Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Great news Phil have a great ride.


Out for a 57.8 mile ride today, my most mileage in one go to date as we managed to grab and extra 5mile after the club early ride as we arrived back half hour early, as the pace was that good today.

Also attempted to get the KOM of the segment I got the podium (3rd) place i got last week. Felt good run but missed it by 2secs as I found out when uploaded today's ride.Started off frosty with a couple of ice patches on sides of the roads but the sun soon come out and was a lovely day to ride.Also had an excellent turn out with 16 new riders on today's club runs.

Was going to try and get another 6miles in to get my 1st metric century but my dinner was about ready to be served, so had to get home to keep her indoors happy lol!

Will be out next Saturday on the faster (but not fastest) 9am club ride as feel the social is slightly holding me bike speed wise. Really looking forward to it.


Über Member
well since getting back into this cycling lark i've went from 92kg which is just under 14 and a half stone to 82kg which is just under 13 stone and lost two inches on my waist , average speed is going up and power is also going up still need to work on getting my cadence smooth and even need to get a turbo trainer and do some one leg exercises i think still favouring my right leg


Über Member
Good effort Reece,
I got out for a steady 24 miles yesterday, but feel terrible today so haven't done a stitch today.

Will try to get some kind of work \ life balance back this week and get out at least a couple of times even if only for a quick blast.
My bike is in for its 6 week service on Friday so I aim to ride it back the long way about 27 miles


Active Member
Well after having got my first road bike 3 months ago (although I was pretty fit before that) I today did my first 100km ride.

Have to say that having cycled into the wind all the way there, I was spent when I got back. Still pleased to have hit this years target. Aiming for a 100 miler next year.

Another first first off. Coming round a mini roundabout, not going that fast, but just put the wheel on a painted arrow on the road, and the bike came out from under me. Bike OK, Leg scraped, Pride severely dented. Picked myself up and finished the remaining 7 odd miles, but I need to respect the conditions more.


Über Member
31 miles ridden today taking my weekly total to 92 miles. The most I've done in a week. The total is now 613 miles since 22nd sept.

It wasn't as sunny as the forecast said in Swansea but it was still a great day for a ride. Did everyone else get out?


Great reading these! I got into biking a few months ago after getting on the scales and seeing over 18 stone!
Bought myself a voodoo marasa from Halfords, and despite the grief they get, the bike is great!

Most I've done in one day is 36 miles. Took two and a half hours, which I didn't think was that bad. Most in a weekend is 46.

I have entered a triathlon in may next year, and treated myself to a triban 3 a couple of weeks ago. Have yet to spend any real time on it as have suffered a bad bout of sciatica.

Inspiring to read what's possible on this board.....and I am now down to 15 stone 4. :smile:


Just over here
Not much to say about my ride today apart from I got knocked off, alls well though nothing hurt apart from my bottle cage.
Hope you're ok.

First ride for a week as getting over man flu (sure it was Ebola), just 10k today after fettling my forks, felt like they were actually working, bit more tuning to get them spot on.
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