Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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About 15 months ago I bought a Carrera Subway bike with a view to losing some weight (was 17 stone) and getting a bit fitter. A bad back and hernia operation plus general laziness saw the bike languish in the shed until June this year. Had a blood pressure check and the doctor removed the first cuff muttering "must be faulty" and tried another. My BP was unbelievably high. As well as being prescribed some drugs to lower it we discussed exercise, lifestyle, diet etc.

So out came the bike. First attempt lasted 3 miles on the flat and I honestly thought I was not long for this world. Couldn't breath and my legs were so wobbly I thought somebody had stolen my leg bones. I felt dreadful. To cut a long story short I started eating healthier food and kept at the cycling. A few weeks in and I will never forget it, I was puffing and grunting my way up what I thought was Mount Snowdon, in first gear when a couple of rascals in a Corsa passed me and shouted out "go on, give it some spacehopper". How rude - but true.

I have gradually increased my distance out to 38 miles, my best to date. Regularly doing 25 milers and trying to do 60 - 70 miles per week. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Still need to shift a bit of timber but now down to 14.5 stone. I can ride up hills that used to strike dread into me (ok, I realise that compared to some places its hardly mountainous here in Romford but Shepherds hill made me shake like a sh*tting dog). I have been places that the old hydrid probably should not have been ridden, ankle deep in water when the Ingerbourne valley floods (often) and axle deep in mud when I have got lost on trails (even more often). And this is what I love, roads and trails, getting out whenever I can.
And now, a few weeks from a big birthday Mrs Silly has agreed to let me have a new steed. My LBS has a Surly Crosscheck frame on order for me and will spec the bike up to my budget. Can't wait.
oh and as for "spacehopper hill", I ride it regularly and chuckle to myself every time. Now rather than first gear I cruise up in 4th and sometimes 5th.
One day I may even do lycra.

Absolutely fantastic story this!


About 15 months ago I bought a Carrera Subway bike with a view to losing some weight (was 17 stone) and getting a bit fitter. A bad back and hernia operation plus general laziness saw the bike languish in the shed until June this year. Had a blood pressure check and the doctor removed the first cuff muttering "must be faulty" and tried another. My BP was unbelievably high. As well as being prescribed some drugs to lower it we discussed exercise, lifestyle, diet etc.

So out came the bike. First attempt lasted 3 miles on the flat and I honestly thought I was not long for this world. Couldn't breath and my legs were so wobbly I thought somebody had stolen my leg bones. I felt dreadful. To cut a long story short I started eating healthier food and kept at the cycling. A few weeks in and I will never forget it, I was puffing and grunting my way up what I thought was Mount Snowdon, in first gear when a couple of rascals in a Corsa passed me and shouted out "go on, give it some spacehopper". How rude - but true.

I have gradually increased my distance out to 38 miles, my best to date. Regularly doing 25 milers and trying to do 60 - 70 miles per week. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Still need to shift a bit of timber but now down to 14.5 stone. I can ride up hills that used to strike dread into me (ok, I realise that compared to some places its hardly mountainous here in Romford but Shepherds hill made me shake like a sh*tting dog). I have been places that the old hydrid probably should not have been ridden, ankle deep in water when the Ingerbourne valley floods (often) and axle deep in mud when I have got lost on trails (even more often). And this is what I love, roads and trails, getting out whenever I can.
And now, a few weeks from a big birthday Mrs Silly has agreed to let me have a new steed. My LBS has a Surly Crosscheck frame on order for me and will spec the bike up to my budget. Can't wait.
oh and as for "spacehopper hill", I ride it regularly and chuckle to myself every time. Now rather than first gear I cruise up in 4th and sometimes 5th.
One day I may even do lycra.
Great story, and on the lycra just do it. I was always concerned about what people would think but now I don't care, and on club runs I reckon I'd feel out of place not wearing lycra lol.
Just come back from 27.2 mile route, the farthest so far for me.
Feeling quite pleased with myself.
5 hours later and my knees are aching a lot, looking forward to a hot soak in the tub.

I have a cycling rest tomorrow as I am working a 13 hour shift.

I can't believe I am telling you this but,
I am sat here with one of the kids hot water bottles on my Knees and its heavenly !


Senior Member
Wow, some great achievements today guys. Well done! :smile:

As it's half-term I finished work early (well everyone with kids was, so it was really in the interests of equal opportunities :whistle:) and did my training route.
Was very windy and cold but it was nice to cycle under blue skies for once!
Wow, some great achievements today guys. Well done! :smile:

As it's half-term I finished work early (well everyone with kids was, so it was really in the interests of equal opportunities :whistle:) and did my training route.
Was very windy and cold but it was nice to cycle under blue skies for once!
Nice one James, I did 40 miles today though it was broken up by an appointment this morning and then a little shopping, Rothwell I managed one P.B., and like you James I too suffered with the wind.
Total for the wk so far,

The highlights indicated its in the top three for its category


Senior Member
Nice one James, I did 40 miles today though it was broken up by an appointment this morning and then a little shopping, Rothwell I managed one P.B., and like you James I too suffered with the wind.
Total for the wk so far, View attachment 14659

The highlights indicated its in the top three for its category

Well done Nigel! The amount you cycle is really amazing. 40+ miles a day and 2000+ feet, on average :ohmy:
Last Sunday after struggling to do 5.5 miles I joked that my first 20 miler wasn't many weeks away, I was wrong, it was only 6 days away!

Went out with aim to do 15 miles this morning but after reaching that target I thought I'd just try for 20.
Nice one Lee, a K.O.M. as well.

My first ride in June was8.53 miles, my next was 18.2 then 29.76 on the 23/25/27 June the first 2 were below 10mph the third at 11.2 but that one was pretty flat.

Well done Nigel! The amount you cycle is really amazing. 40+ miles a day and 2000+ feet, on average :ohmy:
Thanks, yea that 2000ft killing my speed lol, not that its fast anyway.
Agreed. This is a benchmark for me, or at least it will be when I get my ruddy bike fixed (and my knee!) lol

Well done Nigel, great progress :becool:
Thanks Chris, hope your well enough to ride soon.
I have found the cycling has increase the strength in my knee (right), I had a compression injury to the leg several years ago, it stills bothers me and whilst cycling it the one that hurts, and sometimes i get an acute pain in the knee, though it goes if I easy up a little for a while.
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