Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Did another quick out and back on the flat route today. Still getting Strava sorted out.
Is it weird that I want to do a Strava route that looks like my name or initials? :wacko: These straight lines I am doing are so boring looking. Or Strava art of some sort. That would be real "performance art".:whistle: There has to be someone that does this already. :smile: I think I might do a four leaf clover tomorrow.

This was my ride today, just on my drop bar bike this time, the distances came out exactly the same as on the other bike but altitude was different, before and after the Strava altitude adjustment.
Just created a segment for you.
See how you compare yesterday with today.
Nearly 2mph quicker on that section


i have done a big figure of 8... will dig out a link later (51 miles)


North Carolina
As I suspected. I knew someone had to have done this. This guy has nice street grid layouts too. It will be hard for me to find really straight streets like that in my area. Hmmm, maybe on a mountain bike...if I had one...and if I knew how to draw to start with. Maybe I can get my niece to start riding, she is a good artist. ;)

Sorry about getting a little off topic but going from starting off riding again to Strava art in four short months, that has to count for a little progress, well, maybe very little, but have to have a little fun. :thumbsup:

Nigel, thanks for the segment. :smile:
As I suspected. I knew someone had to have done this. This guy has nice street grid layouts too. It will be hard for me to find really straight streets like that in my area. Hmmm, maybe on a mountain bike...if I had one...and if I knew how to draw to start with. Maybe I can get my niece to start riding, she is a good artist. ;)

Sorry about getting a little off topic but going from starting off riding again to Strava art in four short months, that has to count for a little progress, well, maybe very little, but have to have a little fun. :thumbsup:

Nigel, thanks for the segment. :smile:
You can easily create your own, I did notice there's a couple in your area.


Über Member
Didn't get out much having a busy weekend but manages around 15 miles between 3 days and a second parting of the ways with my trusty steed. Wet leaves again! Pulled the muscles under my arm again which were just starting to settle down after the first one. Bluergh!

Luckily only damage to me and the bike is fine. :bravo:


Senior Member
When I got to about 15mph I stayed there for ages, I then joined a club, then suddenly I could hold 16.5 for long rides, then 17 now I can hold 18.5 average for 75 miles with hills on the front of the group nearly all the way! It comes.. For me that was only 6 months ago. Now I'm front of pack getting shouted at to ease up!

Forget about improving speed, work on endurance and strength. It's climbs and recovery time after hard effort that brings your average speed up more than flat speeds. Miles in your legs will sort that lot out and maybe some intervals.

The key for me was joining a club, only then did I get pushed far enough out of my comfort zone for my body to adapt, before that I was destined to plateau because, even if you think you're pushing, you never push as hard as a mate can push you.

This is exactly what has happened to me. I started cycling in August, at first I was only doing about 10-11 mph average but I increased in speed with every week and by late September I did my first 15mph ride. Since then every ride has been 14 or 15 mph and it's frustrating that I am not improving. I feel like the last time I did improve was when I did those two Sky rides so perhaps the only way forward is to join a club.

It's definitely the recovery time for me that slows me down. I can hold 18-20mph for quite a few miles on the flat, do 13-14 mph up slight gradients (say 1 or 2% over a few miles) and do 25-30mph going down those gradients and yet my average speed is just 15mph. I have noticed on rides that when I climb to the top of a hill I will just stop and let gravity take over, meaning I am going slower at the top and at the start of the descent than I was going up it! If I had some club-mates then I guess I would be forced to just keep pedalling that bit longer.

The only problem is my local club (7 miles away) has no beginner type rides. Just a sunday ride for the whole club which is "50 to 75 miles over varying terrain". There's no route map or anything. First of all I couldn't even do 60+ miles and secondly if that route includes going up Snowshill or similar (1400 feet of climbing) I just couldn't do that.

There is another club 20 miles away that does beginner rides. They are around 30 miles and alternate between flat and hilly weeks (roughly 1200 feet of climbing one week, 2700 the next). Only problem with that is getting there as it's a bit tricky (I'd have to drive and park somewhere) and I don't know the area at all and the fact that the flat route would be too easy and the hilly route too hard!


Legendary Member
This is exactly what has happened to me. I started cycling in August, at first I was only doing about 10-11 mph average but I increased in speed with every week and by late September I did my first 15mph ride. Since then every ride has been 14 or 15 mph and it's frustrating that I am not improving. I feel like the last time I did improve was when I did those two Sky rides so perhaps the only way forward is to join a club.

