Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Cheers Nigel.
I am settling in to drop bars again for the first time in twenty years and its sort of stalled me, I've also been very busy at work this week, but I will get there!
it will come back, mind after all this time I still only use the drops in very strong wind.
Thats one advantage/disadvantage I have, the work thing.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
Well I finally got round to doing a 100km ride, nothing amazing about the time as I took a few breaks, 63.11 mm=iles in 4:53:26 avg 12.9 elev gained 2567ft.
Strava is a little different. 100km ride 3 p.b's too. Quite pleased with this Levithagg hairpin for a first time on it, though I doubt I will do it again, and if I do I dont think I will be any quicker.
I have just seen this, I am a little chuffed as this was at 47 miles into the ride. Gravelhill Lane
and the first thing her in doors said was can you do some beans on toast.
Just one more thing, less than 350 miles to go for my set target of 3000 miles since the end of June to the end of Dec.

crikey i thought i was doing well as i approached 1000 miles for my first year!
crikey i thought i was doing well as i approached 1000 miles for my first year!
Thanks Dave, I do have a lot of time so that isn't the issue, though my speeds still arn't anything to shout about, though having said that, this 27.53 mile section I did at 13.8mph (this section started at 24.51 miles from the start to 7.26 miles from the end), I also had a 7.24 mile section at 14.4mph avg .
27.53 miles avg 13.8mph.jpg


Well-Known Member
Missed getting my KOM back on Strava by 19 seconds today. Still I took 1m 9s off my best time and with a strong headwind on the return loop I know I can win it back on a not so windy day - to the current KOM, I am coming for you !!!! ^_^


Senior Member
Blimey, well done on 100km Nigel. :ohmy: That's still a long way off for me I think. Perhaps if I get more time to cycle regularly over Christmas I will feel more up to it then.

So it's been another hectic week for me, so much so that I didn't have time to eat beyond breakfast at 5:30am yesterday, apart from a packet of crisps around lunchtime. When I got home I was just too tired to eat and went to bed at 9pm. Got up earlyish this morning and decided to go for a ride but I realised it probably wouldn't be too smart to plan a really long ride given the calorie deficit of the previous day and not having ridden since Sunday. Plus during the week a new shorter stem arrived, which I had ordered as I felt stretched on the bike. So I thought a nice 23 miler would be for the best, to get used to the new feel of the bike:

The weather is dreadful today plus the roads are flooded and caked in mud so I got filthy. The lycra is in the washing machine now, ready for tomorrow's ride as supposedly it's going to be sunny!
Blimey, well done on 100km Nigel. :ohmy: That's still a long way off for me I think. Perhaps if I get more time to cycle regularly over Christmas I will feel more up to it then.

So it's been another hectic week for me, so much so that I didn't have time to eat beyond breakfast at 5:30am yesterday, apart from a packet of crisps around lunchtime. When I got home I was just too tired to eat and went to bed at 9pm. Got up earlyish this morning and decided to go for a ride but I realised it probably wouldn't be too smart to plan a really long ride given the calorie deficit of the previous day and not having ridden since Sunday. Plus during the week a new shorter stem arrived, which I had ordered as I felt stretched on the bike. So I thought a nice 23 miler would be for the best, to get used to the new feel of the bike:

The weather is dreadful today plus the roads are flooded and caked in mud so I got filthy. The lycra is in the washing machine now, ready for tomorrow's ride as supposedly it's going to be sunny!
Well done Nigel, 100km is a long way.
The funny thing is though it might be a long way, and apart from it hurting toward the end, it really didn't seem that long apart from the passage of time.
The weather was an influence on me doing it yesterday, also my group therapy had a week off (so I had an hour and half extra, than I usually do on my Friday runs), so I thought lets go for it. garmin was a bit iffy to start with, so the track is all over the place, also at some point I lost 20m or in elevation.


Über Member
Completed a great 34 mile ride today at an average of 13.7mph. I'm finding the longer rides easier and my Strava times are tending to be in the top half of the recorded times. I'm also averaging over 80 miles per week over the last month since buying the Roubaix. Tomorrow I should weigh in below 21st for the first time for a few years.

All in all it's going well :biggrin:
Nice one Phil, keep it up.


Über Member
Completed a great 34 mile ride today at an average of 13.7mph. I'm finding the longer rides easier and my Strava times are tending to be in the top half of the recorded times. I'm also averaging over 80 miles per week over the last month since buying the Roubaix. Tomorrow I should weigh in below 21st for the first time for a few years.

All in all it's going well :biggrin:

Well done Phil, good luck at the weigh in and let us know how the weight loss is going.
Mind you doing around 80 miles a week will sure help the pounds drop off


North Carolina
I just got in a 31.6 mile ride (50k ;)) in two and a half hours. I was riding into a headwind a lot on this route but I still felt great after having been off the bike for 4 days.

I went to my blood pressure Dr. yesterday and my blood pressure is now down to a level that is not making him quite as nervous as before.(140/88 so still a little ways to go) Now he is telling me "you know you can die if you quit taking your medicine". So now I guess we must be making progress.:rolleyes: I did reassure him that I would never quit taking my medicine unless I talked to him first. ^_^

Getting all this blood pressure and weight stuff under control would be much harder to do without the bikes. The bikes would be harder to do without some of the motivation from here. Some really great rides by the folks here lately. Nice work.
I just got in a 31.6 mile ride (50k ;)) in two and a half hours. I was riding into a headwind a lot on this route but I still felt great after having been off the bike for 4 days.

I went to my blood pressure Dr. yesterday and my blood pressure is now down to a level that is not making him quite as nervous as before.(140/88 so still a little ways to go) Now he is telling me "you know you can die if you quit taking your medicine". So now I guess we must be making progress.:rolleyes: I did reassure him that I would never quit taking my medicine unless I talked to him first. ^_^

Getting all this blood pressure and weight stuff under control would be much harder to do without the bikes. The bikes would be harder to do without some of the motivation from here. Some really great rides by the folks here lately. Nice work.
Great work, really glad to hear things are improving.


I just got in a 31.6 mile ride (50k ;)) in two and a half hours. I was riding into a headwind a lot on this route but I still felt great after having been off the bike for 4 days.

I went to my blood pressure Dr. yesterday and my blood pressure is now down to a level that is not making him quite as nervous as before.(140/88 so still a little ways to go) Now he is telling me "you know you can die if you quit taking your medicine". So now I guess we must be making progress.:rolleyes: I did reassure him that I would never quit taking my medicine unless I talked to him first. ^_^

Getting all this blood pressure and weight stuff under control would be much harder to do without the bikes. The bikes would be harder to do without some of the motivation from here. Some really great rides by the folks here lately. Nice work.
Great news and glad everything's on the up and improving.
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