Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I'm looking forward to tomorrow,. A few of us from the sunday club runs will be doing the faster Saturday run tomorrow. We are riding out with them to the cafe stop then we are taking a different route back than the others to get extra miles in.

This is the route planned

I'll end up nearly doing 75 miles (most yet by about 20miles) with the journey to/from the start/finish point. Will also be doing the early ride sunday to which is the hilly route this week. So my weekend mileage should be just over 100miles.
Good luck, and enjoy
I'll end up nearly doing 75 miles (most yet by about 20miles) with the journey to/from the start/finish point. Will also be doing the early ride sunday to which is the hilly route this week. So my weekend mileage should be just over 100miles.

Wow, good luck and enjoy the rides.
I am a long way off that sort of mileage yet. I am still settling into the T3, it felt like starting again, but it's starting to feel good now and enjoyable ( it hurt at first!) just need to up the mileage when time and the weather allows.


Senior Member
I'm looking forward to tomorrow,. A few of us from the sunday club runs will be doing the faster Saturday run tomorrow. We are riding out with them to the cafe stop then we are taking a different route back than the others to get extra miles in.

This is the route planned

I'll end up nearly doing 75 miles (most yet by about 20miles) with the journey to/from the start/finish point. Will also be doing the early ride sunday to which is the hilly route this week. So my weekend mileage should be just over 100miles.

Looks like you've found a great club there! Glad you're enjoying it, good luck tomorrow with the longer ride. :smile:

Wow, good luck and enjoy the rides.
I am a long way off that sort of mileage yet. I am still settling into the T3, it felt like starting again, but it's starting to feel good now and enjoyable ( it hurt at first!) just need to up the mileage when time and the weather allows.

Don't worry you'll get used to it soon. The weather is a real pain though isn't it? I'm pretty much hemmed in here, Pershore Bridge is shut, Fladbury is shut, the Eckington to Bredon road is shut etc. Took me almost two hours to get home last night when it normally only takes 1 hour.

Anyway because of that I decided to work at home today and I decided to go for a ride as on Saturday we are going to get another 24 hours of continuous rainfall which will mean everywhere is even more flooded on Sunday!

Lost a bit of time because of flooded roads and sand/silt on the roads etc but not a bad ride nevertheless.


Well forecast doesn't look to bad for me, but may get some rain towards the end. Fingers crossed.

Know what you mean Brian about settling into the road bike. Mine took a few rides with some tweaks and fettling. Much prefer it to my MTB now lol.
Just keep plugging away it does get better, honest.
You sure. When.
Just an update, I might be slower even than last month, but so far on average, I am 5 miles further and 270ft extra climb per ride, 38 miles as opposed to 32.96 miles, and 1894ft against 1617ft, so I can forgive myself for being 12.78mph avg opposed to 13.4mph last month. I think.


Legendary Member
Did my first proper ride today. 25 miles around the south of Leicester, nearly killed me. Had to walk up two hills I was that knackered. I have been biking to work for a few years (6.5 miles each way only one hill on the way home) but this was on a different level for me. Still managed a 13.9 mile per hour average.

Going to try and create a flatter route for next weekend!
Did my first proper ride today. 25 miles around the south of Leicester, nearly killed me. Had to walk up two hills I was that knackered. I have been biking to work for a few years (6.5 miles each way only one hill on the way home) but this was on a different level for me. Still managed a 13.9 mile per hour average.

Going to try and create a flatter route for next weekend!
Well done, just keep trying the hills till you get up it, once you have you always will. I wanted to give up on one yesterday ( I haven't been to well) but I did it, its nothing major, but it is a little steep, also messed up going into it, so had no momentum, I have done it 43's quicker. 130ft in 0.4 mile avg grade 5.1%


Über Member
I had the bike serviced yesterday ( but had to pick it up in the car due to lack of time) so another bad week for miles.
I only had a spare hour to ride so got a quick 14 miles in today. I did have a go at hill training this morning but I didn't count that as millage ...more of a near death experience than anything else. So off I went with someone MUCH fitter than myself to the bottom of, what is to me, a steep hill. Cycled to the top turned around down the hill along the flat bit next to the river for about 1/2 a mile turn around then repeat - sounds like fun eh? Well after 3 or 4 goes at this I was ready to throw up while my mate kept giving me motivational speeches as he flew past me!!!
I did only have to walk on the last one (hill rep 5) which I thought was really good cos tbh I didn't think I could climb that hill more than once in a day so 4 times in a row is good for me.
So when I went out for 14 miles a couple of hours later I thought my legs would be gone, but to my surprise I felt pretty good although the burn arrived fairly quick on some of the climbs.

So I have a new plan....
Short and fast rides, I am going to try and get out for about 10 -15 miles and go at what I consider to be a fast pace. I realise I just don't have the time over the winter and I was thinking too much about milage, but I will try to get out even if it only for 20 mins. That still better than nothing! and to show what a glutten for punishment I am I have arranged to go out again once a week and hill climb with my (so called) mate :crazy:


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Have not ridden a bike for around 10 years due to climbing accident - everything fixed now (apart from 1 minor finger op' due).

Took delivery of Giant TCX 1 early last week. Feels much quicker than my mountain bikes of yesteryear.

Have registered with mycyclinglog so I can keep track of what I am doing. Have set up 5 routes (not many miles) which I will rotate around for the next 3 months doing 2 of the routes each week.. Will then have a rethink re routes/frequency etc.

First 2 rides (same route as I hadn't thought out my little plan at that stage) were very easy. The route had a couple of short sharp hills.and were 7.5 miles long me finishing with a just under 12 mph average.

Although these were very easy to manage - didn't sweat, didn't get out of breath, didn't try hard at all my backside was just starting to get slightly uncomfortable near the end.

I am concentrating on short regular rides until cycling once again becomes part of my life.


Have not ridden a bike for around 10 years due to climbing accident - everything fixed now (apart from 1 minor finger op' due).

Took delivery of Giant TCX 1 early last week. Feels much quicker than my mountain bikes of yesteryear.

Have registered with mycyclinglog so I can keep track of what I am doing. Have set up 5 routes (not many miles) which I will rotate around for the next 3 months doing 2 of the routes each week.. Will then have a rethink re routes/frequency etc.

First 2 rides (same route as I hadn't thought out my little plan at that stage) were very easy. The route had a couple of short sharp hills.and were 7.5 miles long me finishing with a just under 12 mph average.

Although these were very easy to manage - didn't sweat, didn't get out of breath, didn't try hard at all my backside was just starting to get slightly uncomfortable near the end.

I am concentrating on short regular rides until cycling once again becomes part of my life.
Welcome aboard Spokey. You'll be surprised how quick you make progress and plenty of motivation and encouragement on this thread.
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