It's definitely the recovery time for me that slows me down. I can hold 18-20mph for quite a few miles on the flat, do 13-14 mph up slight gradients (say 1 or 2% over a few miles) and do 25-30mph going down those gradients and yet my average speed is just 15mph. I have noticed on rides that when I climb to the top of a hill I will just stop and let gravity take over, meaning I am going slower at the top and at the start of the descent than I was going up it! If I had some club-mates then I guess I would be forced to just keep pedalling that bit longer.

The only problem is my local club (7 miles away) has no beginner type rides. Just a sunday ride for the whole club which is "50 to 75 miles over varying terrain". There's no route map or anything. First of all I couldn't even do 60+ miles and secondly if that route includes going up Snowshill or similar (1400 feet of climbing) I just couldn't do that.

There is another club 20 miles away that does beginner rides. They are around 30 miles and alternate between flat and hilly weeks (roughly 1200 feet of climbing one week, 2700 the next). Only problem with that is getting there as it's a bit tricky (I'd have to drive and park somewhere) and I don't know the area at all and the fact that the flat route would be too easy and the hilly route too hard!

Put a request out on here for local riders looking for riding buddies, you only need a few of you
The only problem is my local club (7 miles away) has no beginner type rides. Just a sunday ride for the whole club which is "50 to 75 miles over varying terrain". There's no route map or anything. First of all I couldn't even do 60+ miles and secondly if that route includes going up Snowshill or similar (1400 feet of climbing) I just couldn't do that.


I know what you mean, I still need more training before I am up to our local club Sunday ride.
It's definitely the recovery time for me that slows me down. I can hold 18-20mph for quite a few miles on the flat, do 13-14 mph up slight gradients (say 1 or 2% over a few miles) and do 25-30mph going down those gradients and yet my average speed is just 15mph. I have noticed on rides that when I climb to the top of a hill I will just stop and let gravity take over, meaning I am going slower at the top and at the start of the descent than I was going up it! If I had some club-mates then I guess I would be forced to just keep pedalling that bit longer.
I do this as well, though I do try to push on, it just depends what effort I have put in the climb. I am also starting to accelerate more into short climbs than I did, which is helping.
I feel a little better with todays performance, even thought he average is still low, but thats in part due to a stretch along a canal. I have my first proper podium place, even though there are only currently 9 riders,
I also got three other p.b.'s the first am pleased with as it's very soon after I set off.
5 2nd best times and 2 3rd best times out of 22 segments on todays ride.


Senior Member
Put a request out on here for local riders looking for riding buddies, you only need a few of you
I think the only person around here who posts on the forum is Brian and he goes out at different times from me and has to stick close to home because of his job. I did sign up for the social cycling part of sky ride but again, hardly anyone around here.

I know what you mean, I still need more training before I am up to our local club Sunday ride.

Yep we have a long way to go. :sad:

I do this as well, though I do try to push on, it just depends what effort I have put in the climb. I am also starting to accelerate more into short climbs than I did, which is helping.
I feel a little better with todays performance, even thought he average is still low, but thats in part due to a stretch along a canal. I have my first proper podium place, even though there are only currently 9 riders,
I also got three other p.b.'s the first am pleased with as it's very soon after I set off.
5 2nd best times and 2 3rd best times out of 22 segments on todays ride.

It's one of those situations where you just want to take a rest but you can't because you're then on the brow of the hill and it's not safe, so you end up just slacking off. I'll just have to make sure I carry on in future.

Just done 7 miles on the turbo trainers (feels like I've done about 20 miles of sprinting on the road). I definitely push myself as hard as I can on that!


Proud Daddy
Yep we have a long way to go. :sad:

I thought this too, but I had less to go than I thought once Id got used to the surges in power. the protection of a large group is enormous. we call it the 'autocar'.

things is, going out not worrying if you get dropped takes off the pressure. Every time you go out youll get dropped later, and eventually youll finish with everyone else. If you get dropped take a short cut back to the start/home.

I did this and now I finish at the front :dance: it took me 6 months to bridge the gap
I think the only person around here who posts on the forum is Brian and he goes out at different times from me and has to stick close to home because of his job. I did sign up for the social cycling part of sky ride but again, hardly anyone around here.
Yep if I am on the coaches I go out mid morning and stay close because they may need me. Weekends are generally family days.
I would really like to ride out round Bredon with you, maybe we will sort something you never know. I think you are much further down the line than me though, my longest is still only 28 miles !
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