Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Added a new segment to my commute home on Strava and discovered I have the KOM. Pleased as punch, as ussually when I create a segment I find I'm 80th. It's the Second KOM I've earned,but feels like my first propper one, the other being on a filthy country lane where few seem to ride. Not been getting many miles in this past fortnight ,except my commute, but my speed seems on the up.


Über Member
Played golf today so no cycle, have read bits about core strength so got the wife's Kettleworx core dvd out and gave it a try!
Its a 6 week program so will try it and see if it helps my cycling.
The week one exercises seemed quite easy to start with but by the 3rd set of reps I was starting to struggle.
If anyone has tried kettlebell exercise to improve core strength I would be interested to hear how they got on.


North Carolina
You can easily create your own, I did notice there's a couple in your area.
I looked at a couple of those segments, on some of those the riders are FLYING! One of the short segments that is right in the middle of town had to be closed course timed. I think they had bikes races there and closed off the roads. Under normal circumstances one couldn't get close to those times even using a car. I guess maybe like at 4 am a fast rider with a death wish could maybe do it.
I looked at a couple of those segments, on some of those the riders are FLYING! One of the short segments that is right in the middle of town had to be closed course timed. I think they had bikes races there and closed off the roads. Under normal circumstances one couldn't get close to those times even using a car. I guess maybe like at 4 am a fast rider with a death wish could maybe do it.
I just really do it to compare my own speed performance, the segments I usually create like Andy just said, I am usually quite low, not usually last though, but I am on a few.
I thought I had waited long enough for the ice to melt away on my eight miler this morning, I was wrong. Turning right I lost it big time, but somehow managed to stay upright and on the bike :sweat: :surrender: not sure how, but I was grateful. The ride home was much slower.
I thought I had waited long enough for the ice to melt away on my eight miler this morning, I was wrong. Turning right I lost it big time, but somehow managed to stay upright and on the bike :sweat: :surrender: not sure how, but I was grateful. The ride home was much slower.
Its amazing how quick road bikes can respond. Even in extreme situations.


Über Member
I thought I had waited long enough for the ice to melt away on my eight miler this morning, I was wrong. Turning right I lost it big time, but somehow managed to stay upright and on the bike :sweat: :surrender: not sure how, but I was grateful. The ride home was much slower.

I wished I had managed to. Glad you got away with it.

Got to big for my boots and decided to ride down some steps, 2 x 4 steps with a little bit in the middle. Got down the steps ok and lost steering coming off them and brushed the wall pretty hard with my shoulder. What a friggin numptey. I need some of those adult stabilisers I think! :laugh:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Some Newbie Progress today!

9.19 miles @ 12.6 mph.

Would have been very easy not to go out today as a) it was very cold, b) there was a moderate north wind and c) I am knackered due to stressful family event!

However, the thought of posting something on my mycyclinglog account and in Show Us Your Newbie Progress made me get out and go - honest!

Only my 5th ride since I got my new bike and I thought things were going well but....I found it tough riding into the wind! Still - I console myself with the thought of it doing me good.

Two dodgy moments:

Driver in Audi A3 on mobile phone nearly squashed me trying to squeeze past me at a road constriction.

Went through a puddle not knowing ice was under the water - bike wibbled and wobbled from side to side but stayed upright - most amazing thing was that I had gotten one of my feet out of a SPD for an emergency landing! I had wondered if I would do this automatically in the event of an 'incident'.

Enjoyed my ride!


Über Member
No real progress for me for a couple of weeks now due to being ill for a week and then a mixture of road conditions and work.

I have managed to get out on the mountain bike a couple of times and cycled to the shops though, I figured a couple of 5 mile rides was better than nothing.

My main issue is the majority of my weekend cycling time has to be early morning due to other commitments but getting up at 6am on a weekend when the roads are icy puts me off, just don't have the confidence to ride in those conditions at the moment.

I will have to just brave it this weekend and take it steady, hopefully that will give me more confidence for the winter (until Santa brings my turbo!).


Senior Member
I am on an old MTB that weighs a tonne and has the fattest tires in the universe.
Day 1: 5 mile ride to start things off. average speed of ~7mph. thought I would pass out on the little incline leading to my house. 3 stops
Day 5: 11mile ride. average speed of ~11mph. lots of most of them except one where I had to stand up. no stops
The goal is to be able to do a 30mile ride on my banger with no stops in about 2.5hrs. fingers crossed


Proud Daddy
I am on an old MTB that weighs a tonne and has the fattest tires in the universe.
Day 1: 5 mile ride to start things off. average speed of ~7mph. thought I would pass out on the little incline leading to my house. 3 stops
Day 5: 11mile ride. average speed of ~11mph. lots of most of them except one where I had to stand up. no stops
The goal is to be able to do a 30mile ride on my banger with no stops in about 2.5hrs. fingers crossed

Don't be afraid of standing up! Hill climbing technique accounts for much more than you think. And it takes ages to get it right, some never do.
I thought I had waited long enough for the ice to melt away on my eight miler this morning, I was wrong. Turning right I lost it big time, but somehow managed to stay upright and on the bike :sweat: :surrender: not sure how, but I was grateful. The ride home was much slower.
Meanwhile just round the corner in Bretforton about the same time;

I will be staying off for a while.
I am surprised how annoyed I am that I can't get out there and pedal.
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