Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Attempting my first 300km tomorrow...can't say I'm looking forward to it! Only did my first 200km a few weeks ago... hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew (again)

That is just mental lol. Best of luck!!
That doesn't matter, i'm half drunk and have no eye for artistic merit but i like music so i noticed it.
Just for you.
toggle switches.jpg


North Carolina
I went out to ride one of the country roads I checked out in my truck last weekend. It is getting warm here now and staying out of the sun is going to be a priority very soon. This road is excellent, decent pavement and very tall trees close to the road. I was able to get a fifty mile ride in, mainly using the one road I went down and back. There are many others just like it in that immediate area. I can also get to them without having to deal with much traffic, at about any time of day.

I am happy, I didn't even have any run ins with any dogs, but I did forget my mp3 player, so the horses I passed got a little conversation. With it being warm here now, I underestimated my water supply, I only took one bottle. I will be adding some more bottle cages to my bikes now. :smile:


Legendary Member
I went out to ride one of the country roads I checked out in my truck last weekend. It is getting warm here now and staying out of the sun is going to be a priority very soon. This road is excellent, decent pavement and very tall trees close to the road. I was able to get a fifty mile ride in, mainly using the one road I went down and back. There are many others just like it in that immediate area. I can also get to them without having to deal with much traffic, at about any time of day.

I am happy, I didn't even have any run ins with any dogs, but I did forget my mp3 player, so the horses I passed got a little conversation. With it being warm here now, I underestimated my water supply, I only took one bottle. I will be adding some more bottle cages to my bikes now. :smile:
Sounds like a great ride Rocky. Well done. You certainly seem to be blessed with lovely quiet roads that are in good condition.

Yes, if it is warming up you will need to be careful with the fluid intake.
That's awesome but i sense trickery.


Senior Member
In visiting a friend in Norway at the moment and all I can say is thank god I don't have to cycle around here. Saw a few cyclists grinding up a hill that looked like a proper instrument of torture. Utterly beautiful but a place designed to kill cyclists.


Legendary Member
Need to do 38 miles this weekend to hit 300 miles for the week, so decided to knock off 18 of them this morning and the do the rest tomorrow on a pootle with our lass. Got up, quite windy but dry, so took the road bike out. Getting on the road bike after a weeks commuting on the hybrid in the rain was like getting out of a Robin Reliant and into a Rolls Royce. Ending up doing just over 40 miles, most into the wind and racked a load of PB's. Saw probably a dozen other cyclists out, despite the wind it is quite warm, or may be that was just me generating heat via my epic work rate, then again probably not.


Legendary Member
I went out to ride one of the country roads I checked out in my truck last weekend. It is getting warm here now and staying out of the sun is going to be a priority very soon. This road is excellent, decent pavement and very tall trees close to the road. I was able to get a fifty mile ride in, mainly using the one road I went down and back. There are many others just like it in that immediate area. I can also get to them without having to deal with much traffic, at about any time of day.

I am happy, I didn't even have any run ins with any dogs, but I did forget my mp3 player, so the horses I passed got a little conversation. With it being warm here now, I underestimated my water supply, I only took one bottle. I will be adding some more bottle cages to my bikes now. :smile:

Good ride that Rocky, you aren't half racking up the mileage this month :thumbsup:
Need to do 38 miles this weekend to hit 300 miles for the week, so decided to knock off 18 of them this morning and the do the rest tomorrow on a pootle with our lass. Got up, quite windy but dry, so took the road bike out. Getting on the road bike after a weeks commuting on the hybrid in the rain was like getting out of a Robin Reliant and into a Rolls Royce. Ending up doing just over 40 miles, most into the wind and racked a load of PB's. Saw probably a dozen other cyclists out, despite the wind it is quite warm, or may be that was just me generating heat via my epic work rate, then again probably not.
That's a beast of a ride, good work. I really enjoyed myself out there too today, the legs felt like they were nuclear powered for some reason. Must be something in the air. Would have stayed out longer if real life wasn't getting in the way.
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