Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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First proper ride last week (rode a mtb very occasionally in the past)

new cx bike, 50/50 off on road approx, 18.7 miles, 1 hr 32 avg speed 12mph

not too bad for a noob, however i did push myself quite hard couldnt have done it much quicker

week later and 2nd bike ride approx 80% road 20% off road,
33.5 miles 12.1 mph average speed.2hrs 46mins.
Again i pushed pretty hard, average heart rate of 155, couldnt have done much more, dying at the end
but pleased i managed to keep the intensity for almost double last weeks ride although i rode more on road than off this time.


Senior Member
Just been out for my first ride in two weeks - I've been crazily busy and worked all last weekend.

It was bloody awful! Cold, incredibly strong wind which was constantly in my face and gave me a blinding headache, the roads are covered in puddles (the entire width of the road in places), horse **** all over the roads and to top it off it rained on me, twice! Despite me waiting in till 1pm as the forecast said there'd be no rain this afternoon. D'oh.

It was very hard work but then I expected that after doing no exercise for two weeks. I managed to hit my normal 15 mph average (just) and I set a few PBs, mostly because I was hating it so much I didn't want to stop anywhere except the junctions. :laugh:

Anyway I managed my training loop:

I spent pretty much the whole journey thinking how much I hate this and that I'm going to put the bike back in the garage until April but then as soon as I got home I started planning tomorrows ride. It's an addiction this is!


Proud Daddy
Just been out for my first ride in two weeks - I've been crazily busy and worked all last weekend.

It was bloody awful! Cold, incredibly strong wind which was constantly in my face and gave me a blinding headache, the roads are covered in puddles (the entire width of the road in places), horse **** all over the roads and to top it off it rained on me, twice! Despite me waiting in till 1pm as the forecast said there'd be no rain this afternoon. D'oh.

It was very hard work but then I expected that after doing no exercise for two weeks. I managed to hit my normal 15 mph average (just) and I set a few PBs, mostly because I was hating it so much I didn't want to stop anywhere except the junctions. :laugh:

Anyway I managed my training loop:

I spent pretty much the whole journey thinking how much I hate this and that I'm going to put the bike back in the garage until April but then as soon as I got home I started planning tomorrows ride. It's an addiction this is!

The harder the ride, the bigger the endorphin release ;)


North Carolina
I just got in from my 10 mile route. It doesn't have many hills and I wanted to get in before sunset so I took the short route. :rolleyes: Actually I was too lazy to put the lights back on the bike.

I did get my cadence displayed on my computer and I thought the short route might be the place to work on it. Yesterday I did a 16 mile route and avg cadence was 70. I wasn't really trying to keep it up high and 70 isn't terrible I suppose but I do want more. Today I watched cadence the entire ride, I would shift down anytime it got to 81...well that was the plan, didn't always work out but you know how it goes sometimes.

I did manage to average a cadence of 84 today and I learned a couple of things in the process. I need to work on my cardio more and just because you are spinning faster doesn't mean you will average faster least not in my current state of fitness. It was the best workout I have had in a while, it makes me push harder I think. Working on cadence might not be for everyone and on the days I am just out for cruise I will not worry about it.

Here is the Strava page:
Not a great time for me on this route but the workout was about the best I have had on it. I have done the route at about 40 minutes flat before, it was also a nice workout.


Über Member
I managed to get out for an hour today 13.9mile nice ride, although the roads round her have taken a real battering with the weather.
Glad to see a few brave souls have still managed to get out


A nice 30miles this morning. The avg speed was dropped a bit as we did the hill route today with a couple nice hills half way in and I burnt myself out on them a bit lol.

Still a few new PR's that I'm happy about and definitely making progress as I'm coming up the ranks in Strava segments quite well,


Über Member
What a wonderful day, where did that come from?

Have now got my bike set up just about right, today I changed my crank from a 39/52 to a compact 34/50 and put back my original 12-23 cassette.
It was all very easy, if you have the right tools most people would have no trouble, the only bit that needed a bit of thought was making sure my chain length was correct. With the smaller 34T chainring I had to remove a link (1 inch of chain)
This set up gives me enough help on the hills but also allows me to have single tooth gear changes in the 15-20mph range where I do most of my riding.

