Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Just going up Fryston Road in Castleford, its a 1.3 mile steady climb, even with hi-viz and the cree T6 light on I still wasn't seen, speed at collision was about 7.6mph so nothing very dangerous, I should have responded quicker but was caught wrong footed really as I really didn't expect her to keep coming out of the junction, so shes come out of the junction on the left going turn left, I push myself away from the car but the imbalance coursed me to go over, the woman was very distressed about it, she said (and I have no reason to disbelieve her) that her mind was else where with the fact her grandmother is dying of cancer, ( and before you all start saying she shouldn't be driving, hand on heart and say you have never driven under such circumstances or might in the future), so I ranted a little for the first 30-60 sec's no real damage was done, apart from my time on that section, mind I dont think it would have made much difference today, I could only manage a couple of 2nd best times.
fryston rd2.jpg
You got knocked off? Glad you are ok. Do tell, Nigel.

Only did an 8 today. At work yesterday for 14hours.

Still not happy with my gear set up on the T3.
Why whats wrong, cant stop need to spend time with her in doors.
Glad your OK nigel. Lovely day here today, got out and did 32.3 miles at an average of 15.3. Bit slower than should be for me but it seemed to be mostly uphill for the first 20 and the lack of opportunity to get out in the evenings is deffo taking it's toll. Asked Santa for a turbo trainer, hopefully will be able to get on that enough to keep things going. :rolleyes:
Glad to hear you're ok Nigel.
:ohmy: Glad you're ok Nigel. Must have been quite a shock.
Glad your OK nigel. Lovely day here today, got out and did 32.3 miles at an average of 15.3. Bit slower than should be for me but it seemed to be mostly uphill for the first 20 and the lack of opportunity to get out in the evenings is deffo taking it's toll. Asked Santa for a turbo trainer, hopefully will be able to get on that enough to keep things going. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Andy thats a lot faster than I do.


North Carolina
Nigel I hope you and your bike are ok now. Sorry to hear you got knocked off.

I only got in my 16 mile route today was about 1 MPH faster than I did the same section yesterday. It was included in my 50K ride yesterday. I took off without my gloves and glasses with a small mirror on the lense but I just went ahead anyway. Was a bit windy but I did it at 13.6 MPH today.

I did go to and map out my routes. I haven't really set up anything else on that site yet because I am thinking of getting a Garmin. I did find out the "climb" on this particular route is right at 338 feet, so nothing like some of the rides you have been making. I may start looking around for some rides that require a little more climbing soon.
Nigel I hope you and your bike are ok now. Sorry to hear you got knocked off.

I only got in my 16 mile route today was about 1 MPH faster than I did the same section yesterday. It was included in my 50K ride yesterday. I took off without my gloves and glasses with a small mirror on the lense but I just went ahead anyway. Was a bit windy but I did it at 13.6 MPH today.

I did go to and map out my routes. I haven't really set up anything else on that site yet because I am thinking of getting a Garmin. I did find out the "climb" on this particular route is right at 338 feet, so nothing like some of the rides you have been making. I may start looking around for some rides that require a little more climbing soon.
I am fine, bikes ok and she gave me the money for a new bottle cage.
Theres a wide range of elevation's that sites give you for your rides, strava usually reduces mine by up to 600ft Garmin too, ridewithgps is usually about the same as the gps unit give or take a couple of hundred ft either way, sometimes its quite close like yesterday.
I got my first heckle today "get on the path" this must be the cycling equivalent of the runners "run Forrest run". It's good to see cyclists attract the same sort of original, clever and witty banter as runners. IDIOT!!!
I have never had that one, but other comments, one thing that bugs me is coming up to lights and your slowing down cars just go round you and pull up in front, I just wonder what they think it gains.


Legendary Member
Glad you're ok Nigel. Haven't been out since Friday here. Yesterday morning we had really bad black ice......several road accidents around the town then was visiting my Dad in the afternoon. Been chucking it down all night and still pouring. Would need an amphibike. lol
Glad you're ok Nigel. Haven't been out since Friday here. Yesterday morning we had really bad black ice......several road accidents around the town then was visiting my Dad in the afternoon. Been chucking it down all night and still pouring. Would need an amphibike. lol
Thanks, not so bad here, not off out today though garden to do, mores the pity.


Well-Known Member
Had a crack at the strava BMC'79 challenge yesterday. Got to 68 miles in just under 6 hours, doubling my previous distance record:

Might not have been 79 miles, but I'm very chuffed about beating 50 miles, and then 66 miles. ^_^

Had a great time although it did get a bit chilly on the Southport coast and I didn't set the route up with enough care on the Garmin (ended up doing a couple of wrong turns for 100yds). With a few tweaks it'd be a great route. Plenty of countryside, coast and quiet roads.
Had a crack at the strava BMC'79 challenge yesterday. Got to 68 miles in just under 6 hours, doubling my previous distance record:

Might not have been 79 miles, but I'm very chuffed about beating 50 miles, and then 66 miles. ^_^

Had a great time although it did get a bit chilly on the Southport coast and I didn't set the route up with enough care on the Garmin (ended up doing a couple of wrong turns for 100yds). With a few tweaks it'd be a great route. Plenty of countryside, coast and quiet roads.
I do that, few wrong turns, usually at least one everytime, well done on the mileage and time.


Well-Known Member
I do that, few wrong turns, usually at least one everytime, well done on the mileage and time.

Just a case of not preparing with enough care. I plotted the route with RideWithGPS, but wasn't following the instructions and was clicking too close to junctions. Ta for the congrats, I'm feeling it today! And good to see you're not harmed in your off.
Just a case of not preparing with enough care. I plotted the route with RideWithGPS, but wasn't following the instructions and was clicking too close to junctions. Ta for the congrats, I'm feeling it today! And good to see you're not harmed in your off.
Thanks, I know what you mean. I have started using Sportracks which you can import the tcx course and add turn warnings, summits and valleys adjust the speed (because ridewithgps doesn't get it right for the edge series), it also analyze's your data in ways you wouldn't imagine, it can tell you wind speeds and direction host of other stuff via plugins its not free (well it is to try) but its only $35, some of the plugins are extra to use the full version usually $5-10 or so, there is a course analyser and using this the routes so far this month are twice as difficult as those I did last month (gps data sometimes is not 100% accurate, so I will take some of the results with a pinch of salt, like a 42% max grade). The gps data in Sept I got from an old Nokia 95, did the job but always slow to start up, and the Bryton I used in Sep didn't have a pause feature, so it's really difficult to compare like with like.
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