Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
I will be signing up for next April's Shakespeare 100 any day now, this was and has always been my motovator. Cheers for the original idea Colin.

That's the one I'm going to sign up for too. I feel I kind of have to as I drive past the starting point every day on my commute!

I would like to plan more but they're always so far away and so early in the morning. I'm not a morning person so I'm sure as hell not an exercise in the morning person! Its rare I start a ride before 1pm, almost never start before midday. Although I'll have to if I want to do longer rides now the clocks have gone back.
That's the one I'm going to sign up for too. I feel I kind of have to as I drive past the starting point every day on my commute!

I would like to plan more but they're always so far away and so early in the morning. I'm not a morning person so I'm sure as hell not an exercise in the morning person! Its rare I start a ride before 1pm, almost never start before midday. Although I'll have to if I want to do longer rides now the clocks have gone back.
Same as me, though I am getting a new light next wk.


Senior Member
Registration is now open at;

I am in ! Just need to keep up this training and get up to the distance.p

And you need the Triban3 !

Oh dear, no excuse for me not to sign up now then!

No, you need the Triban 3. ;) I've just been using mine on the turbo trainer actually. It's great being able to go at your own pace and warm up and down properly, rather than having to adapt to the conditions of the road. I've ordered a front wheel raiser because right now it feels like I'm permanently cycling downhill which is weird when you're pedalling hard. I'll post a proper review of it in a few days when I've had a few good goes but so far so good. :biggrin:
Bad week. Baaaaad, bad week. Gear cables snapped after two miles of first ride, not had time to replace it due to stupid working hours (although i will change the lot when I get a minute), pulled my lower back as a result of said long working hours and cold weather and now there is a horrid creak coming from the crank area! Oh and all of a sudden i have a sharp pain on the back of my knee! I'm 34, surely I'm too young to be falling to bits! Aaaaaaaagh! I start to make progress after a short while off the bike and now I'm set back again! Talk about one step forward! :rolleyes:

Other than that just wanted to say well done for all your progress this week, it's nice to read stories that, despite my sh!tter of a week, continue to inspire me!


Bad week. Baaaaad, bad week. Gear cables snapped after two miles of first ride, not had time to replace it due to stupid working hours (although i will change the lot when I get a minute), pulled my lower back as a result of said long working hours and cold weather and now there is a horrid creak coming from the crank area! Oh and all of a sudden i have a sharp pain on the back of my knee! I'm 34, surely I'm too young to be falling to bits! Aaaaaaaagh! I start to make progress after a short while off the bike and now I'm set back again! Talk about one step forward! :rolleyes:

Other than that just wanted to say well done for all your progress this week, it's nice to read stories that, despite my sh!tter of a week, continue to inspire me!
Hope you feel we'll soon mate.

Also my gear cable snapped on my old bike on Wednesday. Never had any issues with it, then when I give it the once over the front derailleur cable snaps 10mins before the guy comes to buy it lol.

Hoping I won't have to change bar tape as well as my cables are hidden underneath it. Hope I can just slip the inner out leaving the outer in situ.
Hope you feel we'll soon mate.

Also my gear cable snapped on my old bike on Wednesday. Never had any issues with it, then when I give it the once over the front derailleur cable snaps 10mins before the guy comes to buy it lol.

Hoping I won't have to change bar tape as well as my cables are hidden underneath it. Hope I can just slip the inner out leaving the outer in situ.

Thanks! Back trouble is part and parcel of my job so it comes with the territory (jointing cables for the electricity board). As for the knee, that's more worrying......

To be fair it had been fraying for a while and I forgot about it, plus I tensioned it up a few weeks back as it was just skipping the smallest cog, it's ready for a service anyway so I'll get all the bits one day next week and give it a going over. As for the crank creak, which tends to occur under load, it might be something or nothing, though as it was a sudden occurrence I suspect a bearing or something in the bottom bracket? (I'm no mechanic so don't know for sure)

It sounds like Sods law with your gear cable on your old bike, that would've probably happened to me if I was in your position, such is my luck lately lol!

Would you not change the outers as well then?
Bad week. Baaaaad, bad week. Gear cables snapped after two miles of first ride, not had time to replace it due to stupid working hours (although i will change the lot when I get a minute), pulled my lower back as a result of said long working hours and cold weather and now there is a horrid creak coming from the crank area! Oh and all of a sudden i have a sharp pain on the back of my knee! I'm 34, surely I'm too young to be falling to bits! Aaaaaaaagh! I start to make progress after a short while off the bike and now I'm set back again! Talk about one step forward! :rolleyes:

Other than that just wanted to say well done for all your progress this week, it's nice to read stories that, despite my sh!tter of a week, continue to inspire me!
Chin up, Cables can be replaced, Knees can be rested and work won't always get in the way and yes you are way too young to start falling to bits !


If it was my main bike I'd change outers but as I'm selling it, changing the outers would mean changing the bar tape due to the way the cables are routed underneath the tape. The bikes only selling for £90 so would like to keep costs down.


Well-Known Member
Just back from an 18.6 miler which includes a 4.3 mile loop around a nature reserve. As it isn't suitable for roadies the Strava segment hasn't been ridden by a huge amount of people and after riding it for the first time the other day I was a minute down on the leader.

It contains two air-lock type gates and around 8 width restrictions that cannot be cycled through (in place to stop motorcycles being brought onto the reserve). Today I decided that on each restriction I would stay on the bike, turn the bars sideways and squeeze my shoulders through and I would just lift the bike over the fences instead of wasting time with the gates. It was fairly windy but not many peds or other cyclists around so I thought I would give it a good go.

Result - took 1m 10s off my time and took the KOM award by 10 seconds - my first ever KOM !!!!! I also had 3 segment PBs elsewhere on the ride so a very productive day !
About 15 months ago I bought a Carrera Subway bike with a view to losing some weight (was 17 stone) and getting a bit fitter. A bad back and hernia operation plus general laziness saw the bike languish in the shed until June this year. Had a blood pressure check and the doctor removed the first cuff muttering "must be faulty" and tried another. My BP was unbelievably high. As well as being prescribed some drugs to lower it we discussed exercise, lifestyle, diet etc.

So out came the bike. First attempt lasted 3 miles on the flat and I honestly thought I was not long for this world. Couldn't breath and my legs were so wobbly I thought somebody had stolen my leg bones. I felt dreadful. To cut a long story short I started eating healthier food and kept at the cycling. A few weeks in and I will never forget it, I was puffing and grunting my way up what I thought was Mount Snowdon, in first gear when a couple of rascals in a Corsa passed me and shouted out "go on, give it some spacehopper". How rude - but true.

I have gradually increased my distance out to 38 miles, my best to date. Regularly doing 25 milers and trying to do 60 - 70 miles per week. I cannot believe how much better I feel. Still need to shift a bit of timber but now down to 14.5 stone. I can ride up hills that used to strike dread into me (ok, I realise that compared to some places its hardly mountainous here in Romford but Shepherds hill made me shake like a sh*tting dog). I have been places that the old hydrid probably should not have been ridden, ankle deep in water when the Ingerbourne valley floods (often) and axle deep in mud when I have got lost on trails (even more often). And this is what I love, roads and trails, getting out whenever I can.
And now, a few weeks from a big birthday Mrs Silly has agreed to let me have a new steed. My LBS has a Surly Crosscheck frame on order for me and will spec the bike up to my budget. Can't wait.
oh and as for "spacehopper hill", I ride it regularly and chuckle to myself every time. Now rather than first gear I cruise up in 4th and sometimes 5th.
One day I may even do lycra.
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