I am on nights tonight so did my usual 22.25 pre-nights route.

22.25 miles in 1:20:07 which is 16.7mph.
I was very pleased with this ride, 2:27 quicker than I have done before.
This is my quickest ever average speed, which I put down to a combination of good weather conditions, general increase in my ability and getting my set up right.

My cadence was 93 which is about 13 more than when I started a couple of months ago.
The compact crank and 12-23 cassette helps keep this at a higher rate as the gear changes are now quite close in the areas I need them.


First time out in a couple of weeks due to ice, work and xmas parties....

Lovely ride in glorious sunshine. And the first proper ride out on the triban 3. An getting used to the twitcy steering compared with my hybrid....and I hope at some stage ill get used to braking with drops....

Have a ferrying the stem is a little long so may try something a little shorter...our just go and get a proper bike fit.

Anyway, todays ride was my first ride focused on heart rate and cadence. Did 13.2 miles at an average of 14.1mph.

Average heart rate of 138bpm which is right where I wanted it to be.

To be honest, I'm quite pleased with even getting out today as I had an intense 2 good badminton Friday night and a solid hour swimming yesterday. Still too scared to start the running required for Mays triathlon though.....

I just rode 13.2 miles! Check it out on Strava:


Über Member
Had a good ride today, my first 30 miler.

Planned a nice flat route to Southend with only about 300 ft of climbing, took a wrong turn and ended up with nearly 900 ft, might not seem much to some but it was a massive step up for me and considering its only my 7th proper ride I'm happy.

Had a fair few traffic lights etc so average speed was down, nice cafe stop and some company made a hell of a difference too.

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
Managed to get out for half an hour this afternoon just before it got dark. Had so much shopping and family stuff this weekend haven't had much spare time.
Hope to get out more once all this Christmas stuff is out of the way.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Huge progress made today despite it being non-stop rain all day.

At the 3rd attempt I managed to get a spare tube, tyre levers, Topeak mini-tool and a Lezyne Micro Inflator into this:

Took me 45 minutes - seriously!

The break through came when I stowed the little mini-tool upright at the far end of the bag and the spare tube was put in on its 'side' - Nirvana!


Über Member
Huge progress made today despite it being non-stop rain all day.

At the 3rd attempt I managed to get a spare tube, tyre levers, Topeak mini-tool and a Lezyne Micro Inflator into this:

Took me 45 minutes - seriously!

The break through came when I stowed the little mini-tool upright at the far end of the bag and the spare tube was put in on its 'side' - Nirvana!

I know what you mean, I went for this one, which is great came with the tools in the top and another pocket below to put stuff in.
I filled it to the brim, spare chain, tubes, micro pump, handy andys, etc, etc.
Had a puncture a couple of weeks back and spent more time unpacking and packing my bag than I did fixing the puncture, total stop was not far short of half an hour.

So have changed it. Now carry a tube and levers in my jersey pockets, have taken out the chain and instead have got a coulple of spare links and quick links.
Have taken out the micro pump (which was not fit for purpose anyway good for about 40psi) and got a decent one with a gauge fitted to the bike.
Now have room to spare in the bag so next time it won't be like a Chinese puzzle getting it back in.


Legendary Member
I know what you mean, I went for this one, which is great came with the tools in the top and another pocket below to put stuff in.
I filled it to the brim, spare chain, tubes, micro pump, handy andys, etc, etc.
Had a puncture a couple of weeks back and spent more time unpacking and packing my bag than I did fixing the puncture, total stop was not far short of half an hour.

So have changed it. Now carry a tube and levers in my jersey pockets, have taken out the chain and instead have got a coulple of spare links and quick links.
Have taken out the micro pump (which was not fit for purpose anyway good for about 40psi) and got a decent one with a gauge fitted to the bike.
Now have room to spare in the bag so next time it won't be like a Chinese puzzle getting it back in.

I just wear a rucksack, carry everything I may need then.
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