance solo for a while now.

A quick email to the Giant store where I got the bike from this morning. Surprisingly they responded within 5minutes to tell me it usually wouldn't be warranty as it's a wear & tear item but due to the young age of the bike (6weeks) they would replace it for me.

Drove over there and ended up with an upgraded Shimano Ultegra chain free of charge fitted and another health check. Also got 20% off purchases on anything I needed today so ended up coming home with some mudguards (fitted free), a work stand (£60 reduced from £120) plus the 20% off so was around £48 and also a couple cans of GT85 plus a ceramic chain lube the guy recommended.

Thinking of it do I still consider myself a newb now the 90miler is under my belt?


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Cheers RWright.

Yeah the chain break was a bit of nightmare, was just getting dark as it went and I was dreading a 6mile walk home as my other half doesn't drive and other family members probably to busy to get me. Always carry a cell phone and bank card in case the worse does happen, plus I usually always ride with others. Note rode a good distance solo for a while now.

A quick email to the Giant store where I got the bike from this morning. Surprisingly they responded within 5minutes to tell me it usually wouldn't be warranty as it's a wear & tear item but due to the young age of the bike (6weeks) they would replace it for me.

Drove over there and ended up with an upgraded Shimano Ultegra chain free of charge fitted and another health check. Also got 20% off purchases on anything I needed today so ended up coming home with some mudguards (fitted free), a work stand (£60 reduced from £120) plus the 20% off so was around £48 and also a couple cans of GT85 plus a ceramic chain lube the guy recommended.

Thinking of it do I still consider myself a newb now the 90miler is under my belt?

Interesting point: when do you stop being a Newbie. Mileage or time or......?

Have to say (not a criticism) but some Newb's here some a bit advanced to me. :laugh: Possibly due to my own limited experience!


Ive come on leaps and bounds now. Think I've been cycling nearly 3 months now and really cant believe the progress I've made. Think a lot of the motivation for me has come from this thread. Seeing what others have achieved has spurred me on to challenge myself and see what can be done.

I can't wait for next year to come. Get some sportives under my belt plus me and a mate from the club have set our goal. To go out with the fast group on a Saturday and do the 55mile route and keep up with them doing around an 18mph average speed. We're aiming for summer time to complete this goal.
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