Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
That explains it then. Still never realised I had that KOM lol!

Armchair KOM's, can't beat 'em!


Senior Member
Well done on the 70 miler and the really excellent average speed. :bravo:

Not sure what to suggest about back ache though. I get it on rides over 40 miles, which is why I haven't done one since November. I do have an existing lower back problem though. Perhaps stretching mid ride would help?
Well I just went out on the Focus and even though I felt like crap for some reason I got the bit between my teeth and just went for it. Achieved my first 18mph average, 18.6 in fact.

For the first time since I got my garmin in January I forgot to wear my heart rate monitor though. :rolleyes: The one time I'd really like to see my data as well!
Thats the way of it, did the same last week.
Well done on the 70 miler and the really excellent average speed. :bravo:

Not sure what to suggest about back ache though. I get it on rides over 40 miles, which is why I haven't done one since November. I do have an existing lower back problem though. Perhaps stretching mid ride would help?

Thanks! :smile:

Haha, yeah that's what the two 5 minutes stops on that ride were for, having a quick stretch. I'm not keen on stopping mid-ride though, I find my muscles get cold quickly.


Senior Member
Thanks! :smile:

Haha, yeah that's what the two 5 minutes stops on that ride were for, having a quick stretch. I'm not keen on stopping mid-ride though, I find my muscles get cold quickly.

Yeah I know what you mean, I try and stop for less than a few minutes or it's really hard work once I start again. I find long gradual inclines are a good opportunity to stretch, as I shift to the back of the saddle, sit up and stretch out. I just wish I was confident enough to take both hands off the handlebars or it'd be even easier to stretch!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Thanks! :smile:

Haha, yeah that's what the two 5 minutes stops on that ride were for, having a quick stretch. I'm not keen on stopping mid-ride though, I find my muscles get cold quickly.

Massively this. If I keep going I'm fine, but the only time I really found myself struggling was on a ride with 2 extended stops. The first hill after the second stop I felt like I was going backwards!

Lovely pic Phil.

Great ride Peter, I can only dream of 18 mph average speed on any distance, let alone 70 miles!


Senior Member
Did my longest ride at 70 miles. The last 20 were really, really hard, but I'm happy that I managed it!

Does anybody have any advice about back ache? I get it quite bad on longer rides. :/

This is pretty impressive and the reason I love this forum, gives me great inspiration ;)

With back pain you'll have to troubleshoot the problem first and see if you can eliminate the cause. Is it core muscle weakness that can be solved with some taining, pressure points that can be relieved with adjustments to the bike's geometry or a bike fit, spinal issues, etc.? For me it was purely core muscles weakness and the pain dissapeared once I lost some weight and trained the core muscles for a few months.


Legendary Member
Did my longest ride at 70 miles. The last 20 were really, really hard, but I'm happy that I managed it!

Does anybody have any advice about back ache? I get it quite bad on longer rides. :/
Well done. Impressive miles. Sorry to hear you are a fellow back sufferer. I have been bothered with a niggly back most of my life and, due to not having much faith in doctors for back problems, have always just put up with it. Losing weight has helped but it always gets sore with any extended activity be it cycling, bending down to wash the car, garden, etc.

I think as others have said, stretches and core exercises along with a good bike fit should help.

PS Just looked back at some of your rides and I am even more impressed. You seem to have started at an average most of us are trying to reach. You obviously have some great talent :thumbsup:


Did my longest ride at 70 miles. The last 20 were really, really hard, but I'm happy that I managed it!

Does anybody have any advice about back ache? I get it quite bad on longer rides. :/
Nice one on the ride.

Stretching every so many miles is good. I usually get aching shoulders and neck. I just roll my shoulders and neck while riding which helps. I've also found since going to the gym for the last 14 weeks doing basic strength workouts I get the aches a lot less as my muscles have become stronger.


sutton coldfield
Nice one mate.

Sun is shining here in Leicester, but I'm stuck in packing for holiday tomorrow, then got to go visit my mum later. Hopefully get out this evening for a quick few miles, then a week out of the saddle while I'm in Weymouth.

Hopefully get out later as well been roped in to do the gardening later :rolleyes: least i'll be out in the sun. Like you say hopefully you'll get out later though and have a good time in weymouth :thumbsup:
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