Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Just a quick 8.1 mile loop this morning between contracts (avg 15.94) flipped the stem on the T3 and it felt better I think I am going to try a shorter stem. Every ride feels better than the last and I am now enjoying the hills, no in fact I look forward to them, maybe it's time to go back to Saintbury hill !
Just a quick 8.1 mile loop this morning between contracts (avg 15.94) flipped the stem on the T3 and it felt better I think I am going to try a shorter stem. Every ride feels better than the last and I am now enjoying the hills, no in fact I look forward to them, maybe it's time to go back to Saintbury hill !
I wouldn't go as far as enjoy them, but I dont fear them like I used to.


Legendary Member
Suffering from man flu but thought I felt better today, so just done a 10 miler in 42 minutes, feel like I did 110 miles, absolutely cream crackered now
I have stopped using my flattish circuits in favour of the hilly ones. (-;
The things about flat routes is you have to keep working, where as at least you get to rest on hilly ones going down. i am going to try a route similar to one of my early ones without my rear bag and see if that gives an improvement along with what I was doing last month and Oct, I bet I am no quicker. about 40km
The things about flat routes is you have to keep working, where as at least you get to rest on hilly ones going down. i am going to try a route similar to one of my early ones without my rear bag and see if that gives an improvement along with what I was doing last month and Oct, I bet I am no quicker. about 40km
I don't, I pedal madly down hills as well!


Über Member
No ride again today, roads were wet and very salty so just did a little run again instead.
Used the extra time to give the car a good clean.
A cycle would have been better but didn't fancy it with the road conditions and at least I scored a few brownie points with the mrs;)


did a great workout on the treadmill last night, followed by press ups, sit ups, core work and some nice heavy weights for biceps/triceps.
day off today.... lots of errands, dropped a punctured tyre off, hair cut, wash the car, pick up repaired wheel and pick up daughter from college.
hoping to get a ride in tommorow as i have another day off


Über Member
did a great workout on the treadmill last night, followed by press ups, sit ups, core work and some nice heavy weights for biceps/triceps.
day off today.... lots of errands, dropped a punctured tyre off, hair cut, wash the car, pick up repaired wheel and pick up daughter from college.
hoping to get a ride in tommorow as i have another day off

Under advice from my cyclist mate I too have started doing some core exercises on a daily basis (well this is day 2 :boxing:) but I am really struggling with work comittments to get out on the bike, so I need to try and do what I can to improve for the days I can get out. I would love to actually get fitter over the winter...just so I can ride even further when the summer comes round again
Well what can I say, the easiest ride I have had for sometime, less climbing, in the first time in 2 months I have done less than 1000ft. I went over a route or most of one that I did back in Aug, and I am slower, though to be far winds were from about 6-9mph westerly's if the weather data is correct, which probably contributed to my avg dropping below 14mph again, but on the other hand probably helped with two p.b's though one dosn't show on strava, well joint p.b. on this
and a p.b. on this. still bottom but only 5's off now, still along way to go to 3rd place, as only 5 people have done it.
Some of this covered the same roads, though there were no winds.
and todays ride


Under advice from my cyclist mate I too have started doing some core exercises on a daily basis (well this is day 2 :boxing:) but I am really struggling with work comittments to get out on the bike, so I need to try and do what I can to improve for the days I can get out. I would love to actually get fitter over the winter...just so I can ride even further when the summer comes round again

Keep at it mate .... I always struggled at the 2 hours riding and 30 miles point. Sagged all over the bike and couldn't continue.
I'm not a long distance rider yet, but have notched up a couple of 40's and a 51


North Carolina
Did another quick out and back on the flat route today. Still getting Strava sorted out.
Is it weird that I want to do a Strava route that looks like my name or initials? :wacko: These straight lines I am doing are so boring looking. Or Strava art of some sort. That would be real "performance art".:whistle: There has to be someone that does this already. :smile: I think I might do a four leaf clover tomorrow.

This was my ride today, just on my drop bar bike this time, the distances came out exactly the same as on the other bike but altitude was different, before and after the Strava altitude adjustment.
Did another quick out and back on the flat route today. Still getting Strava sorted out.
Is it weird that I want to do a Strava route that looks like my name or initials? :wacko: These straight lines I am doing are so boring looking. Or Strava art of some sort. That would be real "performance art".:whistle: There has to be someone that does this already. :smile: I think I might do a four leaf clover tomorrow.

This was my ride today, just on my drop bar bike this time, the distances came out exactly the same as on the other bike but altitude was different, before and after the Strava altitude adjustment.
You got a better track then i did to start with, mine was all over the place. Have a look at the start of this I have never done anything interesting strava art wise yet.
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